// Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. #if (UNITY_ANDROID && !UNITY_EDITOR) using System; using UnityEngine; namespace Lofelt.NiceVibrations { // Android JNI call wrappers that are more efficient than AndroidJavaObject::Call() // // Calling a method via AndroidJavaObject, e.g. `lofeltHaptics.Call("play")`, is inefficient: // - It looks up the method by name for each call // - It allocates memory during method lookup and argument conversion // // JNIHelpers provides alternative Call() methods that are more efficient: // - It allows calling by method ID rather by method name, so that the method only needs to // be looked up once, not for every call // - It does not allocate memory for converting the arguments to jvalue[] // // In addition to that, exceptions thrown in Java are handled automatically by logging them. // // The Call() overload here do not cover all cases that AndroidJavaObject::Call() covers. For // example, only methods with one argument are supported, and that only for certain types. In // addition, not all overloads are free of allocations. This however is good enough so that the // calls triggered by common playback scenarios such as HapticController::Play() and // HapticPatterns::PlayPreset() don't allocate. internal static class JNIHelpers { // The array for the JNI arguments is created here, so that it doesn't need to be created // for every call. This saves the allocation in each call. // The array supports only methods with 0 or 1 argument, but that covers our needs. static jvalue[] jniArgs = new jvalue[1]; // Returns an exception message and stack trace for the given Java exception static String javaThrowableToString(IntPtr throwable) { IntPtr throwableClass = AndroidJNI.FindClass("java/lang/Throwable"); IntPtr androidUtilLogClass = AndroidJNI.FindClass("android/util/Log"); try { IntPtr toStringMethodId = AndroidJNI.GetMethodID(throwableClass, "toString", "()Ljava/lang/String;"); IntPtr getStackTraceStringMethodId = AndroidJNI.GetStaticMethodID(androidUtilLogClass, "getStackTraceString", "(Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/String;"); string exceptionMessage = AndroidJNI.CallStringMethod(throwable, toStringMethodId, new jvalue[] { }); jniArgs[0].l = throwable; string exceptionCallStack = AndroidJNI.CallStaticStringMethod(androidUtilLogClass, getStackTraceStringMethodId, jniArgs); return exceptionMessage + "\n" + exceptionCallStack; } finally { if (throwable != IntPtr.Zero) AndroidJNI.DeleteLocalRef(throwable); if (throwableClass != IntPtr.Zero) AndroidJNI.DeleteLocalRef(throwableClass); if (androidUtilLogClass != IntPtr.Zero) AndroidJNI.DeleteLocalRef(androidUtilLogClass); } } public static void Call(AndroidJavaObject obj, IntPtr methodId, jvalue[] jniArgs) { if (methodId == IntPtr.Zero) { return; } try { AndroidJNI.CallVoidMethod(obj.GetRawObject(), methodId, jniArgs); IntPtr throwable = AndroidJNI.ExceptionOccurred(); if (throwable != IntPtr.Zero) { AndroidJNI.ExceptionClear(); String exception = javaThrowableToString(throwable); Debug.LogError(exception); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogException(ex); } } public static void Call(AndroidJavaObject obj, IntPtr methodId) { jniArgs[0].l = System.IntPtr.Zero; Call(obj, methodId, jniArgs); } public static void Call(AndroidJavaObject obj, IntPtr methodId, float arg) { jniArgs[0].f = arg; Call(obj, methodId, jniArgs); } public static void Call(AndroidJavaObject obj, IntPtr methodId, bool arg) { jniArgs[0].z = arg; Call(obj, methodId, jniArgs); } public static void Call(AndroidJavaObject obj, IntPtr methodId, float[] arg) { // The allocations in the next two lines could probably be removed to optimize this // further. object[] args = new object[] { arg }; jvalue[] jniArgs = AndroidJNIHelper.CreateJNIArgArray(args); try { JNIHelpers.Call(obj, methodId, jniArgs); } finally { AndroidJNIHelper.DeleteJNIArgArray(args, jniArgs); } } // The method isn't yet optimized to reduce allocations, but unlike the other overloads of // Call(), it supports non-void return types. public static ReturnType Call<ReturnType>(AndroidJavaObject obj, string methodName) { try { return obj.Call<ReturnType>(methodName); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogException(ex); return default(ReturnType); } } } } #endif