using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;

namespace DldUtil

public static class GetRspDefines
	static string SmcsFilePath { get { return Application.dataPath + "/smcs.rsp"; } }
	static string McsFilePath { get { return Application.dataPath + "/mcs.rsp"; } }
	static string UsFilePath { get { return Application.dataPath + "/us.rsp"; } }
	static string BooFilePath { get { return Application.dataPath + "/boo.rsp"; } }

	public struct Entry
		public int TimesDefinedInSmcs;
		public int TimesDefinedInMcs;
		public int TimesDefinedInUs;
		public int TimesDefinedInBoo;
		public int TimesDefinedInBuiltIn;

	// Unity-made defines are in EditorUserBuildSettings.activeScriptCompilationDefines
	static bool IsDefineAlreadyInUnity(string defineName)
		string[] builtInDefines = EditorUserBuildSettings.activeScriptCompilationDefines;

		for (int n = 0, len = builtInDefines.Length; n < len; n++)
			if (builtInDefines[n] == defineName)
				return true;

		return false;

	// ========================================================================================

	static void IncrementTimesDefinedInBuiltIn(Dictionary<string, Entry> table, string define)
		if (!table.ContainsKey(define))
			table[define] = new Entry();

		Entry currentDef = table[define];

		// assign it back to store it
		table[define] = currentDef;

	static void IncrementTimesDefinedInSmcs(Dictionary<string, Entry> table, string define)
		if (!table.ContainsKey(define))
			table[define] = new Entry();

		Entry currentDef = table[define];

		// assign it back to store it
		table[define] = currentDef;

	static void IncrementTimesDefinedInMcs(Dictionary<string, Entry> table, string define)
		if (!table.ContainsKey(define))
			table[define] = new Entry();

		Entry currentDef = table[define];

		// assign it back to store it
		table[define] = currentDef;

	static void IncrementTimesDefinedInUs(Dictionary<string, Entry> table, string define)
		if (!table.ContainsKey(define))
			table[define] = new Entry();

		Entry currentDef = table[define];

		// assign it back to store it
		table[define] = currentDef;

	static void IncrementTimesDefinedInBoo(Dictionary<string, Entry> table, string define)
		if (!table.ContainsKey(define))
			table[define] = new Entry();

		Entry currentDef = table[define];

		// assign it back to store it
		table[define] = currentDef;

	// ========================================================================================

	public static Dictionary<string, Entry> GetDefines()
		Dictionary<string, Entry> result = new Dictionary<string, Entry>();

		// ---------------------------------------------------------

		string[] definesInSmcs = GetDefinesInsideFile(SmcsFilePath);

		if (definesInSmcs != null && definesInSmcs.Length > 0)
			for (int n = 0, len = definesInSmcs.Length; n < len; n++)
				IncrementTimesDefinedInSmcs(result, definesInSmcs[n]);
				if (IsDefineAlreadyInUnity(definesInSmcs[n]))
					IncrementTimesDefinedInBuiltIn(result, definesInSmcs[n]);

		// ---------------------------------------------------------

		string[] definesInMcs = GetDefinesInsideFile(McsFilePath);

		if (definesInMcs != null && definesInMcs.Length > 0)
			for (int n = 0, len = definesInMcs.Length; n < len; n++)
				IncrementTimesDefinedInMcs(result, definesInMcs[n]);
				if (IsDefineAlreadyInUnity(definesInMcs[n]))
					IncrementTimesDefinedInBuiltIn(result, definesInMcs[n]);

		// ---------------------------------------------------------

		string[] definesInUs = GetDefinesInsideFile(UsFilePath);

		if (definesInUs != null && definesInUs.Length > 0)
			for (int n = 0, len = definesInUs.Length; n < len; n++)
				IncrementTimesDefinedInUs(result, definesInUs[n]);
				if (IsDefineAlreadyInUnity(definesInUs[n]))
					IncrementTimesDefinedInBuiltIn(result, definesInUs[n]);

		// ---------------------------------------------------------

		string[] definesInBoo = GetDefinesInsideFile(BooFilePath);

		if (definesInBoo != null && definesInBoo.Length > 0)
			for (int n = 0, len = definesInBoo.Length; n < len; n++)
				IncrementTimesDefinedInBoo(result, definesInBoo[n]);
				if (IsDefineAlreadyInUnity(definesInBoo[n]))
					IncrementTimesDefinedInBuiltIn(result, definesInBoo[n]);

		// ---------------------------------------------------------

		return result;

	static string[] GetDefinesInsideFile(string filePath)
		if (!File.Exists(filePath))
			return null;

		string rawContents = File.ReadAllText(filePath);
		if (!rawContents.StartsWith("-define:"))
			// malformed .rsp file
			return null;

		// remove "-define:"
		string allDefines = rawContents.Substring(8);

		return allDefines.Split(';');
