namespace SRDebugger.Internal { public class SRDebugStrings { public static readonly SRDebugStrings Current = new SRDebugStrings(); public readonly string Console_MessageTruncated = "-- Message Truncated --"; public readonly string Console_NoStackTrace = "-- No Stack Trace Available --"; public readonly string PinEntryPrompt = "Enter code to open debug panel"; public readonly string Profiler_DisableProfilerInfo = "Unity profiler is currently enabled. Disable to improve performance."; public readonly string Profiler_EnableProfilerInfo = "Unity profiler is currently disabled. Enable to show more information."; public readonly string Profiler_NoProInfo = "Unity profiler is currently disabled. Unity Pro is required to enable it."; public readonly string Profiler_NotSupported = "Unity profiler is not supported in this build."; public readonly string ProfilerCameraListenerHelp = "This behaviour is attached by the SRDebugger profiler to calculate render times."; } }