using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; namespace EpicToonFX { public class ETFXProjectileScript : MonoBehaviour { public GameObject impactParticle; // Effect spawned when projectile hits a collider public GameObject projectileParticle; // Effect attached to the gameobject as child public GameObject muzzleParticle; // Effect instantly spawned when gameobject is spawned [Header("Adjust if not using Sphere Collider")] public float colliderRadius = 1f; [Range(0f, 1f)] // This is an offset that moves the impact effect slightly away from the point of impact to reduce clipping of the impact effect public float collideOffset = 0.15f; void Start() { projectileParticle = Instantiate(projectileParticle, transform.position, transform.rotation) as GameObject; projectileParticle.transform.parent = transform; if (muzzleParticle) { muzzleParticle = Instantiate(muzzleParticle, transform.position, transform.rotation) as GameObject; Destroy(muzzleParticle, 1.5f); // 2nd parameter is lifetime of effect in seconds } } void FixedUpdate() { if (GetComponent().velocity.magnitude != 0) { transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(GetComponent().velocity); // Sets rotation to look at direction of movement } RaycastHit hit; float radius; // Sets the radius of the collision detection if (transform.GetComponent()) radius = transform.GetComponent().radius; else radius = colliderRadius; Vector3 direction = transform.GetComponent().velocity; // Gets the direction of the projectile, used for collision detection if (transform.GetComponent().useGravity) direction += Physics.gravity * Time.deltaTime; // Accounts for gravity if enabled direction = direction.normalized; float detectionDistance = transform.GetComponent().velocity.magnitude * Time.deltaTime; // Distance of collision detection for this frame if (Physics.SphereCast(transform.position, radius, direction, out hit, detectionDistance)) // Checks if collision will happen { transform.position = hit.point + (hit.normal * collideOffset); // Move projectile to point of collision GameObject impactP = Instantiate(impactParticle, transform.position, Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, hit.normal)) as GameObject; // Spawns impact effect ParticleSystem[] trails = GetComponentsInChildren(); // Gets a list of particle systems, as we need to detach the trails //Component at [0] is that of the parent i.e. this object (if there is any) for (int i = 1; i < trails.Length; i++) // Loop to cycle through found particle systems { ParticleSystem trail = trails[i]; if ("Trail")) { trail.transform.SetParent(null); // Detaches the trail from the projectile Destroy(trail.gameObject, 2f); // Removes the trail after seconds } } Destroy(projectileParticle, 3f); // Removes particle effect after delay Destroy(impactP, 3.5f); // Removes impact effect after delay Destroy(gameObject); // Removes the projectile } } } }