using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

namespace MoreMountains.Tools
	/// <summary>
	/// You can add this class to a slider in your UI and it'll let you control a target Track volume
	/// via the MMSoundManager
	/// </summary>
	public class MMSoundManagerTrackVolumeSlider :  MonoBehaviour, 
		/// <summary>
		/// The possible modes this slider can be in
		/// - Read : the slider will move to reflect the volume of the track
		/// - Write : the value of the slider will be applied to the volume of the track
		/// This slider can also listen for events (mute, unmute, fade, volume change) and automatically switch to read mode
		/// if one is caught. This means that most of the time, the slider is in write mode, and switches to read mode only
		/// when needed, to be always accurate
		/// </summary>
		public enum Modes { Read, Write }
		[Header("Track Volume Settings")]
		/// The track to change volume on
		[Tooltip("The track to change volume on")]
		public MMSoundManager.MMSoundManagerTracks Track;
		/// The volume to apply to the track when the slider is at its minimum
		[Tooltip("The volume to apply to the track when the slider is at its minimum")]
		public float MinVolume = 0f;
		/// The volume to apply to the track when the slider is at its maximum
		[Tooltip("The volume to apply to the track when the slider is at its maximum")]
		public float MaxVolume = 1f;
		[Header("Read/Write Mode")]
		/// in read mode, the value of the slider will be applied to the volume of the track. in read mode, the slider will move to reflect the volume of the track
		[Tooltip("in read mode, the value of the slider will be applied to the volume of the track. in read mode, the slider will move to reflect the volume of the track")]
		public Modes Mode = Modes.Write;
		/// if this is true, the slider will automatically switch to read mode for the required duration when a track fade event is caught
		[Tooltip("if this is true, the slider will automatically switch to read mode for the required duration when a track fade event is caught")]
		public bool ChangeModeOnTrackFade = true;
		/// if this is true, the slider will automatically switch to read mode for the required duration when a track mute event is caught
		[Tooltip("if this is true, the slider will automatically switch to read mode for the required duration when a track mute event is caught")]
		public bool ChangeModeOnMute = true;
		/// if this is true, the slider will automatically switch to read mode for the required duration when a track unmute event is caught
		[Tooltip("if this is true, the slider will automatically switch to read mode for the required duration when a track unmute event is caught")]
		public bool ChangeModeOnUnmute = true;
		/// if this is true, the slider will automatically switch to read mode for the required duration when a track volume change event is caught
		[Tooltip("if this is true, the slider will automatically switch to read mode for the required duration when a track volume change event is caught")]
		public bool ChangeModeOnTrackVolumeChange = false;
		/// when switching automatically (and temporarily) to Read Mode, the minimum duration the slider will remain in that mode
		[Tooltip("when switching automatically (and temporarily) to Read Mode, the minimum duration the slider will remain in that mode")]
		public float ModeSwitchBufferTime = 0.1f;

		protected Slider _slider;
		protected Modes _resetToMode;
		protected bool _resetNeeded = false;
		protected float _resetTimestamp;
		/// <summary>
		/// On awake we cache our slider
		/// </summary>
		protected virtual void Awake()
			_slider = this.gameObject.GetComponent<Slider>();

		/// <summary>
		/// On late update, we update our slider's value if in read mode, and reset our mode if needed
		/// </summary>
		protected virtual void LateUpdate()
			if (Mode == Modes.Read)
				float trackVolume = MMSoundManager.Instance.GetTrackVolume(Track, false);
				_slider.value = trackVolume; 	

			if (_resetNeeded && (Time.unscaledTime >= _resetTimestamp))
				Mode = _resetToMode;
				_resetNeeded = false;

		/// <summary>
		/// A public method you can use to switch to read mode for a limited time, resetting to write after that
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="duration"></param>
		public virtual void ChangeModeToRead(float duration)
			_resetToMode = Modes.Write;
			Mode = Modes.Read;
			_resetTimestamp = Time.unscaledTime + duration;
			_resetNeeded = true;

		/// <summary>
		/// Bind your slider to this method
		/// </summary>
		public virtual void UpdateVolume(float newValue)
			if (Mode == Modes.Read)
			float newVolume = MMMaths.Remap(newValue, 0f, 1f, MinVolume, MaxVolume);
			MMSoundManagerTrackEvent.Trigger(MMSoundManagerTrackEventTypes.SetVolumeTrack, Track, newVolume);

		/// <summary>
		/// When we get an event letting us know the settings have been loaded, we update our slider to reflect the current track volume
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="soundManagerEvent"></param>
		public void OnMMEvent(MMSoundManagerEvent soundManagerEvent)
			if (soundManagerEvent.EventType == MMSoundManagerEventTypes.SettingsLoaded)

		/// <summary>
		/// Updates the slider value to reflect the current track volume
		/// </summary>
		public virtual void UpdateSliderValueWithTrackVolume()
			_slider.value = MMMaths.Remap(MMSoundManager.Instance.GetTrackVolume(Track, false), 0f, 1f, MinVolume, MaxVolume);

		/// <summary>
		/// if we grab a track event, we switch to read mode if needed
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="trackEvent"></param>
		public void OnMMEvent(MMSoundManagerTrackEvent trackEvent)
			switch (trackEvent.TrackEventType)
				case MMSoundManagerTrackEventTypes.MuteTrack:
					if (ChangeModeOnMute)
				case MMSoundManagerTrackEventTypes.UnmuteTrack:
					if (ChangeModeOnUnmute)
				case MMSoundManagerTrackEventTypes.SetVolumeTrack:
					if (ChangeModeOnTrackVolumeChange)

		/// <summary>
		/// if we grab a track fade event, we switch to read mode if needed
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="fadeEvent"></param>
		public void OnMMEvent(MMSoundManagerTrackFadeEvent fadeEvent)
			if (ChangeModeOnTrackFade)
				ChangeModeToRead(fadeEvent.FadeDuration + ModeSwitchBufferTime);	

		/// <summary>
		/// On enable we start listening for events
		/// </summary>
		protected virtual void OnEnable()

		/// <summary>
		/// On disable we stop listening for events
		/// </summary>
		protected virtual void OnDisable()