using System; using D2D.Utilities; using DG.Tweening; using UnityEngine; using static D2D.Utilities.SettingsFacade; using static D2D.Utilities.CommonLazyFacade; using static D2D.Utilities.CommonGameplayFacade; namespace D2D.Gameplay { public class Health : MonoBehaviour { [Header("Hit Flash")] [SerializeField] private Gradient gradient; private Color originalColor; [SerializeField] private float _maxPoints; [SerializeField] private HealthData _healthData; [SerializeField] private SkinnedMeshRenderer _meshRenderer; [SerializeField] private GameObject _hitEffect; [SerializeField] private GameObject _deathEffect; [SerializeField] private bool _isGrayFadeout; public event Action Died; public event Action Damaged; public event Action PointsChanged; private Tween flashTween; public GameObject LastAttacker { get; private set; } public float CurrentPoints { get => _currentPoints; private set { _currentPoints = value; PointsChanged?.Invoke(); } } public float MaxPoints { private set => _maxPoints = value; get { if (!isHealthDataMode) return _maxPoints; // If health data: if (_healthData == null) throw new Exception("Health data is not attached!"); return _healthData.maxPoints; } } public bool isHealthDataMode; public bool particlesAreEnabled = true; private float _currentPoints; private void OnDrawGizmos() { if (_maxPoints <= 0) _maxPoints = 1; } private void Awake() { CurrentPoints = MaxPoints; if (_meshRenderer != null) { originalColor = _meshRenderer.material.color; } } public void ApplyDamage(GameObject attacker, float damagePoints) { // Validate inputs if (damagePoints <= 0) { throw new Exception("Damage points should be positive!"); } flashTween.KillTo0(); // Object is already died => return if (CurrentPoints <= 0) return; CurrentPoints -= damagePoints; LastAttacker = attacker; if (CurrentPoints > 0) { Spawn(_hitEffect); if (_meshRenderer != null) { flashTween = _meshRenderer.material.DOColor(gradient.Evaluate(_currentPoints / _maxPoints), .1f); _meshRenderer.material.DOColor(originalColor, .05f).SetDelay(.1f); } Damaged?.Invoke(damagePoints); } else { Died?.Invoke(); if (_isGrayFadeout) { GrayFadeoutDeath(); } else { ImmediateDeath(); } } } private void ImmediateDeath() { Spawn(_deathEffect); Destroy(gameObject); } private void GrayFadeoutDeath() { this.ChildrenGets(renderer => { renderer.materials.ForEach(material => { material.DOColor(_gameData.grayDeathColor, _gameData.grayDeathDuration); }); }); this.ChildrenGets(renderer => { renderer.materials.ForEach(material => { material.DOColor(_gameData.grayDeathColor, _gameData.grayDeathDuration); }); }); _gameData.grayCorpseLifetime.AfterCall(() => transform.DOScale(0, .3f).onComplete += ImmediateDeath); /*var rb = this.Get(); rb.isKinematic = false; rb.freezeRotation = false;*/ /*.1f.AfterCall(() => rb.angularVelocity *= DMath.Random(1, 2f));*/ } private void Spawn(GameObject prefab) { if (prefab == null) return; GameObject instance = Instantiate(prefab, transform.position, transform.rotation, null); Destroy(instance, 2f); } public void Heal(float healPoints) { if (healPoints <= 0) throw new Exception("Heal points should be positive!"); CurrentPoints = Math.Min(CurrentPoints+healPoints, _maxPoints); } public void SetMaxPoints(float newMaxPoints, bool needRefill = false) { if (newMaxPoints <= 0) throw new Exception("Max points should be positive!"); MaxPoints = newMaxPoints; if (needRefill) CurrentPoints = MaxPoints; } } }