using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Reflection; using HarmonyLib; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; namespace AV.Inspector { internal class EditorPatch : PatchBase { static InspectorPrefs prefs => InspectorPrefs.Loaded; protected override IEnumerable GetPatches() { //var canBeExpanded = AccessTools.Method(typeof(Editor), "CanBeExpandedViaAFoldoutWithoutUpdate"); var drawDefaultInspector = typeof(Editor).GetMethod("DoDrawDefaultInspector", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic); //yield return new Patch(canBeExpanded, prefix: nameof(_CanBeExpandedViaAFoldoutWithoutUpdate)); yield return new Patch(drawDefaultInspector, prefix: nameof(_DoDrawDefaultInspector)); } // static bool _DoDrawDefaultInspector(ref bool __result, SerializedObject obj) { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); obj.UpdateIfRequiredOrScript(); var showScriptField = prefs.showScriptField; var property = obj.GetIterator(); var expanded = true; var wasScriptFound = false; while (property.NextVisible(expanded)) { if (!wasScriptFound) { if (property.propertyPath == "m_Script") { wasScriptFound = true; if (showScriptField) using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(true)) EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(property); continue; } } EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(property, true); expanded = false; } obj.ApplyModifiedProperties(); __result = EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck(); return false; } // TODO: This causes a zero-padding issue on Sorting Group component, and most likely on some other ones.. /* // static bool _CanBeExpandedViaAFoldoutWithoutUpdate(ref bool __result, SerializedObject ___m_SerializedObject) { if (___m_SerializedObject == null) return true; var property = ___m_SerializedObject.GetIterator(); // This eats only about 0.45ms ~ __result = property.hasVisibleChildren; // Skip it. This method can eat 7ms with just 24 calls, and it is called during OnGUI (2 times! In EditorGUI and EditorElement). // It goes through every child property and calculates their heights. // I think it can safely be replaced with property.hasVisibleChildren, or skipped entirely! return false; }*/ } }