using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; namespace MoreMountains.Tools { /// <summary> /// Add this class to an empty object in your scene and it'll act as a point of control to enable or disable logs and debug draws /// </summary> [AddComponentMenu("More Mountains/Tools/Utilities/MMDebugController")] public class MMDebugController : MonoBehaviour { /// whether or not debug logs (MMDebug.DebugLogTime, MMDebug.DebugOnScreen) should be displayed public bool DebugLogsEnabled = true; /// whether or not debug draws should be executed public bool DebugDrawEnabled = true; /// <summary> /// On Awake we turn our static debug checks on or off /// </summary> protected virtual void Awake() { MMDebug.SetDebugLogsEnabled(DebugLogsEnabled); MMDebug.SetDebugDrawEnabled(DebugDrawEnabled); } } }