using UnityEngine;
using System.IO;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;

namespace MoreMountains.Tools
	/// <summary>
	/// Add this class to an empty game object in your scene and it'll let you take screenshots (meant to be used in Editor)
	/// </summary>
	[AddComponentMenu("More Mountains/Tools/Utilities/MMScreenshot")]
	public class MMScreenshot : MonoBehaviour
		/// the name of the folder (relative to the project's root) to save screenshots to
		public string FolderName = "Screenshots";
		/// the method to use to take the screenshot. Screencapture uses the API of the same name, and will let you keep 
		/// whatever ratio the game view has, RenderTexture renders to a texture of the specified resolution
		public enum Methods { ScreenCapture, RenderTexture }

		/// the selected method to take a screenshot with. 
		public Methods Method = Methods.ScreenCapture;
	        /// the key to press to restart manually
	        public Key ScreenshotKey = Key.K;
		/// the shortcut to watch for to take screenshots
		public KeyCode ScreenshotShortcut = KeyCode.K;

		/// the size by which to multiply the game view when taking the screenshot
		[MMEnumCondition("Method", (int)Methods.ScreenCapture)]        
		public int GameViewSizeMultiplier = 3;

		/// the camera to use to take the screenshot with
		[MMEnumCondition("Method", (int)Methods.RenderTexture)]        
		public Camera TargetCamera;
		/// the width of the desired screenshot
		[MMEnumCondition("Method", (int)Methods.RenderTexture)]
		public int ResolutionWidth;
		/// the height of the desired screenshot
		[MMEnumCondition("Method", (int)Methods.RenderTexture)]
		public int ResolutionHeight;

		/// a test button to take screenshots with
		public bool TakeScreenshotButton;
		/// <summary>
		/// At late update, we look for input
		/// </summary>
		protected virtual void LateUpdate()

		/// <summary>
		/// If the user presses the screenshot button, we take one
		/// </summary>
		protected virtual void DetectInput()
			bool keyPressed = false;
				keyPressed = Keyboard.current[ScreenshotKey].wasPressedThisFrame;
			keyPressed = Input.GetKeyDown(ScreenshotShortcut);
			if (keyPressed)

		/// <summary>
		/// Takes a screenshot using the specified method and outputs a console log
		/// </summary>
		protected virtual void TakeScreenshot()
			if (!Directory.Exists(FolderName))

			string savePath = "";
			switch (Method)
				case Methods.ScreenCapture:
					savePath = TakeScreenCaptureScreenshot();

				case Methods.RenderTexture:
					savePath = TakeRenderTextureScreenshot();
			Debug.Log("[MMScreenshot] Screenshot taken and saved at " + savePath);

		/// <summary>
		/// Takes a screenshot using the ScreenCapture API and saves it to file
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns></returns>
		protected virtual string TakeScreenCaptureScreenshot()
			float width = Screen.width * GameViewSizeMultiplier;
			float height = Screen.height * GameViewSizeMultiplier;
			string savePath = FolderName+"/screenshot_" + width + "x" + height + "_" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss") + ".png";

			ScreenCapture.CaptureScreenshot(savePath, GameViewSizeMultiplier);
			return savePath;

		/// <summary>
		/// Takes a screenshot using a render texture and saves it to file
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns></returns>
		protected virtual string TakeRenderTextureScreenshot()
			string savePath = FolderName + "/screenshot_" + ResolutionWidth + "x" + ResolutionHeight + "_" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss") + ".png";

			RenderTexture renderTexture = new RenderTexture(ResolutionWidth, ResolutionHeight, 24);
			TargetCamera.targetTexture = renderTexture;
			Texture2D screenShot = new Texture2D(ResolutionWidth, ResolutionHeight, TextureFormat.RGB24, false);
			TargetCamera.Render(); = renderTexture;
			screenShot.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, ResolutionWidth, ResolutionHeight), 0, 0);
			TargetCamera.targetTexture = null; = null; 
			byte[] bytes = screenShot.EncodeToPNG();
			System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(savePath, bytes);

			return savePath;