using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using MoreMountains.Tools;

namespace MoreMountains.Tools
	/// <summary>
	/// Add this component to an object and it'll get moved towards the target at update, with or without interpolation based on your settings
	/// </summary>
	[AddComponentMenu("More Mountains/Tools/Movement/MMFollowTarget")]
	public class MMFollowTarget : MonoBehaviour
		/// the possible update modes
		public enum UpdateModes { Update, FixedUpdate, LateUpdate }
		/// the possible follow modes
		public enum FollowModes { RegularLerp, MMLerp, MMSpring }
		/// whether to operate in world or local space
		public enum PositionSpaces { World, Local }

		[Header("Follow Position")]
		/// whether or not the object is currently following its target's position
		public bool FollowPosition = true;
		/// whether this object should follow its target on the X axis
		[MMCondition("FollowPosition", true)]
		public bool FollowPositionX = true;
		/// whether this object should follow its target on the Y axis
		[MMCondition("FollowPosition", true)]
		public bool FollowPositionY = true;
		/// whether this object should follow its target on the Z axis
		[MMCondition("FollowPosition", true)]
		public bool FollowPositionZ = true;
		/// whether to operate in world or local space
		[MMCondition("FollowPosition", true)] 
		public PositionSpaces PositionSpace = PositionSpaces.World;

		[Header("Follow Rotation")]
		/// whether or not the object is currently following its target's rotation
		public bool FollowRotation = true;

		[Header("Follow Scale")]
		/// whether or not the object is currently following its target's rotation
		public bool FollowScale = true;
		/// the factor to apply to the scale when following
		[MMCondition("FollowScale", true)]
		public float FollowScaleFactor = 1f;

		/// the target to follow
		public Transform Target;
		/// the offset to apply to the followed target
		[MMCondition("FollowPosition", true)]
		public Vector3 Offset;
		///whether or not to add the initial x distance to the offset
		[MMCondition("FollowPosition", true)]
		public bool AddInitialDistanceXToXOffset = false;
		///whether or not to add the initial y distance to the offset
		[MMCondition("FollowPosition", true)]
		public bool AddInitialDistanceYToYOffset = false;
		///whether or not to add the initial z distance to the offset
		[MMCondition("FollowPosition", true)]
		public bool AddInitialDistanceZToZOffset = false;

		[Header("Position Interpolation")]
		/// whether or not we need to interpolate the movement
		public bool InterpolatePosition = true;
		/// the follow mode to use when following position
		[MMCondition("InterpolatePosition", true)]
		public FollowModes FollowPositionMode = FollowModes.MMLerp;
		/// the speed at which to interpolate the follower's movement
		[MMCondition("InterpolatePosition", true)]
		public float FollowPositionSpeed = 10f;
		/// higher values mean more damping, less spring, low values mean less damping, more spring
		[MMEnumCondition("FollowPositionMode", (int)FollowModes.MMSpring)] 
		[Range(0.01f, 1.0f)]
		public float PositionSpringDamping = 0.3f;
		/// the frequency at which the spring should "vibrate", in Hz (1 : the spring will do one full period in one second)
		[MMEnumCondition("FollowPositionMode", (int)FollowModes.MMSpring)]
		public float PositionSpringFrequency = 3f;

		[Header("Rotation Interpolation")]
		/// whether or not we need to interpolate the movement
		public bool InterpolateRotation = true;
		/// the follow mode to use when interpolating the rotation
		[MMCondition("InterpolateRotation", true)]
		public FollowModes FollowRotationMode = FollowModes.MMLerp;
		/// the speed at which to interpolate the follower's rotation
		[MMCondition("InterpolateRotation", true)]
		public float FollowRotationSpeed = 10f;

		[Header("Scale Interpolation")]
		/// whether or not we need to interpolate the scale
		public bool InterpolateScale = true;
		/// the follow mode to use when interpolating the scale
		[MMCondition("InterpolateScale", true)]
		public FollowModes FollowScaleMode = FollowModes.MMLerp;
		/// the speed at which to interpolate the follower's scale
		[MMCondition("InterpolateScale", true)]
		public float FollowScaleSpeed = 10f;

		/// the update at which the movement happens
		public UpdateModes UpdateMode = UpdateModes.Update;
		/// if this is true, this component will self disable when its host game object gets disabled
		public bool DisableSelfOnSetActiveFalse = false;
		/// whether or not to force a minimum distance between the object and its target before it starts following
		public bool UseMinimumDistanceBeforeFollow = false;
		/// the minimum distance to keep between the object and its target
		public float MinimumDistanceBeforeFollow = 1f;
		/// whether or not we want to make sure the object is never too far away from its target
		public bool UseMaximumDistance = false;
		/// the maximum distance at which the object can be away from its target
		public float MaximumDistance = 1f;

		/// if this is true, the movement will be constrained around the initial position
		public bool AnchorToInitialPosition;
		/// the maximum distance around the initial position at which the transform can move
		[MMCondition("AnchorToInitialPosition", true)]
		public float MaxDistanceToAnchor = 1f;
		protected bool _localSpace { get { return PositionSpace == PositionSpaces.Local; } }

		protected Vector3 _velocity =;
		protected Vector3 _newTargetPosition;        
		protected Vector3 _initialPosition;
		protected Vector3 _lastTargetPosition;
		protected Vector3 _direction;
		protected Vector3 _newPosition;
		protected Vector3 _newScale;
		protected Quaternion _newTargetRotation;
		protected Quaternion _initialRotation;
		/// <summary>
		/// On start we store our initial position
		/// </summary>
		protected virtual void Start()

		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes the follow
		/// </summary>
		public virtual void Initialization()

		/// <summary>
		/// Prevents the object from following the target anymore
		/// </summary>
		public virtual void StopFollowing()
			FollowPosition = false;

		/// <summary>
		/// Makes the object follow the target
		/// </summary>
		public virtual void StartFollowing()
			FollowPosition = true;

		/// <summary>
		/// Stores the initial position
		/// </summary>
		protected virtual void SetInitialPosition()
			_initialPosition = _localSpace ? this.transform.localPosition : this.transform.position;
			_initialRotation = this.transform.rotation;
			_lastTargetPosition = _localSpace ? this.transform.localPosition : this.transform.position;

		/// <summary>
		/// Adds initial offset to the offset if needed
		/// </summary>
		protected virtual void SetOffset()
			if (Target == null)
			Vector3 difference = this.transform.position - Target.transform.position;
			Offset.x = AddInitialDistanceXToXOffset ? difference.x : Offset.x;
			Offset.y = AddInitialDistanceYToYOffset ? difference.y : Offset.y;
			Offset.z = AddInitialDistanceZToZOffset ? difference.z : Offset.z;

		/// <summary>
		/// At update we follow our target 
		/// </summary>
		protected virtual void Update()
			if (Target == null)
			if (UpdateMode == UpdateModes.Update)

		/// <summary>
		/// At fixed update we follow our target 
		/// </summary>
		protected virtual void FixedUpdate()
			if (UpdateMode == UpdateModes.FixedUpdate)

		/// <summary>
		/// At late update we follow our target 
		/// </summary>
		protected virtual void LateUpdate()
			if (UpdateMode == UpdateModes.LateUpdate)

		/// <summary>
		/// Follows the target, lerping the position or not based on what's been defined in the inspector
		/// </summary>
		protected virtual void FollowTargetPosition()
			if (Target == null)

			if (!FollowPosition)

			_newTargetPosition = Target.position + Offset;
			if (!FollowPositionX) { _newTargetPosition.x = _initialPosition.x; }
			if (!FollowPositionY) { _newTargetPosition.y = _initialPosition.y; }
			if (!FollowPositionZ) { _newTargetPosition.z = _initialPosition.z; }

			float trueDistance = 0f;
			_direction = (_newTargetPosition - this.transform.position).normalized;
			trueDistance = Vector3.Distance(this.transform.position, _newTargetPosition);
			float interpolatedDistance = trueDistance;
			if (InterpolatePosition)
				switch (FollowPositionMode)
					case FollowModes.MMLerp:
						interpolatedDistance = MMMaths.Lerp(0f, trueDistance, FollowPositionSpeed, Time.deltaTime);
						interpolatedDistance = ApplyMinMaxDistancing(trueDistance, interpolatedDistance);
						this.transform.Translate(_direction * interpolatedDistance, Space.World);
					case FollowModes.RegularLerp:
						interpolatedDistance = Mathf.Lerp(0f, trueDistance, Time.deltaTime * FollowPositionSpeed);
						interpolatedDistance = ApplyMinMaxDistancing(trueDistance, interpolatedDistance);
						this.transform.Translate(_direction * interpolatedDistance, Space.World);
					case FollowModes.MMSpring:
						_newPosition = this.transform.position;
						MMMaths.Spring(ref _newPosition, _newTargetPosition, ref _velocity, PositionSpringDamping, PositionSpringFrequency, FollowPositionSpeed, Time.deltaTime);
						if (_localSpace)
							this.transform.localPosition = _newPosition;   
							this.transform.position = _newPosition;    
				interpolatedDistance = ApplyMinMaxDistancing(trueDistance, interpolatedDistance);
				this.transform.Translate(_direction * interpolatedDistance, Space.World);

			if (AnchorToInitialPosition)
				if (Vector3.Distance(this.transform.position, _initialPosition) > MaxDistanceToAnchor)
					if (_localSpace)
						this.transform.localPosition = _initialPosition + Vector3.ClampMagnitude(this.transform.localPosition - _initialPosition, MaxDistanceToAnchor);   
						this.transform.position = _initialPosition + Vector3.ClampMagnitude(this.transform.position - _initialPosition, MaxDistanceToAnchor);    

		/// <summary>
		/// Applies minimal and maximal distance rules to the interpolated distance
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="trueDistance"></param>
		/// <param name="interpolatedDistance"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		protected virtual float ApplyMinMaxDistancing(float trueDistance, float interpolatedDistance)
			if (UseMinimumDistanceBeforeFollow && (trueDistance - interpolatedDistance < MinimumDistanceBeforeFollow))
				interpolatedDistance = 0f;

			if (UseMaximumDistance && (trueDistance - interpolatedDistance >= MaximumDistance))
				interpolatedDistance = trueDistance - MaximumDistance;

			return interpolatedDistance;

		/// <summary>
		/// Makes the object follow its target's rotation
		/// </summary>
		protected virtual void FollowTargetRotation()
			if (Target == null)

			if (!FollowRotation)

			_newTargetRotation = Target.rotation;

			if (InterpolateRotation)
				switch (FollowRotationMode)
					case FollowModes.MMLerp:
						this.transform.rotation = MMMaths.Lerp(this.transform.rotation, _newTargetRotation, FollowRotationSpeed, Time.deltaTime);
					case FollowModes.RegularLerp:
						this.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(this.transform.rotation, _newTargetRotation, Time.deltaTime * FollowRotationSpeed);
					case FollowModes.MMSpring:
						this.transform.rotation = MMMaths.Lerp(this.transform.rotation, _newTargetRotation, FollowRotationSpeed, Time.deltaTime);
				this.transform.rotation = _newTargetRotation;

		/// <summary>
		/// Makes the object follow its target's scale
		/// </summary>
		protected virtual void FollowTargetScale()
			if (Target == null)

			if (!FollowScale)

			_newScale = Target.localScale * FollowScaleFactor;

			if (InterpolateScale)
				switch (FollowScaleMode)
					case FollowModes.MMLerp:
						this.transform.localScale = MMMaths.Lerp(this.transform.localScale, _newScale, FollowScaleSpeed, Time.deltaTime);
					case FollowModes.RegularLerp:
						this.transform.localScale = Vector3.Lerp(this.transform.localScale, _newScale, Time.deltaTime * FollowScaleSpeed);
					case FollowModes.MMSpring:
						this.transform.localScale = MMMaths.Lerp(this.transform.localScale, _newScale, FollowScaleSpeed, Time.deltaTime);
				this.transform.localScale = _newScale;
		public virtual void ChangeFollowTarget(Transform newTarget) => Target = newTarget;

		protected virtual void OnDisable()
			if (DisableSelfOnSetActiveFalse)
				this.enabled = false;