using UnityEngine; using System.Threading.Tasks; using MoreMountains.Tools; using UnityEngine.Audio; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; using Object = UnityEngine.Object; using Random = UnityEngine.Random; namespace MoreMountains.Feedbacks { /// /// This feedback will let you play a sound via the MMSoundManager. You will need a game object in your scene with a MMSoundManager object on it for this to work. /// [ExecuteAlways] [AddComponentMenu("")] [FeedbackPath("Audio/MMSoundManager Sound")] [FeedbackHelp("This feedback will let you play a sound via the MMSoundManager. You will need a game object in your scene with a MMSoundManager object on it for this to work.")] public class MMF_MMSoundManagerSound : MMF_Feedback { /// a static bool used to disable all feedbacks of this type at once public static bool FeedbackTypeAuthorized = true; /// sets the inspector color for this feedback #if UNITY_EDITOR public override Color FeedbackColor { get { return MMFeedbacksInspectorColors.SoundsColor; } } public override bool EvaluateRequiresSetup() { bool requiresSetup = false; if (Sfx == null) { requiresSetup = true; } if ((RandomSfx != null) && (RandomSfx.Length > 0)) { requiresSetup = false; foreach (AudioClip clip in RandomSfx) { if (clip == null) { requiresSetup = true; } } } if (SoundDataSO != null) { requiresSetup = false; } return requiresSetup; } public override string RequiredTargetText { get { return Sfx != null ? + " - ID:" + ID : ""; } } public override string RequiresSetupText { get { return "This feedback requires that you set an Audio clip in its Sfx slot below, or one or more clips in the Random Sfx array."; } } public override bool HasCustomInspectors { get { return true; } } #endif /// the duration of this feedback is the duration of the clip being played public override float FeedbackDuration { get { return GetDuration(); } } public override bool HasRandomness => true; [MMFInspectorGroup("Sound", true, 14, true)] /// the sound clip to play [Tooltip("the sound clip to play")] public AudioClip Sfx; [MMFInspectorGroup("Random Sound", true, 34, true)] /// an array to pick a random sfx from [Tooltip("an array to pick a random sfx from")] public AudioClip[] RandomSfx; /// if this is true, random sfx audio clips will be played in sequential order instead of at random [Tooltip("if this is true, random sfx audio clips will be played in sequential order instead of at random")] public bool SequentialOrder = false; /// if we're in sequential order, determines whether or not to hold at the last index, until either a cooldown is met, or the ResetSequentialIndex method is called [Tooltip("if we're in sequential order, determines whether or not to hold at the last index, until either a cooldown is met, or the ResetSequentialIndex method is called")] [MMFCondition("SequentialOrder", true)] public bool SequentialOrderHoldLast = false; /// if we're in sequential order hold last mode, index will reset to 0 automatically after this duration, unless it's 0, in which case it'll be ignored [Tooltip("if we're in sequential order hold last mode, index will reset to 0 automatically after this duration, unless it's 0, in which case it'll be ignored")] [MMFCondition("SequentialOrderHoldLast", true)] public float SequentialOrderHoldCooldownDuration = 2f; /// if this is true, sfx will be picked at random until all have been played. once this happens, the list is shuffled again, and it starts over [Tooltip("if this is true, sfx will be picked at random until all have been played. once this happens, the list is shuffled again, and it starts over")] public bool RandomUnique = false; [MMFInspectorGroup("Scriptable Object", true, 14, true)] /// a scriptable object (created via the Create/MoreMountains/Audio/MMF_SoundData menu) to define settings that will override all other settings on this feedback [Tooltip("a scriptable object (created via the Create/MoreMountains/Audio/MMF_SoundData menu) to define settings that will override all other settings on this feedback")] public MMF_MMSoundManagerSoundData SoundDataSO; [MMFInspectorGroup("Sound Properties", true, 24)] [Header("Volume")] /// the minimum volume to play the sound at [Tooltip("the minimum volume to play the sound at")] [Range(0f,2f)] public float MinVolume = 1f; /// the maximum volume to play the sound at [Tooltip("the maximum volume to play the sound at")] [Range(0f,2f)] public float MaxVolume = 1f; [Header("Pitch")] /// the minimum pitch to play the sound at [Tooltip("the minimum pitch to play the sound at")] [Range(-3f,3f)] public float MinPitch = 1f; /// the maximum pitch to play the sound at [Tooltip("the maximum pitch to play the sound at")] [Range(-3f,3f)] public float MaxPitch = 1f; [MMFInspectorGroup("SoundManager Options", true, 28)] /// the track on which to play the sound. Pick the one that matches the nature of your sound [Tooltip("the track on which to play the sound. Pick the one that matches the nature of your sound")] public MMSoundManager.MMSoundManagerTracks MmSoundManagerTrack = MMSoundManager.MMSoundManagerTracks.Sfx; /// the ID of the sound. This is useful if you plan on using sound control feedbacks on it afterwards. [Tooltip("the ID of the sound. This is useful if you plan on using sound control feedbacks on it afterwards.")] public int ID = 0; /// the AudioGroup on which to play the sound. If you're already targeting a preset track, you can leave it blank, otherwise the group you specify here will override it. [Tooltip("the AudioGroup on which to play the sound. If you're already targeting a preset track, you can leave it blank, otherwise the group you specify here will override it.")] public AudioMixerGroup AudioGroup = null; /// if (for some reason) you've already got an audiosource and wouldn't like to use the built-in pool system, you can specify it here [Tooltip("if (for some reason) you've already got an audiosource and wouldn't like to use the built-in pool system, you can specify it here")] public AudioSource RecycleAudioSource = null; /// whether or not this sound should loop [Tooltip("whether or not this sound should loop")] public bool Loop = false; /// whether or not this sound should continue playing when transitioning to another scene [Tooltip("whether or not this sound should continue playing when transitioning to another scene")] public bool Persistent = false; /// whether or not this sound should play if the same sound clip is already playing [Tooltip("whether or not this sound should play if the same sound clip is already playing")] public bool DoNotPlayIfClipAlreadyPlaying = false; /// if this is true, this sound will stop playing when stopping the feedback [Tooltip("if this is true, this sound will stop playing when stopping the feedback")] public bool StopSoundOnFeedbackStop = false; [MMFInspectorGroup("Fade", true, 30)] /// whether or not to fade this sound in when playing it [Tooltip("whether or not to fade this sound in when playing it")] public bool Fade = false; /// if fading, the volume at which to start the fade [Tooltip("if fading, the volume at which to start the fade")] [MMCondition("Fade", true)] public float FadeInitialVolume = 0f; /// if fading, the duration of the fade, in seconds [Tooltip("if fading, the duration of the fade, in seconds")] [MMCondition("Fade", true)] public float FadeDuration = 1f; /// if fading, the tween over which to fade the sound [Tooltip("if fading, the tween over which to fade the sound ")] [MMCondition("Fade", true)] public MMTweenType FadeTween = new MMTweenType(MMTween.MMTweenCurve.EaseInOutQuartic); [MMFInspectorGroup("Solo", true, 32)] /// whether or not this sound should play in solo mode over its destination track. If yes, all other sounds on that track will be muted when this sound starts playing [Tooltip("whether or not this sound should play in solo mode over its destination track. If yes, all other sounds on that track will be muted when this sound starts playing")] public bool SoloSingleTrack = false; /// whether or not this sound should play in solo mode over all other tracks. If yes, all other tracks will be muted when this sound starts playing [Tooltip("whether or not this sound should play in solo mode over all other tracks. If yes, all other tracks will be muted when this sound starts playing")] public bool SoloAllTracks = false; /// if in any of the above solo modes, AutoUnSoloOnEnd will unmute the track(s) automatically once that sound stops playing [Tooltip("if in any of the above solo modes, AutoUnSoloOnEnd will unmute the track(s) automatically once that sound stops playing")] public bool AutoUnSoloOnEnd = false; [MMFInspectorGroup("Spatial Settings", true, 33)] /// Pans a playing sound in a stereo way (left or right). This only applies to sounds that are Mono or Stereo. [Tooltip("Pans a playing sound in a stereo way (left or right). This only applies to sounds that are Mono or Stereo.")] [Range(-1f,1f)] public float PanStereo; /// Sets how much this AudioSource is affected by 3D spatialisation calculations (attenuation, doppler etc). 0.0 makes the sound full 2D, 1.0 makes it full 3D. [Tooltip("Sets how much this AudioSource is affected by 3D spatialisation calculations (attenuation, doppler etc). 0.0 makes the sound full 2D, 1.0 makes it full 3D.")] [Range(0f,1f)] public float SpatialBlend; /// a Transform this sound can 'attach' to and follow it along as it plays [Tooltip("a Transform this sound can 'attach' to and follow it along as it plays")] public Transform AttachToTransform; [MMFInspectorGroup("Effects", true, 36)] /// Bypass effects (Applied from filter components or global listener filters). [Tooltip("Bypass effects (Applied from filter components or global listener filters).")] public bool BypassEffects = false; /// When set global effects on the AudioListener will not be applied to the audio signal generated by the AudioSource. Does not apply if the AudioSource is playing into a mixer group. [Tooltip("When set global effects on the AudioListener will not be applied to the audio signal generated by the AudioSource. Does not apply if the AudioSource is playing into a mixer group.")] public bool BypassListenerEffects = false; /// When set doesn't route the signal from an AudioSource into the global reverb associated with reverb zones. [Tooltip("When set doesn't route the signal from an AudioSource into the global reverb associated with reverb zones.")] public bool BypassReverbZones = false; /// Sets the priority of the AudioSource. [Tooltip("Sets the priority of the AudioSource.")] [Range(0, 256)] public int Priority = 128; /// The amount by which the signal from the AudioSource will be mixed into the global reverb associated with the Reverb Zones. [Tooltip("The amount by which the signal from the AudioSource will be mixed into the global reverb associated with the Reverb Zones.")] [Range(0f,1.1f)] public float ReverbZoneMix = 1f; [MMFInspectorGroup("Time Options", true, 15)] /// a timestamp (in seconds, randomized between the defined min and max) at which the sound will start playing, equivalent to the Audiosource API's Time) [Tooltip("a timestamp (in seconds, randomized between the defined min and max) at which the sound will start playing, equivalent to the Audiosource API's Time)")] [MMVector("Min", "Max")] public Vector2 PlaybackTime = new Vector2(0f, 0f); /// a duration (in seconds, randomized between the defined min and max) for which the sound will play before stopping. Ignored if min and max are zero. [Tooltip("a duration (in seconds, randomized between the defined min and max) for which the sound will play before stopping. Ignored if min and max are zero.")] [MMVector("Min", "Max")] public Vector2 PlaybackDuration = new Vector2(0f, 0f); [MMFInspectorGroup("3D Sound Settings", true, 37)] /// Sets the Doppler scale for this AudioSource. [Tooltip("Sets the Doppler scale for this AudioSource.")] [Range(0f,5f)] public float DopplerLevel = 1f; /// Sets the spread angle (in degrees) of a 3d stereo or multichannel sound in speaker space. [Tooltip("Sets the spread angle (in degrees) of a 3d stereo or multichannel sound in speaker space.")] [Range(0,360)] public int Spread = 0; /// Sets/Gets how the AudioSource attenuates over distance. [Tooltip("Sets/Gets how the AudioSource attenuates over distance.")] public AudioRolloffMode RolloffMode = AudioRolloffMode.Logarithmic; /// Within the Min distance the AudioSource will cease to grow louder in volume. [Tooltip("Within the Min distance the AudioSource will cease to grow louder in volume.")] public float MinDistance = 1f; /// (Logarithmic rolloff) MaxDistance is the distance a sound stops attenuating at. [Tooltip("(Logarithmic rolloff) MaxDistance is the distance a sound stops attenuating at.")] public float MaxDistance = 500f; /// whether or not to use a custom curve for custom volume rolloff [Tooltip("whether or not to use a custom curve for custom volume rolloff")] public bool UseCustomRolloffCurve = false; /// the curve to use for custom volume rolloff if UseCustomRolloffCurve is true [Tooltip("the curve to use for custom volume rolloff if UseCustomRolloffCurve is true")] [MMFCondition("UseCustomRolloffCurve", true)] public AnimationCurve CustomRolloffCurve; /// whether or not to use a custom curve for spatial blend [Tooltip("whether or not to use a custom curve for spatial blend")] public bool UseSpatialBlendCurve = false; /// the curve to use for custom spatial blend if UseSpatialBlendCurve is true [Tooltip("the curve to use for custom spatial blend if UseSpatialBlendCurve is true")] [MMFCondition("UseSpatialBlendCurve", true)] public AnimationCurve SpatialBlendCurve; /// whether or not to use a custom curve for reverb zone mix [Tooltip("whether or not to use a custom curve for reverb zone mix")] public bool UseReverbZoneMixCurve = false; /// the curve to use for custom reverb zone mix if UseReverbZoneMixCurve is true [Tooltip("the curve to use for custom reverb zone mix if UseReverbZoneMixCurve is true")] [MMFCondition("UseReverbZoneMixCurve", true)] public AnimationCurve ReverbZoneMixCurve; /// whether or not to use a custom curve for spread [Tooltip("whether or not to use a custom curve for spread")] public bool UseSpreadCurve = false; /// the curve to use for custom spread if UseSpreadCurve is true [Tooltip("the curve to use for custom spread if UseSpreadCurve is true")] [MMFCondition("UseSpreadCurve", true)] public AnimationCurve SpreadCurve; [MMFInspectorGroup("Debug", true, 31)] /// whether or not to draw sound falloff gizmos when this MMF Player is selected [Tooltip("whether or not to draw sound falloff gizmos when this MMF Player is selected")] public bool DrawGizmos = false; /// an object to use as the center of the gizmos. If left empty, this MMF Player's position will be used. [Tooltip("an object to use as the center of the gizmos. If left empty, this MMF Player's position will be used.")] [MMFCondition("DrawGizmos", true)] public Transform GizmosCenter; /// the color to use to draw the min distance sphere of the sound falloff gizmos [Tooltip("the color to use to draw the min distance sphere of the sound falloff gizmos")] [MMFCondition("DrawGizmos", true)] public Color MinDistanceColor = MMColors.CadetBlue; /// the color to use to draw the max distance sphere of the sound falloff gizmos [Tooltip("the color to use to draw the max distance sphere of the sound falloff gizmos")] [MMFCondition("DrawGizmos", true)] public Color MaxDistanceColor = MMColors.Orangered; /// a test button used to play the sound in inspector public MMF_Button TestPlayButton; /// a test button used to stop the sound in inspector public MMF_Button TestStopButton; /// a test button used to stop the sound in inspector public MMF_Button ResetSequentialIndexButton; protected AudioClip _randomClip; protected AudioSource _editorAudioSource; protected MMSoundManagerPlayOptions _options; protected AudioSource _playedAudioSource; protected float _randomPlaybackTime; protected float _randomPlaybackDuration; protected int _currentIndex = 0; protected Vector3 _gizmoCenter; protected MMShufflebag _randomUniqueShuffleBag; protected override void CustomInitialization(MMF_Player owner) { base.CustomInitialization(owner); if (RandomUnique) { _randomUniqueShuffleBag = new MMShufflebag(RandomSfx.Length); for (int i = 0; i < RandomSfx.Length; i++) { _randomUniqueShuffleBag.Add(i,1); } } } /// /// Initializes the debug buttons /// public override void InitializeCustomAttributes() { TestPlayButton = new MMF_Button("Debug Play Sound", TestPlaySound); TestStopButton = new MMF_Button("Debug Stop Sound", TestStopSound); ResetSequentialIndexButton = new MMF_Button("Reset Sequential Index", ResetSequentialIndex); } /// /// Plays either a random sound or the specified sfx /// /// /// protected override void CustomPlayFeedback(Vector3 position, float feedbacksIntensity = 1.0f) { if (!Active || !FeedbackTypeAuthorized) { return; } HandleSO(); float intensityMultiplier = ComputeIntensity(feedbacksIntensity, position); if (Sfx != null) { PlaySound(Sfx, position, intensityMultiplier); return; } if (RandomSfx.Length > 0) { _randomClip = PickRandomClip(); if (_randomClip != null) { PlaySound(_randomClip, position, intensityMultiplier); } } } /// /// On Stop, we stop our sound if needed /// /// /// protected override void CustomStopFeedback(Vector3 position, float feedbacksIntensity = 1) { if (!Active || !FeedbackTypeAuthorized) { return; } if (StopSoundOnFeedbackStop && (_playedAudioSource != null)) { _playedAudioSource.Stop(); MMSoundManager.Instance.FreeSound(_playedAudioSource); } } /// /// If a scriptable object is specified, we grab its values /// protected virtual void HandleSO() { if (SoundDataSO == null) { return; } Sfx = SoundDataSO.Sfx; RandomSfx = SoundDataSO.RandomSfx; SequentialOrder = SoundDataSO.SequentialOrder; SequentialOrderHoldLast = SoundDataSO.SequentialOrderHoldLast; SequentialOrderHoldCooldownDuration = SoundDataSO.SequentialOrderHoldCooldownDuration; RandomUnique = SoundDataSO.RandomUnique; MinVolume = SoundDataSO.MinVolume; MaxVolume = SoundDataSO.MaxVolume; MinPitch = SoundDataSO.MinPitch; MaxPitch = SoundDataSO.MaxPitch; PlaybackTime = SoundDataSO.PlaybackTime; PlaybackDuration = SoundDataSO.PlaybackDuration; MmSoundManagerTrack = SoundDataSO.MmSoundManagerTrack; ID = SoundDataSO.ID; AudioGroup = SoundDataSO.AudioGroup; RecycleAudioSource = SoundDataSO.RecycleAudioSource; Loop = SoundDataSO.Loop; Persistent = SoundDataSO.Persistent; DoNotPlayIfClipAlreadyPlaying = SoundDataSO.DoNotPlayIfClipAlreadyPlaying; StopSoundOnFeedbackStop = SoundDataSO.StopSoundOnFeedbackStop; Fade = SoundDataSO.Fade; FadeInitialVolume = SoundDataSO.FadeInitialVolume; FadeDuration = SoundDataSO.FadeDuration; FadeTween = SoundDataSO.FadeTween; SoloSingleTrack = SoundDataSO.SoloSingleTrack; SoloAllTracks = SoundDataSO.SoloAllTracks; AutoUnSoloOnEnd = SoundDataSO.AutoUnSoloOnEnd; PanStereo = SoundDataSO.PanStereo; SpatialBlend = SoundDataSO.SpatialBlend; AttachToTransform = SoundDataSO.AttachToTransform; BypassEffects = SoundDataSO.BypassEffects; BypassListenerEffects = SoundDataSO.BypassListenerEffects; BypassReverbZones = SoundDataSO.BypassReverbZones; Priority = SoundDataSO.Priority; ReverbZoneMix = SoundDataSO.ReverbZoneMix; DopplerLevel = SoundDataSO.DopplerLevel; Spread = SoundDataSO.Spread; RolloffMode = SoundDataSO.RolloffMode; MinDistance = SoundDataSO.MinDistance; MaxDistance = SoundDataSO.MaxDistance; UseCustomRolloffCurve = SoundDataSO.UseCustomRolloffCurve; CustomRolloffCurve = SoundDataSO.CustomRolloffCurve; UseSpatialBlendCurve = SoundDataSO.UseSpatialBlendCurve; SpatialBlendCurve = SoundDataSO.SpatialBlendCurve; UseReverbZoneMixCurve = SoundDataSO.UseReverbZoneMixCurve; ReverbZoneMixCurve = SoundDataSO.ReverbZoneMixCurve; UseSpreadCurve = SoundDataSO.UseSpreadCurve; SpreadCurve = SoundDataSO.SpreadCurve; } /// /// Randomizes playback time and playback duration /// public virtual void RandomizeTimes() { _randomPlaybackTime = Random.Range(PlaybackTime.x, PlaybackTime.y); _randomPlaybackDuration = Random.Range(PlaybackDuration.x, PlaybackDuration.y); Owner.ComputeCachedTotalDuration(); } /// /// Triggers a play sound event /// /// /// /// protected virtual void PlaySound(AudioClip sfx, Vector3 position, float intensity) { if (DoNotPlayIfClipAlreadyPlaying) { if ((MMSoundManager.Instance.FindByClip(sfx) != null) && (MMSoundManager.Instance.FindByClip(sfx).isPlaying)) { return; } } float volume = Random.Range(MinVolume, MaxVolume); if (!Timing.ConstantIntensity) { volume = volume * intensity; } float pitch = Random.Range(MinPitch, MaxPitch); RandomizeTimes(); int timeSamples = NormalPlayDirection ? 0 : sfx.samples - 1; _options.MmSoundManagerTrack = MmSoundManagerTrack; _options.Location = position; _options.Loop = Loop; _options.Volume = volume; _options.ID = ID; _options.Fade = Fade; _options.FadeInitialVolume = FadeInitialVolume; _options.FadeDuration = FadeDuration; _options.FadeTween = FadeTween; _options.Persistent = Persistent; _options.RecycleAudioSource = RecycleAudioSource; _options.AudioGroup = AudioGroup; _options.Pitch = pitch; _options.PlaybackTime = _randomPlaybackTime; _options.PlaybackDuration = _randomPlaybackDuration; _options.PanStereo = PanStereo; _options.SpatialBlend = SpatialBlend; _options.SoloSingleTrack = SoloSingleTrack; _options.SoloAllTracks = SoloAllTracks; _options.AutoUnSoloOnEnd = AutoUnSoloOnEnd; _options.BypassEffects = BypassEffects; _options.BypassListenerEffects = BypassListenerEffects; _options.BypassReverbZones = BypassReverbZones; _options.Priority = Priority; _options.ReverbZoneMix = ReverbZoneMix; _options.DopplerLevel = DopplerLevel; _options.Spread = Spread; _options.RolloffMode = RolloffMode; _options.MinDistance = MinDistance; _options.MaxDistance = MaxDistance; _options.AttachToTransform = AttachToTransform; _options.UseSpreadCurve = UseSpreadCurve; _options.SpreadCurve = SpreadCurve; _options.UseCustomRolloffCurve = UseCustomRolloffCurve; _options.CustomRolloffCurve = CustomRolloffCurve; _options.UseSpatialBlendCurve = UseSpatialBlendCurve; _options.SpatialBlendCurve = SpatialBlendCurve; _options.UseReverbZoneMixCurve = UseReverbZoneMixCurve; _options.ReverbZoneMixCurve = ReverbZoneMixCurve; _options.DoNotAutoRecycleIfNotDonePlaying = (_randomPlaybackDuration > 0) ? true : false; _playedAudioSource = MMSoundManagerSoundPlayEvent.Trigger(sfx, _options); _lastPlayTimestamp = FeedbackTime; } /// /// Returns the duration of the sound, or of the longest of the random sounds /// /// protected virtual float GetDuration() { if (SoundDataSO != null) { return ComputeDuration(SoundDataSO.Sfx, SoundDataSO.RandomSfx); } else { return ComputeDuration(Sfx, RandomSfx); } } protected virtual float ComputeDuration(AudioClip sfx, AudioClip[] randomSfx) { if (sfx != null) { return (_randomPlaybackDuration > 0) ? _randomPlaybackDuration : sfx.length - _randomPlaybackTime; } float longest = 0f; if ((randomSfx != null) && (randomSfx.Length > 0)) { foreach (AudioClip clip in randomSfx) { if ((clip != null) && (clip.length > longest)) { longest = clip.length; } } return (_randomPlaybackDuration > 0) ? _randomPlaybackDuration : longest - _randomPlaybackTime; } return 0f; } public override void OnDrawGizmosSelectedHandler() { if (!DrawGizmos) { return; } _gizmoCenter = GizmosCenter != null ? GizmosCenter.position : Owner.transform.position; Gizmos.color = MinDistanceColor; Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(_gizmoCenter, MinDistance); Gizmos.color = MaxDistanceColor; Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(_gizmoCenter, MaxDistance); } #region TestMethods /// /// A test method that creates an audiosource, plays it, and destroys itself after play /// protected virtual async void TestPlaySound() { AudioClip tmpAudioClip = null; if (Sfx != null) { tmpAudioClip = Sfx; } if ((RandomSfx != null) && (RandomSfx.Length > 0)) { tmpAudioClip = PickRandomClip(); } if (tmpAudioClip == null) { Debug.LogError(Label + " on " + + " can't play in editor mode, you haven't set its Sfx."); return; } float volume = Random.Range(MinVolume, MaxVolume); float pitch = Random.Range(MinPitch, MaxPitch); RandomizeTimes(); GameObject temporaryAudioHost = new GameObject("EditorTestAS_WillAutoDestroy"); SceneManager.MoveGameObjectToScene(temporaryAudioHost.gameObject, Owner.gameObject.scene); temporaryAudioHost.transform.position = Owner.transform.position; _editorAudioSource = temporaryAudioHost.AddComponent() as AudioSource; PlayAudioSource(_editorAudioSource, tmpAudioClip, volume, pitch, _randomPlaybackTime, _randomPlaybackDuration); _lastPlayTimestamp = FeedbackTime; float length = (_randomPlaybackDuration > 0) ? _randomPlaybackDuration : tmpAudioClip.length; length *= 1000; length = length / Mathf.Abs(pitch); await Task.Delay((int)length); Object.DestroyImmediate(temporaryAudioHost); } /// /// A test method that stops the test sound /// protected virtual void TestStopSound() { if (_editorAudioSource != null) { _editorAudioSource.Stop(); } } /// /// Plays the audio source with the specified volume and pitch /// /// /// /// /// protected virtual void PlayAudioSource(AudioSource audioSource, AudioClip sfx, float volume, float pitch, float time, float playbackDuration) { // we set that audio source clip to the one in paramaters audioSource.clip = sfx; audioSource.time = time; // we set the audio source volume to the one in parameters audioSource.volume = volume; audioSource.pitch = pitch; // we set our loop setting audioSource.loop = false; // we start playing the sound audioSource.Play(); } /// /// Determines the next index to play when dealing with random clips /// /// protected virtual AudioClip PickRandomClip() { int newIndex = 0; if (!SequentialOrder) { if (RandomUnique) { newIndex = _randomUniqueShuffleBag.Pick(); } else { newIndex = Random.Range(0, RandomSfx.Length); } } else { newIndex = _currentIndex; if (newIndex >= RandomSfx.Length) { if (SequentialOrderHoldLast) { newIndex--; if ((SequentialOrderHoldCooldownDuration > 0) && (FeedbackTime - _lastPlayTimestamp > SequentialOrderHoldCooldownDuration)) { newIndex = 0; } } else { newIndex = 0; } } _currentIndex = newIndex + 1; } return RandomSfx[newIndex]; } /// /// Forces a reset of the sequential index to 0 /// public virtual void ResetSequentialIndex() { _currentIndex = 0; } /// /// Forces a reset of the sequential index to the value specified in parameters /// /// public virtual void SetSequentialIndex(int newIndex) { _currentIndex = newIndex; } /// /// On validate we randomize our times /// public override void OnValidate() { base.OnValidate(); RandomizeTimes(); } #endregion } }