3.3.1f9 - It's not possible to add an ES3ReferenceMgr to your scene directly, ensuring that initialisation code is performed. - Compressed files can now be cached. - Ability to only add prefabs directly referenced by your scene to the manager. 3.3.1f8 - Caching is now enabled by default for Auto Save, significantly improving performance. - Added ES3.LoadString method so you do not need to provide all parameters to use the defaultValue overload. - Resolved case where SaveAll would not correctly save some types of array. - Resolved case where global references would not be acknowledged. 3.3.1f7 - Serialization depth limit has been raised to account for projects with deep hierearchies - Fixed issue where Easy Save 3 Manager could not be found for scenes which had not been saved. - Resolved issue where Add Reference(s) to Manager would not dirty scene when Auto Update References was disabled. - Improved Editor performance by accounting for situations where post-processing events would be called multiple times. 3.3.1f6 - Internal fields of the UnityEngine.Object class are hidden in the Types pane as they are not serialisable. - Accounted for edge case where unassigned script is returned by GameObject.GetComponents(). - ES3Settings constructor now accepts any settings enum (e.g. ES3.Location). - No longer throws warning when multiple scenes are open. 3.3.1f5 - Updated PlayMaker actions. - Provided workaround for issue where IL2CPP stripper removes methods which are marked to not be stripped. - Performance updates. 3.3.1f4 - Improved performance when gathering references for reference manager. 3.3.1f3 - Added Cache as a storage location, providing a much simpler way of caching data. - References can now be added by right-clicking the object and going to Easy Save 3 > Add Reference to Manager. - Floats and doubles are now stored with full precision. - Assorted bug fixes. 3.3.1f2 - Added compression, reducing file size by 85% on average when enabled - JSON is now pretty printed (formatted) by default - Added attributes to control serialisation - Private fields in inherited classes are now stored - Added search capabilities to the Auto Save window - The way in which GameObjects is saved is now more flexible - The reference manager is now updated whenever playmode is entered - Null values in the global manager are now automatically removed - Fixed issue where default settings were not applied properly - Fixed issue where ES3Types would be stored in Easy Save root rather than in Assets/Easy Save 3/