namespace SRDebugger.Services.Implementation { using System; using Internal; using SRF; using SRF.Service; using UnityEngine; using Object = UnityEngine.Object; using SRF.UI; using UnityEngine.UI; [Service(typeof (IDebugService))] public class SRDebugService : IDebugService { public IDockConsoleService DockConsole { get { return Service.DockConsole; } } public event VisibilityChangedDelegate PanelVisibilityChanged; public event PinnedUiCanvasCreated PinnedUiCanvasCreated; private readonly IDebugPanelService _debugPanelService; private readonly IDebugTriggerService _debugTrigger; private readonly ISystemInformationService _informationService; private readonly IOptionsService _optionsService; private readonly IPinnedUIService _pinnedUiService; private bool _entryCodeEnabled; private bool _hasAuthorised; private DefaultTabs? _queuedTab; private RectTransform _worldSpaceTransform; private DynamicOptionContainer _looseOptionContainer; public SRDebugService() { SRServiceManager.RegisterService(this); // Load profiler SRServiceManager.GetService(); // Setup trigger service _debugTrigger = SRServiceManager.GetService(); _informationService = SRServiceManager.GetService(); _pinnedUiService = SRServiceManager.GetService(); _pinnedUiService.OptionsCanvasCreated += transform => { if (PinnedUiCanvasCreated == null) return; try { PinnedUiCanvasCreated(transform); } catch(Exception e) { Debug.LogException(e); } }; _optionsService = SRServiceManager.GetService(); // Create debug panel service (this does not actually load any UI resources until opened) _debugPanelService = SRServiceManager.GetService(); // Subscribe to visibility changes to provide API-facing event for panel open/close _debugPanelService.VisibilityChanged += DebugPanelServiceOnVisibilityChanged; _debugTrigger.IsEnabled = Settings.EnableTrigger == Settings.TriggerEnableModes.Enabled || Settings.EnableTrigger == Settings.TriggerEnableModes.MobileOnly && Application.isMobilePlatform || Settings.EnableTrigger == Settings.TriggerEnableModes.DevelopmentBuildsOnly && Debug.isDebugBuild; _debugTrigger.Position = Settings.TriggerPosition; if (Settings.EnableKeyboardShortcuts) { SRServiceManager.GetService(); } _entryCodeEnabled = Settings.Instance.RequireCode && Settings.Instance.EntryCode.Count == 4; if (Settings.Instance.RequireCode && !_entryCodeEnabled) { Debug.LogError("[SRDebugger] RequireCode is enabled, but pin is not 4 digits"); } // Ensure that root object cannot be destroyed on scene loads var srDebuggerParent = Hierarchy.Get("SRDebugger"); Object.DontDestroyOnLoad(srDebuggerParent.gameObject); // Add any options containers that were created on init var internalRegistry = SRServiceManager.GetService(); internalRegistry.SetHandler(_optionsService.AddContainer); } public Settings Settings { get { return Settings.Instance; } } public bool IsDebugPanelVisible { get { return _debugPanelService.IsVisible; } } public bool IsTriggerEnabled { get { return _debugTrigger.IsEnabled; } set { _debugTrigger.IsEnabled = value; } } public bool IsProfilerDocked { get { return Service.PinnedUI.IsProfilerPinned; } set { Service.PinnedUI.IsProfilerPinned = value; } } public void AddSystemInfo(InfoEntry entry, string category = "Default") { _informationService.Add(entry, category); } public void ShowDebugPanel(bool requireEntryCode = true) { if (requireEntryCode && _entryCodeEnabled && !_hasAuthorised) { PromptEntryCode(); return; } _debugPanelService.IsVisible = true; } public void ShowDebugPanel(DefaultTabs tab, bool requireEntryCode = true) { if (requireEntryCode && _entryCodeEnabled && !_hasAuthorised) { _queuedTab = tab; PromptEntryCode(); return; } _debugPanelService.IsVisible = true; _debugPanelService.OpenTab(tab); } public void HideDebugPanel() { _debugPanelService.IsVisible = false; } public void DestroyDebugPanel() { _debugPanelService.IsVisible = false; _debugPanelService.Unload(); } #region Options public void AddOptionContainer(object container) { _optionsService.AddContainer(container); } public void RemoveOptionContainer(object container) { _optionsService.RemoveContainer(container); } public void AddOption(OptionDefinition option) { if(_looseOptionContainer == null) { _looseOptionContainer = new DynamicOptionContainer(); _optionsService.AddContainer(_looseOptionContainer); } _looseOptionContainer.AddOption(option); } public bool RemoveOption(OptionDefinition option) { if (_looseOptionContainer != null) { return _looseOptionContainer.RemoveOption(option); } return false; } public void PinAllOptions(string category) { foreach (var op in _optionsService.Options) { if (op.Category == category) { _pinnedUiService.Pin(op); } } } public void UnpinAllOptions(string category) { foreach (var op in _optionsService.Options) { if (op.Category == category) { _pinnedUiService.Unpin(op); } } } public void PinOption(string name) { foreach (var op in _optionsService.Options) { if (op.Name == name) { _pinnedUiService.Pin(op); } } } public void UnpinOption(string name) { foreach (var op in _optionsService.Options) { if (op.Name == name) { _pinnedUiService.Unpin(op); } } } public void ClearPinnedOptions() { _pinnedUiService.UnpinAll(); } #endregion #region Bug Reporter public void ShowBugReportSheet(ActionCompleteCallback onComplete = null, bool takeScreenshot = true, string descriptionContent = null) { var popoverService = SRServiceManager.GetService(); if (popoverService.IsShowingPopover) { return; } popoverService.ShowBugReporter((succeed, message) => { if (onComplete != null) { onComplete(succeed); } }, takeScreenshot, descriptionContent); } #endregion private void DebugPanelServiceOnVisibilityChanged(IDebugPanelService debugPanelService, bool b) { if (PanelVisibilityChanged == null) { return; } try { PanelVisibilityChanged(b); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogError("[SRDebugger] Event target threw exception (IDebugService.PanelVisiblityChanged)"); Debug.LogException(e); } } private void PromptEntryCode() { SRServiceManager.GetService() .ShowPinEntry(Settings.Instance.EntryCode, SRDebugStrings.Current.PinEntryPrompt, entered => { if (entered) { if (!Settings.Instance.RequireEntryCodeEveryTime) { _hasAuthorised = true; } if (_queuedTab.HasValue) { var t = _queuedTab.Value; _queuedTab = null; ShowDebugPanel(t, false); } else { ShowDebugPanel(false); } } _queuedTab = null; }); } public RectTransform EnableWorldSpaceMode() { if (_worldSpaceTransform != null) { return _worldSpaceTransform; } if (Settings.Instance.UseDebugCamera) { throw new InvalidOperationException("UseDebugCamera cannot be enabled at the same time as EnableWorldSpaceMode."); } _debugPanelService.IsVisible = true; var root = ((DebugPanelServiceImpl) _debugPanelService).RootObject; root.Canvas.gameObject.RemoveComponentIfExists(); root.Canvas.gameObject.RemoveComponentIfExists(); root.Canvas.renderMode = RenderMode.WorldSpace; var rectTransform = root.Canvas.GetComponent(); rectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(1024, 768); rectTransform.position =; return _worldSpaceTransform = rectTransform; } } }