using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using D2D.Core; using D2D.Gameplay; using D2D.Utilities; using D2D.Utils; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; namespace D2D.Tools { public class HierarchyKeeper : EditorWindow { private static readonly string[] ExcludingTags = { "Respawn" ,"Finish" ,"Untagged" ,"EditorOnly" ,"MainCamera" ,"Player" ,"GameController" }; // private static readonly Type[] SiblingOrder = // { // typeof(Level) // ,typeof(Canvas) // ,typeof(Player) // }; private static int _siblingIndex; private void OnEnable() { if (! return; Keep(); } [MenuItem("D2D/Keep hierarchy &.")] public static void Keep() { if (! return; SiblingOrderGameObjects(); SortGameObjectsToFolders(); } private static void SiblingOrderGameObjects() { ResetSibling(); PushSibling(); PushSibling(); /*var palette = FindObjectOfType(); if (palette != null) PushSibling(palette.transform);*/ var separatorName =; var separator = GameObject.Find(separatorName); if (separator == null) separator = new GameObject(separatorName); PushSibling(separator.transform); var hierarchyFolders = FindObjectsOfType(); foreach (HierarchyFolder f in hierarchyFolders) PushSibling(f.transform); PushSibling(); } private static void SortGameObjectsToFolders() { foreach (var tag in UnityEditorInternal.InternalEditorUtility.tags) { if (ExcludingTags.Contains(tag)) continue; var tagged = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(tag); if (tagged.IsNullOrEmpty()) continue; var folderName = $"[Folder] {tag}"; var folder = GameObject.Find(folderName); if (folder == null) { folder = new GameObject(folderName); folder.AddComponent(); } if (folder.GetComponents().Length > 2) { Debug.LogError($"You have GO named as folder for tags: {folderName}. Please rename it"); continue; } // Move tagged GOs to the folder safely try { tagged.ForEach(t => t.transform.parent = folder.transform); } catch (Exception) { } } } private static void PushSibling(Transform target) { if (target == null) return; target.SetSiblingIndex(_siblingIndex); _siblingIndex++; } private static void PushSibling() where T: Component { PushSibling(FindObjectOfType()?.transform); } private static void ResetSibling() { _siblingIndex = 0; } } }