using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Serialization; namespace MoreMountains.Tools { /// /// Prevents fast moving objects from going through colliders by casting a ray backwards after each movement /// [AddComponentMenu("More Mountains/Tools/Movement/MMPreventPassingThrough2D")] public class MMPreventPassingThrough2D : MonoBehaviour { public enum Modes { Raycast, BoxCast } /// whether to cast a ray or a boxcast to look for targets public Modes Mode = Modes.Raycast; /// the layer mask to search obstacles on public LayerMask ObstaclesLayerMask; /// the bounds adjustment variable public float SkinWidth = 0.1f; /// whether or not to reposition the rb if hitting a trigger collider public bool RepositionRigidbodyIfHitTrigger = true; /// whether or not to reposition the rb if hitting a non trigger collider [FormerlySerializedAs("RepositionRigidbody")] public bool RepositionRigidbodyIfHitNonTrigger = true; [Header("Debug")] [MMReadOnly] public RaycastHit2D Hit; protected float _smallestBoundsWidth; protected float _adjustedSmallestBoundsWidth; protected float _squaredBoundsWidth; protected Vector3 _positionLastFrame; protected Rigidbody2D _rigidbody; protected Collider2D _collider; protected Vector2 _lastMovement; protected float _lastMovementSquared; protected RaycastHit2D _hitInfo; protected Vector2 _colliderSize; /// /// On Start we initialize our object /// protected virtual void Start() { Initialization (); } /// /// Grabs the rigidbody and computes the bounds width /// protected virtual void Initialization() { _rigidbody = GetComponent(); _positionLastFrame = _rigidbody.position; _collider = GetComponent(); if (_collider as BoxCollider2D != null) { _colliderSize = (_collider as BoxCollider2D).size; } _smallestBoundsWidth = Mathf.Min(Mathf.Min(_collider.bounds.extents.x, _collider.bounds.extents.y), _collider.bounds.extents.z); _adjustedSmallestBoundsWidth = _smallestBoundsWidth * (1.0f - SkinWidth); _squaredBoundsWidth = _smallestBoundsWidth * _smallestBoundsWidth; } /// /// On Enable, we initialize our last frame position /// protected virtual void OnEnable() { _positionLastFrame = this.transform.position; } /// /// On fixedUpdate, checks the last movement and if needed casts a ray to detect obstacles /// protected virtual void Update() { _lastMovement = this.transform.position - _positionLastFrame; _lastMovementSquared = _lastMovement.sqrMagnitude; // if we've moved further than our bounds, we may have missed something if (_lastMovementSquared > _squaredBoundsWidth) { float movementMagnitude = Mathf.Sqrt(_lastMovementSquared); // we cast a ray backwards to see if we should have hit something if (Mode == Modes.Raycast) { _hitInfo = MMDebug.RayCast(_positionLastFrame, _lastMovement.normalized, movementMagnitude, ObstaclesLayerMask,, true); } else { _hitInfo = Physics2D.BoxCast(origin: _positionLastFrame, size: _colliderSize, angle: 0, layerMask: ObstaclesLayerMask, direction: _lastMovement.normalized, distance: movementMagnitude); } if (_hitInfo.collider != null) { if (_hitInfo.collider.isTrigger) { _hitInfo.collider.SendMessage("OnTriggerEnter2D", _collider, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); if (RepositionRigidbodyIfHitTrigger) { this.transform.position = _hitInfo.point - (_lastMovement / movementMagnitude) * _adjustedSmallestBoundsWidth; _rigidbody.position = _hitInfo.point - (_lastMovement / movementMagnitude) * _adjustedSmallestBoundsWidth; } } if (!_hitInfo.collider.isTrigger) { Hit = _hitInfo; this.gameObject.SendMessage("PreventedCollision2D", Hit, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); if (RepositionRigidbodyIfHitNonTrigger) { this.transform.position = _hitInfo.point - (_lastMovement / movementMagnitude) * _adjustedSmallestBoundsWidth; _rigidbody.position = _hitInfo.point - (_lastMovement / movementMagnitude) * _adjustedSmallestBoundsWidth; } } } } _positionLastFrame = this.transform.position; } } }