namespace GleyMobileAds { using UnityEngine.Events; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; #if USE_VUNGLE using System.Linq; using System.Collections; #endif public class CustomVungle : MonoBehaviour, ICustomAds { #if USE_VUNGLE private UnityAction OnCompleteMethod; private UnityAction OnCompleteMethodWithAdvertiser; private UnityAction OnInterstitialClosed; private UnityAction OnInterstitialClosedWithAdvertiser; private UnityAction DisplayResult; private UserConsent consent; private BannerPosition currentPosition; private BannerType bannerType; private string appID = ""; private string rewardedPlacementId = ""; private string interstitialPlacementID = ""; private string bannerPlacementID = ""; private bool debug; private bool initComplete; private bool bannerUsed; /// /// Initializing Vungle /// /// user consent -> if true show personalized ads /// contains all required settings for this publisher public void InitializeAds(UserConsent consent, UserConsent ccpaConsent, List platformSettings) { this.consent = consent; debug = Advertisements.Instance.debug; //get settings #if UNITY_ANDROID PlatformSettings settings = platformSettings.First(cond => cond.platform == SupportedPlatforms.Android); #elif UNITY_IOS PlatformSettings settings = platformSettings.First(cond => cond.platform == SupportedPlatforms.iOS); #else PlatformSettings settings = platformSettings.First(cond => cond.platform == SupportedPlatforms.Windows); #endif //apply settings appID =; rewardedPlacementId =; interstitialPlacementID =; bannerPlacementID =; //verify settings if (debug) { Debug.Log(this + " Initialization Started"); ScreenWriter.Write(this + " Initialization Started"); Debug.Log(this + " App ID: " + appID); ScreenWriter.Write(this + " App ID: " + appID); Debug.Log(this + " Interstitial Placement ID: " + interstitialPlacementID); ScreenWriter.Write(this + " Interstitial Placement ID: " + interstitialPlacementID); Debug.Log(this + " Rewarded Video Placement ID: " + rewardedPlacementId); ScreenWriter.Write(this + " Rewarded Video Placement ID: " + rewardedPlacementId); } //preparing Vungle SDK for initialization Dictionary placements = new Dictionary { { rewardedPlacementId, false }, { interstitialPlacementID, false } }; string[] array = new string[placements.Keys.Count]; placements.Keys.CopyTo(array, 0); Vungle.onInitializeEvent += InitComplete; Vungle.onAdStartedEvent += AdStarted; Vungle.onLogEvent += VungleLog; Vungle.onAdEndEvent = OnAdEnd; Vungle.onAdRewardedEvent += OnAdRewarded; Vungle.onErrorEvent += OnErrorEvent; Vungle.onPlacementPreparedEvent += OnPlacementPreparedEvent; Vungle.adPlayableEvent += AdPlayableEvent; Vungle.init(appID); } /// /// Updates consent at runtime /// /// the new consent public void UpdateConsent(UserConsent consent, UserConsent ccpaConsent) { switch (consent) { case UserConsent.Unset: Vungle.updateConsentStatus(Vungle.Consent.Undefined); break; case UserConsent.Accept: Vungle.updateConsentStatus(Vungle.Consent.Accepted); break; case UserConsent.Deny: Vungle.updateConsentStatus(Vungle.Consent.Denied); break; } switch (ccpaConsent) { case UserConsent.Unset: Vungle.updateCCPAStatus(Vungle.Consent.Undefined); break; case UserConsent.Accept: Vungle.updateCCPAStatus(Vungle.Consent.Accepted); break; case UserConsent.Deny: Vungle.updateCCPAStatus(Vungle.Consent.Denied); break; } Debug.Log(this + " Update consent to " + consent); ScreenWriter.Write(this + " Update consent to " + consent); } #region Banner public void ShowBanner(BannerPosition position, BannerType bannerType, UnityAction DisplayResult) { currentPosition = position; this.bannerType = bannerType; this.DisplayResult = DisplayResult; bannerUsed = true; if (position == BannerPosition.TOP) { Vungle.loadBanner(bannerPlacementID, Vungle.VungleBannerSize.VungleAdSizeBanner, Vungle.VungleBannerPosition.TopCenter); } else { Vungle.loadBanner(bannerPlacementID, Vungle.VungleBannerSize.VungleAdSizeBanner, Vungle.VungleBannerPosition.BottomCenter); } StartCoroutine(WaitForBanner()); } IEnumerator WaitForBanner() { while (Vungle.isAdvertAvailable(bannerPlacementID, Vungle.VungleBannerSize.VungleAdSizeBanner) == false) { yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.5f); } Vungle.showBanner(bannerPlacementID); BannerShown(); } void BannerShown() { if (debug) { Debug.Log(this + " banner ad shown"); ScreenWriter.Write(this + " banner ad shown"); } if (DisplayResult != null) { DisplayResult(true, currentPosition, bannerType); DisplayResult = null; } } public void ResetBannerUsage() { bannerUsed = false; } public bool BannerAlreadyUsed() { return bannerUsed; } public bool IsBannerAvailable() { return true; } public void HideBanner() { StopAllCoroutines(); Vungle.closeBanner(bannerPlacementID); } #endregion #region Interstitial /// /// Check if Vungle interstitial is available /// /// true if an interstitial is available public bool IsInterstitialAvailable() { if (!initComplete) return false; return Vungle.isAdvertAvailable(interstitialPlacementID); } /// /// Show Vungle interstitial /// /// callback called when user closes interstitial public void ShowInterstitial(UnityAction InterstitialClosed) { if (IsInterstitialAvailable()) { OnInterstitialClosed = InterstitialClosed; Vungle.playAd(interstitialPlacementID); } } /// /// Show Vungle interstitial /// /// callback called when user closes interstitial public void ShowInterstitial(UnityAction InterstitialClosed) { if (IsInterstitialAvailable()) { OnInterstitialClosedWithAdvertiser = InterstitialClosed; Vungle.playAd(interstitialPlacementID); } } #endregion #region RewardedVideo /// /// Check if Vungle rewarded video is available /// /// true if a rewarded video is available public bool IsRewardVideoAvailable() { if (!initComplete) return false; return Vungle.isAdvertAvailable(rewardedPlacementId); } /// /// Show Vungle rewarded video /// /// callback called when user closes the rewarded video -> if true video was not skipped public void ShowRewardVideo(UnityAction CompleteMethod) { if (IsRewardVideoAvailable()) { OnCompleteMethod = CompleteMethod; Vungle.playAd(rewardedPlacementId); } } /// /// Show Vungle rewarded video /// /// callback called when user closes the rewarded video -> if true video was not skipped public void ShowRewardVideo(UnityAction CompleteMethod) { if (IsRewardVideoAvailable()) { OnCompleteMethodWithAdvertiser = CompleteMethod; Vungle.playAd(rewardedPlacementId); } } #endregion #region Events /// /// Vungle specific event triggered after initialization is done /// private void InitComplete() { initComplete = true; Vungle.onInitializeEvent -= InitComplete; switch (consent) { case UserConsent.Unset: Vungle.updateConsentStatus(Vungle.Consent.Undefined); break; case UserConsent.Accept: Vungle.updateConsentStatus(Vungle.Consent.Accepted); break; case UserConsent.Deny: Vungle.updateConsentStatus(Vungle.Consent.Denied); break; } //load ads if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(interstitialPlacementID)) { Vungle.loadAd(interstitialPlacementID); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rewardedPlacementId)) { Vungle.loadAd(rewardedPlacementId); } if (debug) { ScreenWriter.Write(this + " " + "Init Complete"); } } private void OnAdRewarded(string placementID) { if (debug) { ScreenWriter.Write(this + " OnAdRewarded " + placementID); } if (placementID == rewardedPlacementId) { if (OnCompleteMethod != null) { OnCompleteMethod(true); OnCompleteMethod = null; } if (OnCompleteMethodWithAdvertiser != null) { OnCompleteMethodWithAdvertiser(true, SupportedAdvertisers.Vungle.ToString()); OnCompleteMethodWithAdvertiser = null; } } } private void OnAdEnd(string placementID) { if (debug) { ScreenWriter.Write(this + " OnAdEnd " + placementID); } if (placementID == rewardedPlacementId) { if (OnCompleteMethod != null) { OnCompleteMethod(false); OnCompleteMethod = null; } if (OnCompleteMethodWithAdvertiser != null) { OnCompleteMethodWithAdvertiser(false, SupportedAdvertisers.Vungle.ToString()); OnCompleteMethodWithAdvertiser = null; } if (debug) { ScreenWriter.Write(this + " Load another ad " + placementID); } Vungle.loadAd(rewardedPlacementId); } if (placementID == interstitialPlacementID) { if (OnInterstitialClosed != null) { OnInterstitialClosed(); OnInterstitialClosed = null; } if (OnInterstitialClosedWithAdvertiser != null) { OnInterstitialClosedWithAdvertiser(SupportedAdvertisers.Vungle.ToString()); OnInterstitialClosedWithAdvertiser = null; } if (debug) { ScreenWriter.Write(this + " Load another ad " + placementID); } Vungle.loadAd(interstitialPlacementID); } } private void AdPlayableEvent(string placementID, bool adPlayable) { if (debug) { ScreenWriter.Write(this + " Ad's playable state has been changed! placementID " + placementID + ". Now: " + adPlayable); } } private void OnPlacementPreparedEvent(string arg1, string arg2) { if (debug) { ScreenWriter.Write(this + " OnPlacementPreparedEvent " + arg1 + " " + arg2); } } private void OnErrorEvent(string message) { if (debug) { ScreenWriter.Write(this + " OnErrorEvent -> " + message); } if (message.Contains(bannerPlacementID)) { if (DisplayResult != null) { DisplayResult(false, currentPosition, bannerType); DisplayResult = null; } StopAllCoroutines(); } } private void AdStarted(string placementID) { if (debug) { ScreenWriter.Write(this + " AdStarted " + placementID); } } /// /// VUngle specific log event /// /// private void VungleLog(string obj) { if (debug) { ScreenWriter.Write(this + " " + obj); } } private void OnApplicationFocus(bool focus) { if (focus == true) { if(initComplete==false) { Vungle.init(appID); } } } #endregion #else //dummy interface implementation, used when Vungle is not enabled public void HideBanner() { } public void InitializeAds(UserConsent consent, UserConsent ccpaConsent, List platformSettings) { } public void ResetBannerUsage() { } public bool BannerAlreadyUsed() { return false; } public bool IsBannerAvailable() { return false; } public bool IsInterstitialAvailable() { return false; } public bool IsRewardVideoAvailable() { return false; } public void ShowBanner(BannerPosition position, BannerType type, UnityAction DisplayResult) { } public void ShowInterstitial(UnityAction InterstitialClosed = null) { } public void ShowInterstitial(UnityAction InterstitialClosed) { } public void ShowRewardVideo(UnityAction CompleteMethod) { } public void ShowRewardVideo(UnityAction CompleteMethod) { } public void UpdateConsent(UserConsent consent, UserConsent ccpaConsent) { } #endif } }