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128 lines
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128 lines
4.6 KiB
7 months ago
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Cysharp.Threading.Tasks;
using D2D;
using D2D.Animations;
using D2D.Core;
using D2D.Databases;
using D2D.Gameplay;
using D2D.UI;
using D2D.Utilities;
using DG.Tweening;
using NaughtyAttributes;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using static D2D.Utilities.SettingsFacade;
using static D2D.Utilities.CommonLazyFacade;
using static D2D.Utilities.CommonGameplayFacade;
namespace D2D
public class FlyingUISpawner : SmartScript
[SerializeField] private Pool _flyingUIPool;
[SerializeField] private FlyingUISpawnSettings _defaultSpawnSettings;
private Camera _camera;
private FlyingUIIcon _coinIcon;
private PunchAnimation _coinIconPunch;
private void Awake()
_camera = Find<Camera>();
_coinIcon = Find<FlyingUIIcon>();
_coinIconPunch = _coinIcon.Get<PunchAnimation>();
public async UniTaskVoid SpawnBunch(Vector3 screenPoint, Action onComplete)
var data = _coreData.defaultBunchData;
var count = data.count.RandomInt();
var angleSwift = 180 / count;
DHaptic.Haptic(data.hapticDuration, data.hapticAmplitude);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
MakeAnimatedBunchFly(screenPoint, angleSwift, i, data);
await (data.sizeUpDuration.Max() + data.afterMoveDuration.Max()).Seconds();
private async UniTask MakeAnimatedBunchFly(Vector3 screenPoint, float angleSwift, int i, BunchFlyingUIData data)
var fly = _flyingUIPool.Spawn(screenPoint).transform;
var angle = angleSwift * i;
// var to = new Vector3(angleSwift * i, angleSwift * i, 0).AngleToVector(transform).normalized * ;
var to = new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(angle), Mathf.Sin(angle)) * data.sizeUpAmplitude.RandomFloat();
var d = data.sizeUpDuration.RandomFloat();
fly.transform.DOScale(data.sizeUpScale.RandomFloat(), d).SineEase();
fly.transform.DOMove(to, d).SetRelative().SineEase();
await d.Seconds();
d = data.afterMoveDuration.RandomFloat();
fly.transform.DOScale(data.afterMoveScale.RandomFloat(), d).SineEase();
to = _coinIcon.transform.position;
to.z = fly.transform.position.z;
fly.transform.DOMove(to, d).SineEase();
await d.Seconds();
DHaptic.Haptic(data.hapticDuration, data.hapticAmplitude);
public void Spawn(Vector3 from, int count, bool isPositionUI = false, FlyingUISpawnSettings settings = null)
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
Spawn(from, isPositionUI, settings);
_coreData.flyingUISettings.updateMoneyDbDelay.AfterCall(() => _db.Money.Value += count);
public void Spawn(Vector3 from, bool isPositionUI = false, FlyingUISpawnSettings settings = null)
if (settings == null)
settings = _defaultSpawnSettings;
var newFlyingUI = _flyingUIPool.Spawn(;
var p = from;
if (!isPositionUI)
p = _camera.WorldToScreenPoint(from);
var swift = settings.swift;
var x = settings.amplitude.RandomFloat() * DMath.RandomSign();
var y = settings.amplitude.RandomFloat() * DMath.RandomSign();
swift.x += x;
swift.y += y;
newFlyingUI.position = p + swift;
var data = _coreData.flyingUISettings;
newFlyingUI.localScale = * data.startScale;
Tweener scaleAnimation = newFlyingUI.DOScale(data.endScale, data.animationsDuration)
Tweener moveAnimation = !settings.isRainAnimation
? newFlyingUI.DOMove(_coinIcon.transform.position, data.animationsDuration)
: newFlyingUI.DOMove(new Vector3(0, _coreData.flyingUISettings.rainAmplitude.RandomFloat()), data.animationsDuration).SetRelative();
OnStartMove(scaleAnimation, moveAnimation, data.animationsDuration, _coinIcon, settings);