using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System; using UnityEngine.UI; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; namespace ES3Internal { [System.Serializable] [DisallowMultipleComponent] public abstract class ES3ReferenceMgrBase : MonoBehaviour { private object _lock = new object(); public const string referencePropertyName = "_ES3Ref"; private static ES3ReferenceMgrBase _current = null; #if UNITY_EDITOR private const int CollectDependenciesDepth = 5; protected static bool isEnteringPlayMode = false; #endif private static System.Random rng; [HideInInspector] public bool openPrefabs = false; // Whether the prefab list should be open in the Editor. public List prefabs = new List(); public static ES3ReferenceMgrBase Current { get { // If the reference manager hasn't been assigned, or we've got a reference to a manager in a different scene which isn't marked as DontDestroyOnLoad, look for this scene's manager. if (_current == null || (_current.gameObject.scene.buildIndex != -1 && _current.gameObject.scene != SceneManager.GetActiveScene())) { var scene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene(); var roots = scene.GetRootGameObjects(); // First, look for Easy Save 3 Manager in the top-level. foreach (var root in roots) if ( == "Easy Save 3 Manager") return _current = root.GetComponent(); // If the user has moved or renamed the Easy Save 3 Manager, we need to perform a deep search. foreach (var root in roots) if ((_current = root.GetComponentInChildren()) != null) return _current; } return _current; } } public bool IsInitialised { get { return idRef.Count > 0; } } [SerializeField] public ES3IdRefDictionary idRef = new ES3IdRefDictionary(); private ES3RefIdDictionary _refId = null; public ES3RefIdDictionary refId { get { if (_refId == null) { _refId = new ES3RefIdDictionary(); // Populate the reverse dictionary with the items from the normal dictionary. foreach (var kvp in idRef) if (kvp.Value != null) _refId[kvp.Value] = kvp.Key; } return _refId; } set { _refId = value; } } public ES3GlobalReferences GlobalReferences { get { return ES3GlobalReferences.Instance; } } public void Awake() { if (_current != null && _current != this) { var existing = _current; /* We intentionally use Current rather than _current here, as _current may contain a reference to a manager in another scene, * but Current only returns the Manager for the active scene. */ if (Current != null) { existing.Merge(this); if ("Easy Save 3 Manager")) Destroy(this.gameObject); else Destroy(this); _current = existing; // Undo the call to Current, which may have set it to NULL. } } else _current = this; } // Merges two managers, not allowing any clashes of IDs public void Merge(ES3ReferenceMgrBase otherMgr) { foreach (var kvp in otherMgr.idRef) Add(kvp.Value, kvp.Key); } public long Get(UnityEngine.Object obj) { if (obj == null) return -1; long id; if (!refId.TryGetValue(obj, out id)) return -1; return id; } internal UnityEngine.Object Get(long id, Type type) { if (id == -1) return null; UnityEngine.Object obj; if (!idRef.TryGetValue(id, out obj)) { if (GlobalReferences != null) { var globalRef = GlobalReferences.Get(id); if (globalRef != null) return globalRef; } ES3Debug.LogWarning("Reference for " + type + " with ID " + id + " could not be found in Easy Save's reference manager. Try pressing the Refresh References button on the ES3ReferenceMgr Component of the Easy Save 3 Manager in your scene. If you are loading objects dynamically, this warning is expected and can be ignored.", this); return null; } if (obj == null) // If obj has been marked as destroyed but not yet destroyed, don't return it. return null; return obj; } public UnityEngine.Object Get(long id, bool suppressWarnings = false) { if (id == -1) return null; UnityEngine.Object obj; if (!idRef.TryGetValue(id, out obj)) { if (GlobalReferences != null) { var globalRef = GlobalReferences.Get(id); if (globalRef != null) return globalRef; } if (!suppressWarnings) ES3Internal.ES3Debug.LogWarning("Reference for property ID " + id + " could not be found in Easy Save's reference manager. Try pressing the Refresh References button on the ES3ReferenceMgr Component of the Easy Save 3 Manager in your scene. If you are loading objects dynamically, this warning is expected and can be ignored.", this); return null; } if (obj == null) // If obj has been marked as destroyed but not yet destroyed, don't return it. return null; return obj; } public ES3Prefab GetPrefab(long id, bool suppressWarnings = false) { for (int i = 0; i < prefabs.Count; i++) if (prefabs[i] != null && prefabs[i].prefabId == id) return prefabs[i]; if (!suppressWarnings) ES3Internal.ES3Debug.LogWarning("Prefab with ID " + id + " could not be found in Easy Save's reference manager. Try pressing the Refresh References button on the ES3ReferenceMgr Component of the Easy Save 3 Manager in your scene.", this); return null; } public long GetPrefab(ES3Prefab prefab, bool suppressWarnings = false) { for (int i = 0; i < prefabs.Count; i++) if (prefabs[i] == prefab) return prefabs[i].prefabId; if (!suppressWarnings) ES3Internal.ES3Debug.LogWarning("Prefab with name " + + " could not be found in Easy Save's reference manager. Try pressing the Refresh References button on the ES3ReferenceMgr Component of the Easy Save 3 Manager in your scene.", prefab); return -1; } public long Add(UnityEngine.Object obj) { long id; // If it already exists in the list, do nothing. if (refId.TryGetValue(obj, out id)) return id; if (GlobalReferences != null) { id = GlobalReferences.GetOrAdd(obj); if (id != -1) { Add(obj, id); return id; } } lock (_lock) { // Add the reference to the Dictionary. id = GetNewRefID(); return Add(obj, id); } } public long Add(UnityEngine.Object obj, long id) { if (!CanBeSaved(obj)) return -1; // If the ID is -1, auto-generate an ID. if (id == -1) id = GetNewRefID(); // Add the reference to the Dictionary. lock (_lock) { idRef[id] = obj; refId[obj] = id; } return id; } public bool AddPrefab(ES3Prefab prefab) { if (!prefabs.Contains(prefab)) { prefabs.Add(prefab); return true; } return false; } public void Remove(UnityEngine.Object obj) { lock (_lock) { refId.Remove(obj); // There may be multiple references with the same ID, so remove them all. foreach (var item in idRef.Where(kvp => kvp.Value == obj).ToList()) idRef.Remove(item.Key); } } public void Remove(long referenceID) { lock (_lock) { idRef.Remove(referenceID); // There may be multiple references with the same ID, so remove them all. foreach (var item in refId.Where(kvp => kvp.Value == referenceID).ToList()) refId.Remove(item.Key); } } public void RemoveNullValues() { var nullKeys = idRef.Where(pair => pair.Value == null) .Select(pair => pair.Key).ToList(); foreach (var key in nullKeys) idRef.Remove(key); if (GlobalReferences != null) GlobalReferences.RemoveInvalidKeys(); } public void Clear() { lock (_lock) { refId.Clear(); idRef.Clear(); } } public bool Contains(UnityEngine.Object obj) { return refId.ContainsKey(obj); } public bool Contains(long referenceID) { return idRef.ContainsKey(referenceID); } public void ChangeId(long oldId, long newId) { idRef.ChangeKey(oldId, newId); // Empty the refId so it has to be refreshed. refId = null; } internal static long GetNewRefID() { if (rng == null) rng = new System.Random(); byte[] buf = new byte[8]; rng.NextBytes(buf); long longRand = BitConverter.ToInt64(buf, 0); return (System.Math.Abs(longRand % (long.MaxValue - 0)) + 0); } #if UNITY_EDITOR /* * Collects all top-level dependencies of an object. * For GameObjects, it will traverse all children. * For Components or ScriptableObjects, it will get all serialisable UnityEngine.Object fields/properties as dependencies. */ public static HashSet CollectDependencies(UnityEngine.Object[] objs, HashSet dependencies = null, int depth = CollectDependenciesDepth) { if (depth < 0) return dependencies; if (dependencies == null) dependencies = new HashSet(); foreach (var obj in objs) { if (obj == null) continue; var type = obj.GetType(); // Skip types which don't need processing if (type == typeof(ES3ReferenceMgr) || type == typeof(ES3AutoSaveMgr) || type == typeof(ES3AutoSave) || type == typeof(ES3InspectorInfo)) continue; // Add the prefab to the manager but don't process it. We'll use this to work out what prefabs to add to the prefabs list later. if (type == typeof(ES3Prefab)) { dependencies.Add(obj); continue; } // If it's a GameObject, get the GameObject's Components and collect their dependencies. if (type == typeof(GameObject)) { var go = (GameObject)obj; dependencies.Add(go); // Get the dependencies of each Component in the GameObject. CollectDependencies(go.GetComponents(), dependencies, depth - 1); // Get the dependencies of each child in the GameObject. foreach (Transform child in go.transform) CollectDependencies(child.gameObject, dependencies, depth); // Don't decrement child, as we consider this a top-level object. } // Else if it's a Component or ScriptableObject, add the values of any UnityEngine.Object fields as dependencies. else CollectDependenciesFromFields(obj, dependencies, depth - 1); } return dependencies; } public static HashSet CollectDependencies(UnityEngine.Object obj, HashSet dependencies = null, int depth = CollectDependenciesDepth) { return CollectDependencies(new UnityEngine.Object[] { obj }, dependencies, depth); } private static void CollectDependenciesFromFields(UnityEngine.Object obj, HashSet dependencies, int depth) { // If we've already collected dependencies for this, do nothing. if (!dependencies.Add(obj)) return; if (depth < 0) return; var type = obj.GetType(); if (isEnteringPlayMode && type == typeof(UnityEngine.UI.Text)) return; try { // SerializedObject is expensive, so for known classes we manually gather references. if (type == typeof(Animator) || obj is Transform || type == typeof(CanvasRenderer) || type == typeof(Mesh) || type == typeof(AudioClip) || type == typeof(Rigidbody) || obj is Texture || obj is HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup) return; if (obj is Graphic) { var m = (Graphic)obj; dependencies.Add(m.material); dependencies.Add(m.defaultMaterial); dependencies.Add(m.mainTexture); if (type == typeof(Text)) { var text = (Text)obj; dependencies.Add(text.font); } else if (type == typeof(Image)) { var img = (Image)obj; dependencies.Add(img.sprite); } return; } if(type == typeof(Mesh)) { if (UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.Contains(obj)) dependencies.Add(obj); return; } if (type == typeof(Material)) { dependencies.Add(((Material)obj).shader); return; } if (type == typeof(MeshFilter)) { dependencies.Add(((MeshFilter)obj).sharedMesh); return; } if(type == typeof(MeshCollider)) { var mc = (MeshCollider)obj; dependencies.Add(mc.sharedMesh); dependencies.Add(mc.sharedMaterial); dependencies.Add(mc.attachedRigidbody); return; } if (type == typeof(Camera)) { var c = (Camera)obj; dependencies.Add(c.targetTexture); return; } if (type == typeof(SkinnedMeshRenderer)) dependencies.Add(((SkinnedMeshRenderer)obj).sharedMesh); // Don't return. Let this fall through to the if(obj is renderer) call. else if (type == typeof(SpriteRenderer)) dependencies.Add(((SpriteRenderer)obj).sprite); // Don't return. Let this fall through to the if(obj is renderer) call. else if (type == typeof(ParticleSystemRenderer)) dependencies.Add(((ParticleSystemRenderer)obj).mesh); // Don't return. Let this fall through to the if(obj is renderer) call. if (obj is Renderer) { dependencies.UnionWith(((Renderer)obj).sharedMaterials); return; } } catch { } var so = new UnityEditor.SerializedObject(obj); if (so == null) return; var property = so.GetIterator(); if (property == null) return; // Iterate through each of this object's properties. while (property.NextVisible(true)) { try { // If it's an array which contains UnityEngine.Objects, add them as dependencies. if (property.isArray) { for (int i = 0; i < property.arraySize; i++) { var element = property.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i); // If the array contains UnityEngine.Object types, add them to the dependencies. if (element.propertyType == UnityEditor.SerializedPropertyType.ObjectReference) { var elementValue = element.objectReferenceValue; var elementType = elementValue.GetType(); // If it's a GameObject, use CollectDependencies so that Components are also added. if (elementType == typeof(GameObject)) { // Only collect deeper dependencies if this GameObject hasn't already had its dependencies added. if (dependencies.Add(elementValue)) CollectDependencies(elementValue, dependencies, depth - 1); } else { // Only collect more dependencies if we've not already added them for this object. if (dependencies.Add(elementValue)) CollectDependenciesFromFields(elementValue, dependencies, depth - 1); } } // Otherwise this array does not contain UnityEngine.Object types, so we should stop. else break; } } // Else if it's a normal UnityEngine.Object field, add it. else if (property.propertyType == UnityEditor.SerializedPropertyType.ObjectReference) { var propertyValue = property.objectReferenceValue; if (propertyValue == null) break; // If it's a GameObject, use CollectDependencies so that Components are also added. if (propertyValue.GetType() == typeof(GameObject)) { // Only collect deeper dependencies if this GameObject hasn't already had its dependencies added. if (dependencies.Add(propertyValue)) CollectDependencies(propertyValue, dependencies, depth - 1); } else { // Only add more dependencies if we've not already added them for this object. if (dependencies.Add(propertyValue)) CollectDependenciesFromFields(propertyValue, dependencies, depth - 1); } } } catch { } } } // Called in the Editor when this Component is added. private void Reset() { // Ensure that Component can only be added by going to Assets > Easy Save 3 > Add Manager to Scene. if ( != "Easy Save 3 Manager") { UnityEditor.EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Cannot add ES3ReferenceMgr directly", "Please go to 'Assets > Easy Save 3 > Add Manager to Scene' to add an Easy Save 3 Manager to your scene.", "Ok"); DestroyImmediate(this); } } #endif internal static bool CanBeSaved(UnityEngine.Object obj) { #if UNITY_EDITOR if (obj == null) return true; var type = obj.GetType(); // Check if any of the hide flags determine that it should not be saved. if ((((obj.hideFlags & HideFlags.DontSave) == HideFlags.DontSave) || ((obj.hideFlags & HideFlags.DontSaveInBuild) == HideFlags.DontSaveInBuild) || ((obj.hideFlags & HideFlags.DontSaveInEditor) == HideFlags.DontSaveInEditor) || ((obj.hideFlags & HideFlags.HideAndDontSave) == HideFlags.HideAndDontSave))) { // Meshes are marked with HideAndDontSave, but shouldn't be ignored. if (type == typeof(Mesh) || type == typeof(Material)) return true; } // Exclude the Easy Save 3 Manager, and all components attached to it. if ( == "Easy Save 3 Manager") return false; #endif return true; } } [System.Serializable] public class ES3IdRefDictionary : ES3SerializableDictionary { protected override bool KeysAreEqual(long a, long b) { return a == b; } protected override bool ValuesAreEqual(UnityEngine.Object a, UnityEngine.Object b) { return a == b; } } [System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsable(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Never)] [System.Serializable] public class ES3RefIdDictionary : ES3SerializableDictionary { protected override bool KeysAreEqual(UnityEngine.Object a, UnityEngine.Object b) { return a == b; } protected override bool ValuesAreEqual(long a, long b) { return a == b; } } }