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103 lines
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103 lines
3.9 KiB
5 months ago
#pragma strict
@CustomEditor (SunShafts)
class SunShaftsEditor extends Editor
var serObj : SerializedObject;
var sunTransform : SerializedProperty;
var radialBlurIterations : SerializedProperty;
var sunColor : SerializedProperty;
var sunShaftBlurRadius : SerializedProperty;
var sunShaftIntensity : SerializedProperty;
var useSkyBoxAlpha : SerializedProperty;
var useDepthTexture : SerializedProperty;
var resolution : SerializedProperty;
var screenBlendMode : SerializedProperty;
var maxRadius : SerializedProperty;
function OnEnable () {
serObj = new SerializedObject (target);
screenBlendMode = serObj.FindProperty("screenBlendMode");
sunTransform = serObj.FindProperty("sunTransform");
sunColor = serObj.FindProperty("sunColor");
sunShaftBlurRadius = serObj.FindProperty("sunShaftBlurRadius");
radialBlurIterations = serObj.FindProperty("radialBlurIterations");
sunShaftIntensity = serObj.FindProperty("sunShaftIntensity");
useSkyBoxAlpha = serObj.FindProperty("useSkyBoxAlpha");
resolution = serObj.FindProperty("resolution");
maxRadius = serObj.FindProperty("maxRadius");
useDepthTexture = serObj.FindProperty("useDepthTexture");
function OnInspectorGUI () {
serObj.Update ();
var oldVal : boolean = useDepthTexture.boolValue;
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (useDepthTexture, new GUIContent ("Rely on Z Buffer?"));
if((target as SunShafts).camera)
GUILayout.Label("Current camera mode: "+ (target as SunShafts).camera.depthTextureMode, EditorStyles.miniBoldLabel);
// depth buffer need
var newVal : boolean = useDepthTexture.boolValue;
if (newVal != oldVal) {
(target as SunShafts).camera.depthTextureMode |= DepthTextureMode.Depth;
(target as SunShafts).camera.depthTextureMode &= ~DepthTextureMode.Depth;
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (resolution, new GUIContent("Resolution"));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (screenBlendMode, new GUIContent("Blend mode"));
EditorGUILayout.Separator ();
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (sunTransform, new GUIContent("Shafts caster", "Chose a transform that acts as a root point for the produced sun shafts"));
if((target as SunShafts).sunTransform && (target as SunShafts).camera) {
if (GUILayout.Button("Center on " + (target as SunShafts) {
if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog ("Move sun shafts source?", "The SunShafts caster named "+ (target as SunShafts) +"\n will be centered along "+(target as SunShafts)". Are you sure? ", "Please do", "Don't")) {
var ray : Ray = (target as SunShafts).camera.ViewportPointToRay(Vector3(0.5,0.5,0));
(target as SunShafts).sunTransform.position = ray.origin + ray.direction * 500.0;
(target as SunShafts).sunTransform.LookAt ((target as SunShafts).transform);
EditorGUILayout.Separator ();
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (sunColor, new GUIContent ("Shafts color"));
maxRadius.floatValue = 1.0f - EditorGUILayout.Slider ("Distance falloff", 1.0f - maxRadius.floatValue, 0.1, 1.0);
EditorGUILayout.Separator ();
sunShaftBlurRadius.floatValue = EditorGUILayout.Slider ("Blur size", sunShaftBlurRadius.floatValue, 1.0, 10.0);
radialBlurIterations.intValue = EditorGUILayout.IntSlider ("Blur iterations", radialBlurIterations.intValue, 1, 3);
EditorGUILayout.Separator ();
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField (sunShaftIntensity, new GUIContent("Intensity"));
useSkyBoxAlpha.floatValue = EditorGUILayout.Slider ("Use alpha mask", useSkyBoxAlpha.floatValue, 0.0, 1.0);