namespace GleyMobileAds { using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Events; #if USE_HEYZAP using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Heyzap; #endif public class CustomHeyzap : MonoBehaviour, ICustomAds { #if USE_HEYZAP && !UNITY_EDITOR UnityAction<bool> OnCompleteMethod; UnityAction<bool, string> OnCompleteMethodWithAdvertiser; UnityAction OnInterstitialClosed; UnityAction<string> OnInterstitialClosedWithAdvertiser; string publisherId; bool debug; private bool bannerUsed; private BannerPosition position; private BannerType bannerType; UnityAction<bool, BannerPosition, BannerType> DisplayResult; /// <summary> /// Initializing Heyzap /// </summary> /// <param name="consent">user consent -> if true show personalized ads</param> /// <param name="platformSettings">contains all required settings for this publisher</param> public void InitializeAds(GDPRConsent consent, List<PlatformSettings> platformSettings) { debug = Advertisements.Instance.debug; //get settings #if UNITY_ANDROID PlatformSettings settings = platformSettings.First(cond => cond.platform == SupportedPlatforms.Android); #endif #if UNITY_IOS PlatformSettings settings = platformSettings.First(cond => cond.platform == SupportedPlatforms.iOS); #endif //apply settings publisherId =; //verify settings if (debug) { Debug.Log(this + " Initialization Started"); ScreenWriter.Write(this + " Initialization Started"); Debug.Log(this + " Publisher ID: " + publisherId); ScreenWriter.Write(this + " Publisher ID: " + publisherId); } AdListeners(); //preparing Heyzap SDK for initialization if (consent == GDPRConsent.Accept || consent == GDPRConsent.Unset) { HeyzapAds.SetGdprConsent(true); } else { HeyzapAds.SetGdprConsent(false); } if (settings.directedForChildren == true) { HeyzapAds.Start(publisherId, HeyzapAds.FLAG_CHILD_DIRECTED_ADS); } else { HeyzapAds.Start(publisherId, HeyzapAds.FLAG_NO_OPTIONS); } //start loading ads HZInterstitialAd.Fetch(); HZIncentivizedAd.Fetch(); //HeyzapAds.ShowMediationTestSuite(); } /// <summary> /// Updates consent at runtime /// </summary> /// <param name="consent">the new consent</param> public void UpdateConsent(GDPRConsent consent) { if (consent == GDPRConsent.Accept || consent == GDPRConsent.Unset) { HeyzapAds.SetGdprConsent(true); } else { HeyzapAds.SetGdprConsent(false); } Debug.Log(this + " Update consent to " + consent); ScreenWriter.Write(this + " Update consent to " + consent); } /// <summary> /// Ads all Heyzap SDK listeners /// </summary> private void AdListeners() { if (debug) { Debug.Log(this + " add listeners"); ScreenWriter.Write(this + " add listeners"); } HZInterstitialAd.AdDisplayListener listener = delegate (string adState, string adTag) { if (adState.Equals("show")) { if (debug) { Debug.Log(this + " show event triggered"); ScreenWriter.Write(this + " show event triggered interstitial"); } } if (adState.Equals("hide")) { if (debug) { Debug.Log(this + " hide event triggered"); ScreenWriter.Write(this + " hide event triggered interstitial"); } if (OnInterstitialClosed != null) { OnInterstitialClosed(); OnInterstitialClosed = null; } if (OnInterstitialClosedWithAdvertiser != null) { OnInterstitialClosedWithAdvertiser(SupportedAdvertisers.Heyzap.ToString()); OnInterstitialClosedWithAdvertiser = null; } HZInterstitialAd.Fetch(); } if (adState.Equals("failed")) { if (debug) { Debug.Log(this + " failed event triggered"); ScreenWriter.Write(this + " failed event triggered interstitial"); } } if (adState.Equals("available")) { if (debug) { Debug.Log(this + " available event triggered"); ScreenWriter.Write(this + " available event triggered interstitial"); } } if (adState.Equals("fetch_failed")) { if (debug) { Debug.Log(this + " fetch_failed event triggered"); ScreenWriter.Write(this + " fetch_failed event triggered interstitial"); } } }; HZIncentivizedAd.AdDisplayListener listenerRewarded = delegate (string adState, string adTag) { if (adState.Equals("show")) { if (debug) { Debug.Log(this + " show event triggered rewarded"); ScreenWriter.Write(this + " show event triggered rewarded"); } } if (adState.Equals("hide")) { if (debug) { Debug.Log(this + " hide event triggered rewarded"); ScreenWriter.Write(this + " hide event triggered rewarded"); } HZIncentivizedAd.Fetch(); } if (adState.Equals("failed")) { if (debug) { Debug.Log(this + " failed event triggered rewarded"); ScreenWriter.Write(this + " failed event triggered rewarded"); } } if (adState.Equals("available")) { if (debug) { Debug.Log(this + " available event triggered rewarded"); ScreenWriter.Write(this + " available event triggered rewarded"); } } if (adState.Equals("fetch_failed")) { if (debug) { Debug.Log(this + " fetch_failed event triggered rewarded"); ScreenWriter.Write(this + " fetch_failed event triggered rewarded"); } } if (adState.Equals("incentivized_result_complete")) { if (OnCompleteMethod != null) { OnCompleteMethod(true); OnCompleteMethod = null; } if (OnCompleteMethodWithAdvertiser != null) { OnCompleteMethodWithAdvertiser(true, SupportedAdvertisers.Heyzap.ToString()); OnCompleteMethodWithAdvertiser = null; } } if (adState.Equals("incentivized_result_incomplete")) { if (OnCompleteMethod != null) { OnCompleteMethod(false); OnCompleteMethod = null; } if (OnCompleteMethodWithAdvertiser != null) { OnCompleteMethodWithAdvertiser(false, SupportedAdvertisers.Heyzap.ToString()); OnCompleteMethodWithAdvertiser = null; } } }; HZBannerAd.AdDisplayListener listenerBanner = delegate (string adState, string adTag) { if (debug) { Debug.Log(this + " " + adState + " " + adTag); ScreenWriter.Write(this + " " + adState + " " + adTag); } if (adState == "loaded") { if (debug) { Debug.Log(this + " loaded event triggered banner"); ScreenWriter.Write(this + " loaded event triggered banner"); } if(DisplayResult!=null) { DisplayResult(true, position, bannerType); DisplayResult = null; } } if (adState == "error") { if (debug) { Debug.Log(this + " error event triggered banner"); ScreenWriter.Write(this + " error event triggered banner"); } if (DisplayResult != null) { DisplayResult(false, position, bannerType); DisplayResult = null; } } if (adState == "click") { if (debug) { Debug.Log(this + " click event triggered banner"); ScreenWriter.Write(this + " click event triggered banner"); } } }; HZInterstitialAd.SetDisplayListener(listener); HZIncentivizedAd.SetDisplayListener(listenerRewarded); HZBannerAd.SetDisplayListener(listenerBanner); } /// <summary> /// Check if Heyzap interstitial is available /// </summary> /// <returns>true if an interstitial is available</returns> public bool IsInterstitialAvailable() { return HZInterstitialAd.IsAvailable(); } /// <summary> /// Show Heyzap interstitial /// </summary> /// <param name="InterstitialClosed">callback called when user closes interstitial</param> public void ShowInterstitial(UnityAction InterstitialClosed) { if (HZInterstitialAd.IsAvailable()) { OnInterstitialClosed = InterstitialClosed; HZInterstitialAd.Show(); } } /// <summary> /// Show Heyzap interstitial /// </summary> /// <param name="InterstitialClosed">callback called when user closes interstitial</param> public void ShowInterstitial(UnityAction<string> InterstitialClosed) { if (HZInterstitialAd.IsAvailable()) { OnInterstitialClosedWithAdvertiser = InterstitialClosed; HZInterstitialAd.Show(); } } /// <summary> /// Check if Heyzap rewarded video is available /// </summary> /// <returns>true if a rewarded video is available</returns> public bool IsRewardVideoAvailable() { return HZIncentivizedAd.IsAvailable(); } /// <summary> /// Show Heyzap rewarded video /// </summary> /// <param name="CompleteMethod">callback called when user closes the rewarded video -> if true, video was not skipped</param> public void ShowRewardVideo(UnityAction<bool> CompleteMethod) { if (HZIncentivizedAd.IsAvailable()) { OnCompleteMethod = CompleteMethod; HZIncentivizedAd.Show(); } } /// <summary> /// Show Heyzap rewarded video /// </summary> /// <param name="CompleteMethod">callback called when user closes the rewarded video -> if true, video was not skipped</param> public void ShowRewardVideo(UnityAction<bool, string> CompleteMethod) { if (HZIncentivizedAd.IsAvailable()) { OnCompleteMethodWithAdvertiser = CompleteMethod; HZIncentivizedAd.Show(); } } /// <summary> /// Check if Heyzap banner is available /// </summary> /// <returns>always returns true, Heyzap does not have such a method for banners</returns> public bool IsBannerAvailable() { return true; } /// <summary> /// Show Heyzap banner /// </summary> /// <param name="position"> can be TOP of BOTTOM</param> /// <param name="bannerType"> it is not used in Heyzap, this param is used just in Admob implementation</param> public void ShowBanner(BannerPosition position, BannerType bannerType, UnityAction<bool, BannerPosition, BannerType> DisplayResult) { bannerUsed = true; this.position = position; this.bannerType = bannerType; this.DisplayResult = DisplayResult; if (IsBannerAvailable()) { HZBannerShowOptions showOptions = new HZBannerShowOptions(); if (position == BannerPosition.TOP) { showOptions.Position = HZBannerShowOptions.POSITION_TOP; } else if (position == BannerPosition.BOTTOM) { showOptions.Position = HZBannerShowOptions.POSITION_BOTTOM; } if(debug) { Debug.Log(this + " Show Banner"); ScreenWriter.Write(this + " Show Banner"); } HZBannerAd.ShowWithOptions(showOptions); } } /// <summary> /// Used for mediation purpose /// </summary> public void ResetBannerUsage() { bannerUsed = false; } /// <summary> /// Used for mediation purpose /// </summary> /// <returns>true if current banner failed to load</returns> public bool BannerAlreadyUsed() { return bannerUsed; } /// <summary> /// Hides Heyzap banner /// </summary> public void HideBanner() { HZBannerAd.Hide(); } #else //dummy interface implementation, used when Heyzap is not enabled public void HideBanner() { } public void InitializeAds(UserConsent consent, UserConsent ccpaConsent, System.Collections.Generic.List<PlatformSettings> platformSettings) { } public bool IsBannerAvailable() { return false; } public void ResetBannerUsage() { } public bool BannerAlreadyUsed() { return false; } public bool IsInterstitialAvailable() { return false; } public bool IsRewardVideoAvailable() { return false; } public void ShowBanner(BannerPosition position, BannerType type, UnityAction<bool, BannerPosition, BannerType> DisplayResult) { } public void ShowInterstitial(UnityAction InterstitialClosed = null) { } public void ShowInterstitial(UnityAction<string> InterstitialClosed) { } public void ShowRewardVideo(UnityAction<bool> CompleteMethod) { } public void ShowRewardVideo(UnityAction<bool, string> CompleteMethod) { } public void UpdateConsent(UserConsent consent, UserConsent ccpaConsent) { } #endif } }