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1 month ago
// Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Timers;
using UnityEngine;
// There are 3 conditions for working gamepad support in Nice Vibrations:
// 1. NICE_VIBRATIONS_INPUTSYSTEM_INSTALLED - The input system package needs to be installed.
// See
// This is set by Nice Vibrations' assembly definition file, using a version define.
// See
// about version defines, and see Lofelt.NiceVibrations.asmdef for the usage in Nice Vibrations.
// 2. ENABLE_INPUT_SYSTEM - The input system needs to be enabled in the project settings.
// See
// This define is set by Unity, see
// 3. NICE_VIBRATIONS_DISABLE_GAMEPAD_SUPPORT - This is a user-defined define which needs to be not set.
// NICE_VIBRATIONS_DISABLE_GAMEPAD_SUPPORT is not set by default. It can be set by a user in the
// player settings to disable gamepad support completely. One reason to do this is to reduce the
// size of a HapticClip asset, as setting this define changes to HapticImporter to not add the
// GamepadRumble to the HapticClip. Changing this define requires re-importing all .haptic clip
// assets to update HapticClip's GamepadRumble.
// If any of the 3 conditions is not met, GamepadRumbler doesn't contain any calls into
// UnityEngine.InputSystem, and CanPlay() always returns false.
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;
namespace Lofelt.NiceVibrations
/// <summary>
/// Contains a vibration pattern to make a gamepad rumble.
/// </summary>
/// GamepadRumble contains the information on when to set what motor speeds on a gamepad
/// to make it rumble with a specific pattern.
/// GamepadRumble has three arrays of the same length representing the rumble pattern. The
/// entries for each array index describe for how long to turn on the gamepad's vibration
/// motors, at what speed.
public struct GamepadRumble
/// <summary>
/// The duration, in milliseconds, that the motors will be turned on at the speed set
/// in \ref lowFrequencyMotorSpeeds and \ref highFrequencyMotorSpeeds at the same array
/// index
/// </summary>
public int[] durationsMs;
/// <summary>
/// The total duration of the GamepadRumble, in milliseconds
/// </summary>
public int totalDurationMs;
/// <summary>
/// The motor speeds of the low frequency motor
/// </summary>
public float[] lowFrequencyMotorSpeeds;
/// <summary>
/// The motor speeds of the high frequency motor
/// </summary>
public float[] highFrequencyMotorSpeeds;
/// <summary>
/// Checks if the GamepadRumble is valid and also not empty
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Whether the GamepadRumble is valid</returns>
public bool IsValid()
return durationsMs != null &&
lowFrequencyMotorSpeeds != null &&
highFrequencyMotorSpeeds != null &&
durationsMs.Length == lowFrequencyMotorSpeeds.Length &&
durationsMs.Length == highFrequencyMotorSpeeds.Length &&
durationsMs.Length > 0;
/// <summary>
/// Vibrates a gamepad based on a GamepadRumble rumble pattern.
/// </summary>
/// GamepadRumbler can load and play back a GamepadRumble pattern on the current
/// gamepad.
/// This is a low-level class that normally doesn't need to be used directly. Instead,
/// you can use HapticSource and HapticController to play back haptic clips, as those
/// classes support gamepads by using GamepadRumbler internally.
public static class GamepadRumbler
static GamepadRumble loadedRumble;
static bool rumbleLoaded = false;
// This Timer is used to wait until it is time to advance to the next entry in loadedRumble.
// When the Timer is elapsed, ProcessNextRumble() is called to set new motor speeds to the
// gamepad.
static Timer rumbleTimer = new Timer();
// The index of the entry of loadedRumble that is currently being played back
static int rumbleIndex = -1;
// The total duration of rumble entries that have been played back so far
static long rumblePositionMs = 0;
// Keeps track of how much time elapsed since playback was started
static Stopwatch playbackWatch = new Stopwatch();
/// <summary>
/// A multiplication factor applied to the motor speeds of the low frequency motor.
/// </summary>
/// The multiplication factor is applied to the low frequency motor speed of every
/// GamepadRumble entry before playing it.
/// In other words, this applies a gain (for factors greater than 1.0) or an attenuation
/// (for factors less than 1.0) to the clip. If the resulting speed of an entry is
/// greater than 1.0, it is clipped to 1.0. The speed is clipped hard, no limiter is
/// used.
/// The motor speed multiplication is reset when calling Load(), so Load() needs to be
/// called first before setting the multiplication.
/// A change of the multiplication is applied to a currently playing rumble, but only
/// for the next rumble entry, not the one currently playing.
public static float lowFrequencyMotorSpeedMultiplication = 1.0f;
/// <summary>
/// Same as \ref lowFrequencyMotorSpeedMultiplication, but for the high frequency speed
/// motor.
/// </summary>
public static float highFrequencyMotorSpeedMultiplication = 1.0f;
static int currentGamepadID = -1;
/// <summary>
/// Initializes the GamepadRumbler.
/// </summary>
/// This needs to be called from the main thread, which is the reason why this is a method
/// instead of a static constructor: Sometimes Unity calls static constructors from a
/// different thread, and an explicit Init() method gives us more control over this.
public static void Init()
// Initialize rumbleTimer, so that ProcessNextRumble() will be called on the main thread
// when the timer is triggered.
var syncContext = System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.Current;
rumbleTimer.Elapsed += (object obj, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs args) =>
syncContext.Post(_ =>
}, null);
/// <summary>
/// Checks whether a call to Play() would trigger playback on a gamepad.
/// </summary>
/// Playing back a rumble pattern with Play() only works if a gamepad is connected and if
/// a GamepadRumble has been loaded with Load() before.
/// <returns>Whether a vibration can be triggered on a gamepad</returns>
public static bool CanPlay()
return IsConnected() && rumbleLoaded && loadedRumble.IsValid();
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the Gamepad object corresponding to the specified gamepad ID.
/// </summary>
/// If the specified ID is out of range of the connected gamepad(s),
/// <c>InputSystem.Gamepad.current</c> will be returned.
/// <param name="gamepadID">The ID of the gamepad to be returned.</c> </param>
/// <returns> A <c> InputSystem.Gamepad</c> </returns>
static UnityEngine.InputSystem.Gamepad GetGamepad(int gamepadID)
if (gamepadID >= 0)
if (gamepadID >= UnityEngine.InputSystem.Gamepad.all.Count)
return UnityEngine.InputSystem.Gamepad.current;
return UnityEngine.InputSystem.Gamepad.all[gamepadID];
return UnityEngine.InputSystem.Gamepad.current;
/// <summary>
/// Set the current gamepad for haptics playback by ID.
/// </summary>
/// This method needs be called before haptics playback, e.g. \ref HapticController.Play(),
/// \ref HapticPatterns.PlayEmphasis(), \ref HapticPatterns.PlayConstant(), etc, for
/// for the gamepad to be properly selected.
/// If this method isn't called, haptics will be played on <c>InputSystem.Gamepad.current</c>
/// For example, if you have 3 controllers connected, you have to choose between values 0, 1,
/// and 2.
/// If the gamepad ID value doesn't match any connected gamepad, calling
/// this method has no effect.
/// <param name="gamepadID">The ID of the gamepad</param>
public static void SetCurrentGamepad(int gamepadID)
if (gamepadID < UnityEngine.InputSystem.Gamepad.all.Count)
currentGamepadID = gamepadID;
/// <summary>
/// Checks whether a gamepad is connected and recognized by Unity's input system.
/// </summary>
/// If the input system package is not installed or not enabled, the gamepad is not
/// recognized and treated as not connected here.
/// If the <c>NICE_VIBRATIONS_DISABLE_GAMEPAD_SUPPORT</c> define is set in the player settings,
/// this function pretends no gamepad is connected.
/// <returns>Whether a gamepad is connected</returns>
public static bool IsConnected()
return GetGamepad(currentGamepadID) != null;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Loads a rumble pattern for later playback.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rumble">The rumble pattern to load</param>
public static void Load(GamepadRumble rumble)
if (rumble.IsValid())
loadedRumble = rumble;
rumbleLoaded = true;
lowFrequencyMotorSpeedMultiplication = 1.0f;
highFrequencyMotorSpeedMultiplication = 1.0f;
/// <summary>
/// Plays back the rumble pattern loaded previously with Load().
/// </summary>
/// If no rumble pattern has been loaded, or if no gamepad is connected, this method does
/// nothing.
public static void Play()
if (CanPlay())
rumbleIndex = 0;
rumblePositionMs = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Stops playback previously started with Play() by turning off the gamepad's motors.
/// </summary>
public static void Stop()
if (GetGamepad(currentGamepadID) != null)
rumbleTimer.Enabled = false;
rumbleIndex = -1;
rumblePositionMs = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Stops playback and unloads the currently loaded GamepadRumble from memory.
/// </summary>
public static void Unload()
loadedRumble.highFrequencyMotorSpeeds = null;
loadedRumble.lowFrequencyMotorSpeeds = null;
loadedRumble.durationsMs = null;
rumbleLoaded = false;
// Advances the position in the GamepadRumble by one.
// If the end of the rumble has been reached, playback is stopped and false is returned.
private static bool IncreaseRumbleIndex()
rumblePositionMs += loadedRumble.durationsMs[rumbleIndex];
if (rumbleIndex == loadedRumble.durationsMs.Length)
return false;
return true;
return false;
// Processes the next entry in loadedRumble by setting the gamepad's motor speeds to the
// speeds stored in that entry.
// Afterwards, the rumbleTimer is set to call this method again, after the time stored
// in entry of loadedRumble.
private static void ProcessNextRumble()
// rumbleIndex can be -1 after Stop() has been called after the call to
// ProcessNextRumble() has already been queued up via SynchronizationContext.
if (rumbleIndex == -1)
if (rumbleIndex == loadedRumble.durationsMs.Length)
UnityEngine.Debug.Assert(rumbleIndex >= 0 && rumbleIndex <= loadedRumble.durationsMs.Length);
// Figure out for how long the current rumble entry should be played (durationToWait).
// Due to the timer not waiting for exactly the same amount of time that we requested,
// there can be a bit of error that we need to compensate for. For example, if the timer
// waited for 3ms longer than we requested, we play the next rumble entry for a 3ms
// less to compensate for that.
// In fact, Unity triggers the timer only once per frame, so at 30 FPS, the timer
// resolution is 32ms. That means that the timing error can be bigger than the duration
// of the whole rumble entry, and to compensate for that, the entire rumble entry needs
// to be skipped. That's what the loop does: It skips rumble entries to compensate for
// timer error.
long elapsed = playbackWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
long durationToWait = 0;
while (true)
long rumbleEntryDuration = loadedRumble.durationsMs[rumbleIndex];
long error = elapsed - rumblePositionMs;
durationToWait = rumbleEntryDuration - error;
// If durationToWait is <= 0, the current rumble entry needs to be skipped to
// compensate for timer error. Otherwise break and play the current rumble entry.
if (durationToWait > 0)
// If the end of the rumble has been reached, return, as playback has stopped.
if (!IncreaseRumbleIndex())
float lowFrequencySpeed = loadedRumble.lowFrequencyMotorSpeeds[rumbleIndex] * Mathf.Max(lowFrequencyMotorSpeedMultiplication, 0.0f);
float highFrequencySpeed = loadedRumble.highFrequencyMotorSpeeds[rumbleIndex] * Mathf.Max(highFrequencyMotorSpeedMultiplication, 0.0f);
UnityEngine.InputSystem.Gamepad currentGamepad = GetGamepad(currentGamepadID);
// Check if gamepad was disconnected while playing
if (currentGamepad != null)
currentGamepad.SetMotorSpeeds(lowFrequencySpeed, highFrequencySpeed);
// Set up the timer to call ProcessNextRumble() again with the next rumble entry, after
// the duration of the current rumble entry.
rumblePositionMs += loadedRumble.durationsMs[rumbleIndex];
rumbleTimer.Interval = durationToWait;
rumbleTimer.AutoReset = false;
rumbleTimer.Enabled = true;