using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using System.Reflection; namespace MoreMountains.Tools { public class MonoAttribute { public enum MemberTypes { Property, Field } public MonoBehaviour TargetObject; public MemberTypes MemberType; public PropertyInfo MemberPropertyInfo; public FieldInfo MemberFieldInfo; public string MemberName; public MonoAttribute(MonoBehaviour targetObject, MemberTypes type, PropertyInfo propertyInfo, FieldInfo fieldInfo, string memberName) { TargetObject = targetObject; MemberType = type; MemberPropertyInfo = propertyInfo; MemberFieldInfo = fieldInfo; MemberName = memberName; } public virtual float GetValue() { if (MemberType == MonoAttribute.MemberTypes.Property) { return (float)MemberPropertyInfo.GetValue(TargetObject); } else if (MemberType == MonoAttribute.MemberTypes.Field) { return (float)MemberFieldInfo.GetValue(TargetObject); } return 0f; } public virtual void SetValue(float newValue) { if (MemberType == MonoAttribute.MemberTypes.Property) { MemberPropertyInfo.SetValue(TargetObject, newValue); } else if (MemberType == MonoAttribute.MemberTypes.Field) { MemberFieldInfo.SetValue(TargetObject, newValue); } } } /// /// A class used to control a float in any other class, over time /// To use it, simply drag a monobehaviour in its target field, pick a control mode (ping pong or random), and tweak the settings /// [AddComponentMenu("More Mountains/Tools/Property Controllers/FloatController")] [MMRequiresConstantRepaint] public class FloatController : MMMonoBehaviour { /// the possible control modes public enum ControlModes { PingPong, Random, OneTime, AudioAnalyzer, ToDestination, Driven } [Header("Target")] /// the mono on which the float you want to control is public MonoBehaviour TargetObject; [Header("Global Settings")] /// the control mode (ping pong or random) public ControlModes ControlMode; /// whether or not the updated value should be added to the initial one public bool AddToInitialValue = false; /// whether or not to use unscaled time public bool UseUnscaledTime = true; /// whether or not you want to revert to the InitialValue after the control ends public bool RevertToInitialValueAfterEnd = true; [Header("Driven")] /// the value that will be applied to the controlled float in driven mode public float DrivenLevel = 0f; [Header("Ping Pong")] /// the curve to apply to the tween public MMTweenType Curve = new MMTweenType(MMTween.MMTweenCurve.EaseInCubic); /// the minimum value for the ping pong public float MinValue = 0f; /// the maximum value for the ping pong public float MaxValue = 5f; /// the duration of one ping (or pong) public float Duration = 1f; /// the duration (in seconds) between a ping and a pong public float PingPongPauseDuration = 0f; [Header("Random")] [MMVector("Min", "Max")] /// the noise amplitude public Vector2 Amplitude = new Vector2(0f,5f); [MMVector("Min", "Max")] /// the noise frequency public Vector2 Frequency = new Vector2(1f, 1f); [MMVector("Min", "Max")] /// the noise shift public Vector2 Shift = new Vector2(0f, 1f); /// if this is true, will let you remap the noise value (without amplitude) to the bounds you've specified public bool RemapNoiseValues = false; /// the value to which to remap the random's zero bound [MMCondition("RemapNoiseValues", true)] public float RemapNoiseZero = 0f; /// the value to which to remap the random's one bound [MMCondition("RemapNoiseValues", true)] public float RemapNoiseOne = 1f; [Header("OneTime")] /// the duration of the One Time shake public float OneTimeDuration = 1f; /// the amplitude of the One Time shake (this will be multiplied by the curve's height) public float OneTimeAmplitude = 1f; /// the low value to remap the normalized curve value to public float OneTimeRemapMin = 0f; /// the high value to remap the normalized curve value to public float OneTimeRemapMax = 1f; /// the curve to apply to the one time shake public AnimationCurve OneTimeCurve = new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe(0, 0), new Keyframe(0.5f, 1), new Keyframe(1, 0)); /// whether or not this controller should go to sleep after a one time shake public bool DisableAfterOneTime; /// whether or not this controller should go back to sleep after a OneTime public bool DisableGameObjectAfterOneTime = false; [MMInspectorButton("OneTime")] /// a test button for the one time shake public bool OneTimeButton; [Header("ToDestination")] /// the duration of the tween to the destination value public float ToDestinationDuration = 1f; /// the value to tween to public float ToDestinationValue = 1f; /// the curve to use when tweening a value to destination public AnimationCurve ToDestinationCurve = new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe(0, 0), new Keyframe(0.5f, 0.6f), new Keyframe(1f, 1f)); /// whether or not this controller should go to sleep after a to destination shake public bool DisableAfterToDestination; [MMInspectorButton("ToDestination")] /// a test button for the one time shake public bool ToDestinationButton; public enum AudioAnalyzerModes { Beat, NormalizedBufferedBandLevels } [Header("AudioAnalyzer")] /// the audio analyzer to read the value on public MMAudioAnalyzer AudioAnalyzer; /// whether to look at a Beat or at the normalized buffered band levels public AudioAnalyzerModes AudioAnalyzerMode = AudioAnalyzerModes.Beat; /// the ID of the beat to listen to public int BeatID; /// when in NormalizedBufferedBandLevels public int NormalizedLevelID = 0; /// a multiplier to apply to the output beat value public float AudioAnalyzerMultiplier = 1f; [Header("Debug")] [MMReadOnly] /// the initial value of the controlled float public float InitialValue; [MMReadOnly] /// the current value of the controlled float public float CurrentValue; [MMReadOnly] /// the current value of the controlled float, normalized public float CurrentValueNormalized; /// internal use only [HideInInspector] public float PingPong; /// internal use only [HideInInspector] public MonoAttribute TargetAttribute; /// internal use only [HideInInspector] public string[] AttributeNames; /// internal use only [HideInInspector] public string PropertyName; /// internal use only [HideInInspector] public int ChoiceIndex; public const string _undefinedString = ""; protected List _attributesNamesTempList; protected PropertyInfo[] _propertyReferences; protected FieldInfo[] _fieldReferences; protected bool _attributeFound; protected float _randomAmplitude; protected float _randomFrequency; protected float _randomShift; protected float _elapsedTime = 0f; protected bool _shaking = false; protected float _shakeStartTimestamp = 0f; protected float _remappedTimeSinceStart = 0f; protected float _pingPongDirection = 1f; protected float _lastPingPongPauseAt = 0f; protected float _initialValue = 0f; protected MonoBehaviour _targetObjectLastFrame; protected MonoAttribute _targetAttributeLastFrame; /// /// Finds an attribute (property or field) on the target object /// /// /// public virtual bool FindAttribute(string propertyName) { FieldInfo fieldInfo = null; PropertyInfo propInfo = null; TargetAttribute = null; propInfo = TargetObject.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName); if (propInfo == null) { fieldInfo = TargetObject.GetType().GetField(propertyName); } if (propInfo != null) { TargetAttribute = new MonoAttribute(TargetObject, MonoAttribute.MemberTypes.Property, propInfo, null, propertyName); } if (fieldInfo != null) { TargetAttribute = new MonoAttribute(TargetObject, MonoAttribute.MemberTypes.Field, null, fieldInfo, propertyName); } if (PropertyName == _undefinedString) { Debug.LogError("FloatController " + + " : you need to pick a property from the Property list"); return false; } if ((propInfo == null) && (fieldInfo == null)) { Debug.LogError("FloatController " + + " couldn't find any property or field named " + propertyName + " on " +; return false; } if (TargetAttribute.MemberType == MonoAttribute.MemberTypes.Property) { TargetAttribute.MemberPropertyInfo = TargetObject.GetType().GetProperty(TargetAttribute.MemberName); } else if (TargetAttribute.MemberType == MonoAttribute.MemberTypes.Field) { TargetAttribute.MemberFieldInfo = TargetObject.GetType().GetField(TargetAttribute.MemberName); } return true; } /// /// On start we initialize our controller /// protected virtual void Awake() { Initialization(); } /// /// On enable, grabs the initial value /// protected virtual void OnEnable() { InitialValue = GetInitialValue(); } /// /// Grabs the target property and initializes stuff /// public virtual void Initialization() { _attributeFound = FindAttribute(PropertyName); if (!_attributeFound) { return; } if ((TargetObject == null) || (string.IsNullOrEmpty(TargetAttribute.MemberName))) { return; } _elapsedTime = 0f; _randomAmplitude = Random.Range(Amplitude.x, Amplitude.y); _randomFrequency = Random.Range(Frequency.x, Frequency.y); _randomShift = Random.Range(Shift.x, Shift.y); InitialValue = GetInitialValue(); _shaking = false; } /// /// Grabs the initial float value /// /// protected virtual float GetInitialValue() { if (TargetAttribute.MemberType == MonoAttribute.MemberTypes.Property) { return (float)TargetAttribute.MemberPropertyInfo.GetValue(TargetObject); } else if (TargetAttribute.MemberType == MonoAttribute.MemberTypes.Field) { return (float)TargetAttribute.MemberFieldInfo.GetValue(TargetObject); } return 0f; } /// /// Sets the level to the value passed in parameters /// /// public virtual void SetDrivenLevelAbsolute(float level) { DrivenLevel = level; } /// /// Sets the level to the remapped value passed in parameters /// /// /// /// public virtual void SetDrivenLevelNormalized(float normalizedLevel, float remapZero, float remapOne) { DrivenLevel = MMMaths.Remap(normalizedLevel, 0f, 1f, remapZero, remapOne); } /// /// Triggers a one time shake of the float controller /// public virtual void OneTime() { if ((TargetObject == null) || (TargetAttribute == null)) { return; } else { this.gameObject.SetActive(true); this.enabled = true; _shakeStartTimestamp = GetTime(); _shaking = true; } } /// /// Triggers a one time shake of the controller to a specified destination value /// public virtual void ToDestination() { if ((TargetObject == null) || (TargetAttribute == null)) { return; } else { this.enabled = true; ControlMode = ControlModes.ToDestination; _shakeStartTimestamp = GetTime(); _shaking = true; _initialValue = GetInitialValue(); } } /// /// Returns the relevant delta time /// /// protected float GetDeltaTime() { return UseUnscaledTime ? Time.unscaledDeltaTime : Time.deltaTime; } /// /// Returns the relevant time /// /// protected float GetTime() { return UseUnscaledTime ? Time.unscaledTime : Time.time; } /// /// On Update, we move our value based on the defined settings /// protected virtual void Update() { _targetObjectLastFrame = TargetObject; _targetAttributeLastFrame = TargetAttribute; if ((TargetObject == null) || (TargetAttribute == null) || (!_attributeFound)) { return; } switch (ControlMode) { case ControlModes.PingPong: if (GetTime() - _lastPingPongPauseAt < PingPongPauseDuration) { return; } PingPong += GetDeltaTime() * _pingPongDirection; if (PingPong < 0f) { PingPong = 0f; _pingPongDirection = -_pingPongDirection; _lastPingPongPauseAt = GetTime(); } if (PingPong > Duration) { PingPong = Duration; _pingPongDirection = -_pingPongDirection; _lastPingPongPauseAt = GetTime(); } CurrentValue = MMTween.Tween(PingPong, 0f, Duration, MinValue, MaxValue, Curve); CurrentValueNormalized = MMMaths.Remap(CurrentValue, MinValue, MaxValue, 0f, 1f); break; case ControlModes.Random: _elapsedTime += GetDeltaTime(); CurrentValueNormalized = Mathf.PerlinNoise(_randomFrequency * _elapsedTime, _randomShift); if (RemapNoiseValues) { CurrentValue = CurrentValueNormalized; CurrentValue = MMMaths.Remap(CurrentValue, 0f, 1f, RemapNoiseZero, RemapNoiseOne); } else { CurrentValue = (CurrentValueNormalized * 2.0f - 1.0f) * _randomAmplitude; } break; case ControlModes.OneTime: if (!_shaking) { return; } _remappedTimeSinceStart = MMMaths.Remap(GetTime() - _shakeStartTimestamp, 0f, OneTimeDuration, 0f, 1f); CurrentValueNormalized = OneTimeCurve.Evaluate(_remappedTimeSinceStart); CurrentValue = MMMaths.Remap(CurrentValueNormalized, 0f, 1f, OneTimeRemapMin, OneTimeRemapMax); CurrentValue *= OneTimeAmplitude; break; case ControlModes.AudioAnalyzer: if (AudioAnalyzerMode == AudioAnalyzerModes.Beat) { CurrentValue = AudioAnalyzer.Beats[BeatID].CurrentValue * AudioAnalyzerMultiplier; } else { CurrentValue = AudioAnalyzer.NormalizedBufferedBandLevels[NormalizedLevelID] * AudioAnalyzerMultiplier; } CurrentValueNormalized = Mathf.Clamp(CurrentValue, 0f, 1f); break; case ControlModes.Driven: CurrentValue = DrivenLevel; CurrentValueNormalized = Mathf.Clamp(CurrentValue, 0f, 1f); break; case ControlModes.ToDestination: if (!_shaking) { return; } _remappedTimeSinceStart = MMMaths.Remap(GetTime() - _shakeStartTimestamp, 0f, ToDestinationDuration, 0f, 1f); float time = ToDestinationCurve.Evaluate(_remappedTimeSinceStart); CurrentValue = Mathf.LerpUnclamped(_initialValue, ToDestinationValue, time); CurrentValueNormalized = MMMaths.Remap(CurrentValue, _initialValue, ToDestinationValue, 0f, 1f); break; } if (AddToInitialValue) { CurrentValue += InitialValue; } if (ControlMode == ControlModes.OneTime) { if (_shaking && (GetTime() - _shakeStartTimestamp > OneTimeDuration)) { _shaking = false; if (RevertToInitialValueAfterEnd) { CurrentValue = InitialValue; TargetAttribute.SetValue(CurrentValue); } else { CurrentValue = OneTimeCurve.Evaluate(1f); CurrentValue = MMMaths.Remap(CurrentValue, 0f, 1f, OneTimeRemapMin, OneTimeRemapMax); CurrentValue *= OneTimeAmplitude; TargetAttribute.SetValue(CurrentValue); } if (DisableAfterOneTime) { this.enabled = false; } if (DisableGameObjectAfterOneTime) { this.gameObject.SetActive(false); } return; } } if (ControlMode == ControlModes.ToDestination) { if (_shaking && (GetTime() - _shakeStartTimestamp > ToDestinationDuration)) { _shaking = false; if (RevertToInitialValueAfterEnd) { CurrentValue = InitialValue; } else { CurrentValue = ToDestinationValue; } TargetAttribute.SetValue(CurrentValue); if (DisableAfterOneTime) { this.enabled = false; } if (DisableGameObjectAfterOneTime) { this.gameObject.SetActive(false); } return; } } TargetAttribute.SetValue(CurrentValue); } /// /// When the contents of the inspector change, and if the target changed, we grab all its properties and store them /// protected virtual void OnValidate() { FillDropDownList(); if ( Application.isPlaying && ((_targetAttributeLastFrame != TargetAttribute) || (_targetObjectLastFrame != TargetObject)) ) { Initialization(); } } /// /// On disable we revert to the previous value if needed /// protected virtual void OnDisable() { if (RevertToInitialValueAfterEnd) { CurrentValue = InitialValue; TargetAttribute.SetValue(CurrentValue); } } /// /// Interrupts any tween in progress, and disables itself /// public virtual void Stop() { _shaking = false; this.enabled = false; } /// /// Fills the inspector dropdown with all the possible choices /// public virtual void FillDropDownList() { AttributeNames = new string[0]; if (TargetObject == null) { return; } _propertyReferences = TargetObject.GetType().GetProperties(); _attributesNamesTempList = new List(); _attributesNamesTempList.Add(_undefinedString); foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in _propertyReferences) { if (propertyInfo.PropertyType.Name == "Single") { _attributesNamesTempList.Add(propertyInfo.Name); } } _fieldReferences = TargetObject.GetType().GetFields(); foreach (FieldInfo fieldInfo in _fieldReferences) { if (fieldInfo.FieldType.Name == "Single") { _attributesNamesTempList.Add(fieldInfo.Name); } } // we fill our dropdown list of names : AttributeNames = _attributesNamesTempList.ToArray(); } /// /// On restore, we restore our initial state /// public virtual void RestoreInitialValues() { TargetAttribute.SetValue(InitialValue); } } }