namespace Gley.About { using System.IO; using System.Linq; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; public class GleyAboutWindow : EditorWindow { struct ContactButton { public GUIContent guiContent; public string url; public ContactButton(GUIContent guiContent, string url) { this.guiContent = guiContent; this.url = url; } } private const string FOLDER_NAME = "About"; private static string PARENT_FOLDER = "GleyPlugins"; private static string rootFolder; static GleyAboutWindow window; static IconReferences iconReferences; private ContactButton[] contactButtons; private EditorFileLoaded fileLoader; private AssetVersions allAssetsVersion; private Vector2 scrollPosition; private string updateResult; private int nrOfUpdates; private bool updateCheck; private bool mobileToolsAvailable; static AssetStorePackage[] assetStorePackages; string[] packagesInsideMobileTools = { "Ads", "EasyIAP", "Notifications", "GameServices", "RateGame", "CrossPromo", "AllPlatformsSave", "Localization", "DailyRewards" }; [MenuItem("Window/Gley/About Gley", false, 0)] private static void Init() { if (!LoadRootFolder()) return; LoadIcons(); LoadAssetStorePackages(); window = (GleyAboutWindow)GetWindow(typeof(GleyAboutWindow)); window.minSize = new Vector2(600, 520); window.titleContent = new GUIContent(" About v2.0", iconReferences.gleyLogo); window.Show(); } static void LoadAssetStorePackages() { assetStorePackages = new AssetStorePackage[] { new AssetStorePackage("TrafficSystem", "Traffic System", iconReferences.trafficSystemIcon, "Highly performant and easy to use traffic system that can make any driving game more fun to play in just a few clicks.", ""), new AssetStorePackage("JumpyCompleteGame", "Mobile Tools", iconReferences.mobileToolsIcon, "All you need to publish your finished game on the store and BONUS a free game with all of them already integrated", ""), new AssetStorePackage("Ads", "Mobile Ads", iconReferences.mobileAdsIcon, "Show ads inside your game with this easy to use, multiple advertisers support tool.", ""), new AssetStorePackage("EasyIAP", "Easy IAP", iconReferences.easyIAPIcon, "Sell In App products inside your game with minimal setup and very little programming knowledge.", ""), new AssetStorePackage("Localization", "Localization (Multi-Language)", iconReferences.localizationIcon, "Make your app international and reach a greater audience by translating your app in multiple languages.", ""), new AssetStorePackage("DailyRewards", "Daily (Time Based) Rewards", iconReferences.dailyRewardsIcon, "Increase the retention of your game by using Daily Rewards and Time Based rewards.", ""), new AssetStorePackage("Notifications", "Mobile Push Notifications",iconReferences.notificationsIcon, "Send scheduled offline notifications to your users and keep them engaged.", ""), new AssetStorePackage("GameServices", "Easy Achievements and Leaderboards", iconReferences.achievementsIcon, "Submit achievements and scores with minimal setup and increase competition between your users.", ""), new AssetStorePackage("RateGame", "Rate Game Popup", iconReferences.rateGameIcon, "Increase the number of game ratings by encouraging users to rate your game.", ""), new AssetStorePackage("CrossPromo", "Mobile Cross Promo", iconReferences.crossPromoIcon, "Easily cross promote and increase popularity for all of your published games.", ""), new AssetStorePackage("AllPlatformsSave", "All Platforms Save", iconReferences.saveIcon, "Easy to use: same line of code to save or load game data on all supported Unity platforms.", ""), new AssetStorePackage("DeliveryVehiclesPack", "Delivery Vehicles Pack", iconReferences.vehiclesIcon, "Delivery Vehicles Pack contains 3 low poly, textured vehicles: Scooter, Three Wheeler, Minivan", "") }; } static void LoadIcons() { Object assetToLoad = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath($"{rootFolder}/Editor/IconReferences.asset", typeof(IconReferences)); iconReferences = (IconReferences)assetToLoad; } static bool LoadRootFolder() { rootFolder = Common.EditorUtilities.FindFolder(FOLDER_NAME, PARENT_FOLDER); if (rootFolder == null) { Debug.LogError($"Folder Not Found: '{PARENT_FOLDER}/{FOLDER_NAME}'"); PARENT_FOLDER = "Assets"; rootFolder = Common.EditorUtilities.FindFolder(FOLDER_NAME, PARENT_FOLDER); if (rootFolder == null) { Debug.LogError($"Folder Not Found: '{PARENT_FOLDER}/{FOLDER_NAME}'"); return false; } } return true; } void OnEnable() { if (!LoadRootFolder()) return; if (iconReferences == null) { LoadIcons(); } if (assetStorePackages == null) { LoadAssetStorePackages(); } contactButtons = new ContactButton[] { new ContactButton(new GUIContent(" Website", iconReferences.websiteIcon),""), new ContactButton(new GUIContent(" Youtube", iconReferences.youtubeIcon),""), new ContactButton(new GUIContent(" Discord", iconReferences.discordIcon),""), new ContactButton(new GUIContent(" Twitter", iconReferences.twitterIcon),""), new ContactButton(new GUIContent(" Facebook", iconReferences.facebookIcon),""), new ContactButton(new GUIContent(" Instagram", iconReferences.instagramIcon),"") }; RefreshState(); mobileToolsAvailable = (assetStorePackages[1].assetState != AssetState.NotDownloaded); } void RefreshState() { nrOfUpdates = 0; for (int i = 0; i < assetStorePackages.Length; i++) { assetStorePackages[i].assetState = GetAssetState(assetStorePackages[i].folderName); } if (nrOfUpdates != 0) { updateResult = nrOfUpdates + " updates available"; } else { updateResult = "No updates available"; } } void OnGUI() { GUIStyle labelStyle = new GUIStyle(; labelStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperCenter; EditorGUILayout.Space(); GUILayout.Label(iconReferences.gleyCover, labelStyle); labelStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold; GUILayout.Label("Professional assets made easy to use for everyone", labelStyle); EditorGUILayout.Space(); GUILayout.Label("Connect with us:", labelStyle); EditorGUILayout.SelectableLabel("", labelStyle); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); for (int i = 0; i < contactButtons.Length; i++) { if (GUILayout.Button(contactButtons[i].guiContent)) { Application.OpenURL(contactButtons[i].url); } } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); if (GUILayout.Button("Open Asset Store Publisher Page")) { Application.OpenURL(""); } EditorGUILayout.Space(); if (updateCheck == false) { if (GUILayout.Button("Check for Updates")) { updateCheck = true; LoadFile(); } } else { GUILayout.Label(updateResult, labelStyle); } EditorGUILayout.Space(); scrollPosition = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollPosition, false, false, GUILayout.Width(position.width), GUILayout.Height(position.height - 250)); DrawPackages(); GUILayout.EndScrollView(); } void DrawPackages() { for (int i = 0; i < assetStorePackages.Length; i++) { if (mobileToolsAvailable) { if (!packagesInsideMobileTools.Contains(assetStorePackages[i].folderName)) { DrawPack(assetStorePackages[i]); } } else { DrawPack(assetStorePackages[i]); } } } AssetState GetAssetState(string folderName) { AssetState result = AssetState.InProject; string path = Common.EditorUtilities.FindFolder("Scripts", folderName); if (path == null) { return AssetState.NotDownloaded; } if (!File.Exists($"{Application.dataPath}/{path.Replace("Assets/", "")}/Version.txt")) { nrOfUpdates++; return AssetState.UpdateAvailable; } if (allAssetsVersion != null) { if (AssetNeedsUpdate(path,folderName)) { nrOfUpdates++; return AssetState.UpdateAvailable; } } return result; } private bool AssetNeedsUpdate(string path, string folderName) { if (allAssetsVersion.assetsVersion.Count == 0) return false; string filePath = $"{path}/Version.txt"; StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(filePath); int localVersion = JsonUtility.FromJson(reader.ReadToEnd()).shortVersion; int serverVersion = allAssetsVersion.assetsVersion.First(cond => cond.folderName == folderName).shortVersion; reader.Close(); if (localVersion < serverVersion) { return true; } return false; } void DrawPack(AssetStorePackage pack) { EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(EditorStyles.helpBox); EditorGUILayout.Space(); GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle(; style.fontSize = 18; style.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; GUILayout.Label(pack.texture, style); EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); GUILayout.Label(, style); style.fontSize = 12; style.wordWrap = true; //style.normal.background = downloadColor; GUILayout.Label(pack.description, style); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); var oldColor = GUI.backgroundColor; string buttonText = ""; switch (pack.assetState) { case AssetState.ComingSoon: GUI.backgroundColor = new Color32(190, 190, 190, 255); buttonText = "Coming Soon"; break; case AssetState.InProject: GUI.backgroundColor = new Color32(253, 195, 71, 255); buttonText = "Owned"; break; case AssetState.NotDownloaded: GUI.backgroundColor = new Color32(42, 180, 240, 255); buttonText = "Download"; break; case AssetState.UpdateAvailable: GUI.backgroundColor = new Color32(76, 229, 89, 255); buttonText = "Update Available"; break; } if (GUILayout.Button(buttonText, GUILayout.Width(130), GUILayout.Height(64))) { updateCheck = false; Application.OpenURL(pack.url); } GUI.backgroundColor = oldColor; EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); } private void LoadFile() { updateResult = "Connecting to server"; fileLoader = new EditorFileLoaded(); string url = ""; fileLoader.LoadFile(url); EditorApplication.update = MyUpdate; } private void MyUpdate() { if (fileLoader.IsDone()) { EditorApplication.update = null; LoadCompleted(); } } private void LoadCompleted() { allAssetsVersion = JsonUtility.FromJson(fileLoader.GetResult()); RefreshState(); } } }