using UnityEngine; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; namespace BzKovSoft.RagdollHelper.Editor { /// /// Class responsible for regdoll and unregdoll character /// sealed class Ragdoller { const string _colliderNodeSufix = "_ColliderRotator"; readonly bool _readyToGenerate; readonly Vector3 _playerDirection; readonly Transform _rootNode; readonly RagdollPartBox _pelvis; readonly RagdollPartCapsule _leftHip; readonly RagdollPartCapsule _leftKnee; readonly RagdollPartCapsule _rightHip; readonly RagdollPartCapsule _rightKnee; readonly RagdollPartCapsule _leftArm; readonly RagdollPartCapsule _leftElbow; readonly RagdollPartCapsule _rightArm; readonly RagdollPartCapsule _rightElbow; readonly RagdollPartBox _chest; readonly RagdollPartSphere _head; readonly RagdollPartBox _leftFoot; readonly RagdollPartBox _rightFoot; readonly RagdollPartBox _leftHand; readonly RagdollPartBox _rightHand; public Ragdoller(Transform player, Vector3 playerDirection) { _playerDirection = playerDirection; _readyToGenerate = false; // find Animator Animator animator = FindAnimator(player); if (animator == null) return; _rootNode = animator.transform; // specify all parts of ragdoll _pelvis = new RagdollPartBox(animator.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.Hips)); _leftHip = new RagdollPartCapsule(animator.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.LeftUpperLeg)); _leftKnee = new RagdollPartCapsule(animator.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.LeftLowerLeg)); _rightHip = new RagdollPartCapsule(animator.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.RightUpperLeg)); _rightKnee = new RagdollPartCapsule(animator.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.RightLowerLeg)); _leftArm = new RagdollPartCapsule(animator.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.LeftUpperArm)); _leftElbow = new RagdollPartCapsule(animator.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.LeftLowerArm)); _rightArm = new RagdollPartCapsule(animator.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.RightUpperArm)); _rightElbow = new RagdollPartCapsule(animator.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.RightLowerArm)); _chest = new RagdollPartBox(animator.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.Chest)); _head = new RagdollPartSphere(animator.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.Head)); _leftFoot = new RagdollPartBox(animator.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.LeftFoot)); _rightFoot = new RagdollPartBox(animator.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.RightFoot)); _leftHand = new RagdollPartBox(animator.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.LeftHand)); _rightHand = new RagdollPartBox(animator.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.RightHand)); if (_chest.transform == null) _chest = new RagdollPartBox(animator.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.Spine)); if (!CheckFields()) { Debug.LogError("Not all nodes was found!"); return; } _readyToGenerate = true; } /// /// Finds animator component in "player" and in parents till it find Animator component. Otherwise returns null /// static Animator FindAnimator(Transform player) { Animator animator; do { animator = player.GetComponent(); if (animator != null && animator.enabled) break; player = player.parent; } while (player != null); if (animator == null | player == null) { Debug.LogError("An Animator must be attached to find bones!"); return null; } if (!animator.isHuman) { Debug.LogError("To auto detect bones, there are has to be humanoid Animator!"); return null; } return animator; } /// /// Some checks before Applying ragdoll /// bool CheckFields() { if (_rootNode == null | _pelvis == null | _leftHip == null | _leftKnee == null | _rightHip == null | _rightKnee == null | _leftArm == null | _leftElbow == null | _rightArm == null | _rightElbow == null | _chest == null | _head == null) return false; return true; } /// /// Create all ragdoll's components and set their proterties /// public void ApplyRagdoll(float totalMass, RagdollProperties ragdollProperties) { if (!_readyToGenerate) { Debug.LogError("Initialization failed. Reinstance object!"); return; } var weight = new WeightCalculator(totalMass, ragdollProperties.createTips); bool alreadyRagdolled = _pelvis.transform.gameObject.GetComponent() != null; AddComponentesTo(_pelvis, ragdollProperties, weight.Pelvis, false); AddComponentesTo(_leftHip, ragdollProperties, weight.Hip, true); AddComponentesTo(_leftKnee, ragdollProperties, weight.Knee, true); AddComponentesTo(_rightHip, ragdollProperties, weight.Hip, true); AddComponentesTo(_rightKnee, ragdollProperties, weight.Knee, true); AddComponentesTo(_leftArm, ragdollProperties, weight.Arm, true); AddComponentesTo(_leftElbow, ragdollProperties, weight.Elbow, true); AddComponentesTo(_rightArm, ragdollProperties, weight.Arm, true); AddComponentesTo(_rightElbow, ragdollProperties, weight.Elbow, true); AddComponentesTo(_chest, ragdollProperties, weight.Chest, true); AddComponentesTo(_head, ragdollProperties, weight.Head, true); if (ragdollProperties.createTips) { AddComponentesTo(_leftFoot, ragdollProperties, weight.Foot, true); AddComponentesTo(_rightFoot, ragdollProperties, weight.Foot, true); AddComponentesTo(_leftHand, ragdollProperties, weight.Hand, true); AddComponentesTo(_rightHand, ragdollProperties, weight.Hand, true); } if (alreadyRagdolled) return; // Pelvis Vector3 pelvisSize = new Vector3(0.32f, 0.31f, 0.3f); Vector3 pelvisCenter = new Vector3(00f, 0.06f, -0.01f); _pelvis.collider.size = Abs(_pelvis.transform.InverseTransformVector(pelvisSize)); = _pelvis.transform.InverseTransformVector(pelvisCenter); ApplySide(true, ragdollProperties.createTips); ApplySide(false, ragdollProperties.createTips); // Chest collider Vector3 chestSize = new Vector3(0.34f, 0.34f, 0.28f); float y = (pelvisSize.y + chestSize.y) / 2f + pelvisCenter.y; y -= _chest.transform.position.y - _pelvis.transform.position.y; _chest.collider.size = Abs(_chest.transform.InverseTransformVector(chestSize)); = _chest.transform.InverseTransformVector(new Vector3(0f, y, -0.03f)); // Chest joint var chestJoint = _chest.joint; ConfigureJointParams(_chest, _pelvis.rigidbody, _rootNode.right, _rootNode.forward); ConfigureJointLimits(chestJoint, -45f, 20f, 20f, 20f); // head _head.collider.radius = 0.1f; = _head.transform.InverseTransformVector(new Vector3(0f, 0.09f, 0.03f)); var headJoint = _head.joint; ConfigureJointParams(_head, _chest.rigidbody, _rootNode.right, _rootNode.forward); ConfigureJointLimits(headJoint, -45f, 20f, 20f, 20f); } private Vector3 Abs(Vector3 v) { return new Vector3( Mathf.Abs(v.x), Mathf.Abs(v.y), Mathf.Abs(v.z) ); } static void ConfigureJointParams(RagdollPartBase part, Rigidbody anchor, Vector3 axis, Vector3 swingAxis) { part.joint.connectedBody = anchor; part.joint.axis = part.transform.InverseTransformDirection(axis); part.joint.swingAxis = part.transform.InverseTransformDirection(swingAxis); } static void ConfigureJointLimits(CharacterJoint joint, float lowTwist, float highTwist, float swing1, float swing2) { if (lowTwist > highTwist) throw new ArgumentException("wrong limitation: lowTwist > highTwist"); var twistLimitSpring = joint.twistLimitSpring; joint.twistLimitSpring = twistLimitSpring; var swingLimitSpring = joint.swingLimitSpring; joint.swingLimitSpring = swingLimitSpring; // configure limits var lowTwistLimit = joint.lowTwistLimit; lowTwistLimit.limit = lowTwist; joint.lowTwistLimit = lowTwistLimit; var highTwistLimit = joint.highTwistLimit; highTwistLimit.limit = highTwist; joint.highTwistLimit = highTwistLimit; var swing1Limit = joint.swing1Limit; swing1Limit.limit = swing1; joint.swing1Limit = swing1Limit; var swing2Limit = joint.swing2Limit; swing2Limit.limit = swing2; joint.swing2Limit = swing2Limit; } /// /// Configure one hand and one leg /// /// If true, configuration apply to left hand and left leg, otherwise right hand and right leg void ApplySide(bool leftSide, bool createTips) { RagdollPartCapsule hip = (leftSide ? _leftHip : _rightHip); RagdollPartCapsule knee = (leftSide ? _leftKnee : _rightKnee); RagdollPartBox foot = (leftSide ? _leftFoot : _rightFoot); RagdollPartCapsule arm = (leftSide ? _leftArm : _rightArm); RagdollPartCapsule elbow = (leftSide ? _leftElbow : _rightElbow); RagdollPartBox hand = (leftSide ? _leftHand : _rightHand); ConfigureRagdollForLimb(hip, knee, foot, createTips); ConfigureLegsJoints(hip, knee, foot, createTips); ConfigureRagdollForLimb(arm, elbow, hand, createTips); ConfigureHandJoints(arm, elbow, hand, leftSide, createTips); } /// /// Configer one of 4 body parts: right leg, left leg, right hand or left hand /// static void ConfigureRagdollForLimb(RagdollPartCapsule limbUpper, RagdollPartCapsule limbLower, RagdollPartBox tip, bool createTips) { float totalLength = limbUpper.transform.InverseTransformPoint(tip.transform.position).magnitude; // limbUpper CapsuleCollider upperCapsule = limbUpper.collider; var boneEndPos = limbUpper.transform.InverseTransformPoint(limbLower.transform.position); upperCapsule.direction = GetXyzDirection(limbLower.transform.localPosition); upperCapsule.radius = totalLength * 0.12f; upperCapsule.height = boneEndPos.magnitude; = Vector3.Scale(boneEndPos, * 0.5f); // limbLower CapsuleCollider endCapsule = limbLower.collider; boneEndPos = limbLower.transform.InverseTransformPoint(tip.transform.position); endCapsule.direction = GetXyzDirection(boneEndPos); endCapsule.radius = totalLength * 0.12f; endCapsule.height = boneEndPos.magnitude; = Vector3.Scale(boneEndPos, * 0.5f); // tip if (createTips) { boneEndPos = GetLongestTransform(tip.transform).position; boneEndPos = tip.transform.InverseTransformPoint(boneEndPos); Vector3 tipDir = GetXyzDirectionV(boneEndPos); Vector3 tipSides = (tipDir - * -1; Vector3 boxSize = tipDir * boneEndPos.magnitude * 1.3f + tipSides * totalLength * 0.2f; BoxCollider tipBox = tip.collider; tipBox.size = boxSize; float halfTipLength = boneEndPos.magnitude / 2f; = Vector3.Scale(boneEndPos.normalized, * halfTipLength); } } private static Transform GetLongestTransform(Transform limb) { float longestF = -1; Transform longestT = null; // find the farest object that attached to 'limb' foreach (Transform t in limb.GetComponentsInChildren()) { float length = (limb.position - t.position).sqrMagnitude; if (length > longestF) { longestF = length; longestT = t; } } return longestT; } static Vector3 GetXyzDirectionV(Vector3 node) { var d = GetXyzDirection(node); switch (d) { case 0: return Vector3.right; case 1: return Vector3.up; case 2: return Vector3.forward; } throw new InvalidOperationException(); } /// /// Get the most appropriate direction in terms of PhysX (0,1,2 directions) /// static int GetXyzDirection(Vector3 node) { float x = Mathf.Abs(node.x); float y = Mathf.Abs(node.y); float z = Mathf.Abs(node.z); if (x > y & x > z) // x is the bigest return 0; if (y > x & y > z) // y is the bigest return 1; // z is the bigest return 2; } void ConfigureHandJoints(RagdollPartCapsule arm, RagdollPartCapsule elbow, RagdollPartBox hand, bool leftHand, bool createTips) { var dirUpper = elbow.transform.position - arm.transform.position; var dirLower = hand.transform.position - elbow.transform.position; var dirHand = GetLongestTransform(hand.transform).position - hand.transform.position; // TODO: need to find the most longest bone if (leftHand) { ConfigureJointLimits(arm.joint, -100f, 30f, 100f, 45f); ConfigureJointLimits(elbow.joint, -120f, 0f, 10f, 90f); if (createTips) { ConfigureJointLimits(hand.joint, -90f, 90f, 90f, 45f); } dirUpper = -dirUpper; dirLower = -dirLower; dirHand = -dirHand; } else { ConfigureJointLimits(arm.joint, -30f, 100f, 100f, 45f); ConfigureJointLimits(elbow.joint, 0f, 120f, 10f, 90f); if (createTips) { ConfigureJointLimits(hand.joint, -90f, 90f, 90f, 45f); } } var upU = Vector3.Cross(_playerDirection, dirUpper); var upL = Vector3.Cross(_playerDirection, dirLower); var upH = Vector3.Cross(_playerDirection, dirHand); ConfigureJointParams(arm, _chest.rigidbody, upU, _playerDirection); ConfigureJointParams(elbow, arm.rigidbody, upL, _playerDirection); if (createTips) { ConfigureJointParams(hand, elbow.rigidbody, upH, _playerDirection); } } void ConfigureLegsJoints(RagdollPartCapsule hip, RagdollPartCapsule knee, RagdollPartBox foot, bool createTips) { var hipJoint = hip.joint; var kneeJoint = knee.joint; var footJoint = foot.joint; ConfigureJointParams(hip, _pelvis.rigidbody, _rootNode.right, _rootNode.forward); ConfigureJointParams(knee, hip.rigidbody, _rootNode.right, _rootNode.forward); ConfigureJointLimits(hipJoint, -10f, 120f, 90f, 20f); ConfigureJointLimits(kneeJoint, -120f, 0f, 10f, 20f); if (createTips) { ConfigureJointParams(foot, knee.rigidbody, _rootNode.right, _rootNode.forward); ConfigureJointLimits(footJoint, -70f, 70f, 45f, 20f); } } static void AddComponentesTo(RagdollPartBox part, RagdollProperties ragdollProperties, float mass, bool addJoint) { AddComponentesToBase(part, ragdollProperties, mass, addJoint); GameObject go = part.transform.gameObject; part.collider = GetCollider(go.transform); if (part.collider == null) part.collider = go.AddComponent(); part.collider.isTrigger = ragdollProperties.asTrigger; } static void AddComponentesTo(RagdollPartCapsule part, RagdollProperties ragdollProperties, float mass, bool addJoint) { AddComponentesToBase(part, ragdollProperties, mass, addJoint); GameObject go = part.transform.gameObject; part.collider = GetCollider(go.transform); if (part.collider == null) part.collider = go.AddComponent(); part.collider.isTrigger = ragdollProperties.asTrigger; } static void AddComponentesTo(RagdollPartSphere part, RagdollProperties ragdollProperties, float mass, bool addJoint) { AddComponentesToBase(part, ragdollProperties, mass, addJoint); GameObject go = part.transform.gameObject; part.collider = GetCollider(go.transform); if (part.collider == null) part.collider = go.AddComponent(); part.collider.isTrigger = ragdollProperties.asTrigger; } static void AddComponentesToBase(RagdollPartBase part, RagdollProperties ragdollProperties, float mass, bool addJoint) { GameObject go = part.transform.gameObject; part.rigidbody = go.GetComponent(); if (part.rigidbody == null) part.rigidbody = go.AddComponent(); part.rigidbody.mass = mass; part.rigidbody.drag = ragdollProperties.rigidDrag; part.rigidbody.angularDrag = ragdollProperties.rigidAngularDrag; part.rigidbody.collisionDetectionMode = ragdollProperties.cdMode; part.rigidbody.isKinematic = ragdollProperties.isKinematic; part.rigidbody.useGravity = ragdollProperties.useGravity; if (addJoint) { part.joint = go.GetComponent(); if (part.joint == null) part.joint = go.AddComponent(); part.joint.enablePreprocessing = false; part.joint.enableProjection = true; } } static T GetCollider(Transform transform) where T : Collider { for (int i = 0; i < transform.childCount; ++i) { Transform child = transform.GetChild(i); if ( { transform = child; break; } } return transform.GetComponent(); } /// /// Remove all colliders, joints, and rigids /// public void ClearRagdoll() { foreach (var component in _pelvis.transform.GetComponentsInChildren()) GameObject.DestroyImmediate(component); foreach (var component in _pelvis.transform.GetComponentsInChildren()) GameObject.DestroyImmediate(component); foreach (var component in _pelvis.transform.GetComponentsInChildren()) GameObject.DestroyImmediate(component); DeleteColliderNodes(_pelvis.transform); } /// /// Correct deleting collider with collider's separate nodes /// /// private static void DeleteColliderNodes(Transform node) { for (int i = 0; i < node.childCount; ++i) { Transform child = node.GetChild(i); if ( GameObject.DestroyImmediate(child.gameObject); else DeleteColliderNodes(child); } } } }