using System ;
using System.Collections ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using UnityEngine ;
using UnityEngine.Audio ;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement ;
namespace MoreMountains.Tools
/// <summary>
/// A simple yet powerful sound manager, that will let you play sounds with an event based approach and performance in mind.
/// Features :
/// - Play/stop/pause/resume/free sounds
/// - Full control : loop, volume, pitch, pan, spatial blend, bypasses, priority, reverb, doppler level, spread, rolloff mode, distance
/// - 2D & 3D spatial support
/// - Built-in pooling, automatically recycle a set of audio sources for maximum performance
/// - Built in audio mixer and groups, with ready-made tracks (Master, Music, SFX, UI), and options to play on more groups if needed
/// - Stop/pause/resume/free entire tracks
/// - Stop/pause/resume/free all sounds at once
/// - Mute / set volume entire tracks
/// - Save and load settings, with auto save / auto load mechanics built-in
/// - Fade in/out sounds
/// - Fade in/out tracks
/// - Solo mode : play a sound with one or all tracks muted, then unmute them automatically afterwards
/// - PlayOptions struct
/// - Option to have sounds persist across scene loads and from scene to scene
/// - Inspector controls for tracks (volume, mute, unmute, play, pause, stop, resume, free, number of sounds)
/// - MMSfxEvents
/// - MMSoundManagerEvents : mute track, control track, save, load, reset, stop persistent sounds
/// </summary>
[AddComponentMenu("More Mountains/Tools/Audio/MMSoundManager")]
public class MMSoundManager : MMPersistentSingleton < MMSoundManager > ,
MMEventListener < MMSoundManagerTrackEvent > ,
MMEventListener < MMSoundManagerEvent > ,
MMEventListener < MMSoundManagerSoundControlEvent > ,
MMEventListener < MMSoundManagerSoundFadeEvent > ,
MMEventListener < MMSoundManagerAllSoundsControlEvent > ,
MMEventListener < MMSoundManagerTrackFadeEvent >
/// the possible ways to manage a track
public enum MMSoundManagerTracks { Sfx , Music , UI , Master , Other }
/// the current sound settings
[Tooltip("the current sound settings ")]
public MMSoundManagerSettingsSO settingsSo ;
/// the size of the AudioSource pool, a reserve of ready-to-use sources that will get recycled. Should be approximately equal to the maximum amount of sounds that you expect to be playing at once
[Tooltip("the size of the AudioSource pool, a reserve of ready-to-use sources that will get recycled. Should be approximately equal to the maximum amount of sounds that you expect to be playing at once")]
public int AudioSourcePoolSize = 10 ;
/// whether or not the pool can expand (create new audiosources on demand). In a perfect world you'd want to avoid this, and have a sufficiently big pool, to avoid costly runtime creations.
[Tooltip("whether or not the pool can expand (create new audiosources on demand). In a perfect world you'd want to avoid this, and have a sufficiently big pool, to avoid costly runtime creations.")]
public bool PoolCanExpand = true ;
protected MMSoundManagerAudioPool _pool ;
protected GameObject _tempAudioSourceGameObject ;
protected MMSoundManagerSound _sound ;
protected List < MMSoundManagerSound > _sounds ;
protected AudioSource _tempAudioSource ;
protected Dictionary < AudioSource , Coroutine > _fadeSoundCoroutines ;
protected Dictionary < MMSoundManagerTracks , Coroutine > _fadeTrackCoroutines ;
#region Initialization
/// <summary>
/// On Awake we initialize our manager
/// </summary>
protected override void Awake ( )
base . Awake ( ) ;
InitializeSoundManager ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// On Start we load and apply our saved settings if needed.
/// This is done on Start and not Awake because of a bug in Unity's AudioMixer API
/// </summary>
protected virtual void Start ( )
if ( ( settingsSo ! = null ) & & ( settingsSo . Settings . AutoLoad ) )
settingsSo . LoadSoundSettings ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Initializes the pool, fills it, registers to the scene loaded event
/// </summary>
protected virtual void InitializeSoundManager ( )
if ( _pool = = null )
_pool = new MMSoundManagerAudioPool ( ) ;
_sounds = new List < MMSoundManagerSound > ( ) ;
_pool . FillAudioSourcePool ( AudioSourcePoolSize , this . transform ) ;
_fadeSoundCoroutines = new Dictionary < AudioSource , Coroutine > ( ) ;
_fadeTrackCoroutines = new Dictionary < MMSoundManagerTracks , Coroutine > ( ) ;
# endregion
#region PlaySound
/// <summary>
/// Plays a sound, separate options object signature
/// </summary>
/// <param name="audioClip"></param>
/// <param name="options"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public virtual AudioSource PlaySound ( AudioClip audioClip , MMSoundManagerPlayOptions options )
return PlaySound ( audioClip , options . MmSoundManagerTrack , options . Location ,
options . Loop , options . Volume , options . ID ,
options . Fade , options . FadeInitialVolume , options . FadeDuration , options . FadeTween ,
options . Persistent ,
options . RecycleAudioSource , options . AudioGroup ,
options . Pitch , options . PanStereo , options . SpatialBlend ,
options . SoloSingleTrack , options . SoloAllTracks , options . AutoUnSoloOnEnd ,
options . BypassEffects , options . BypassListenerEffects , options . BypassReverbZones , options . Priority ,
options . ReverbZoneMix ,
options . DopplerLevel , options . Spread , options . RolloffMode , options . MinDistance , options . MaxDistance ,
options . DoNotAutoRecycleIfNotDonePlaying , options . PlaybackTime , options . PlaybackDuration , options . AttachToTransform ,
options . UseSpreadCurve , options . SpreadCurve , options . UseCustomRolloffCurve , options . CustomRolloffCurve ,
options . UseSpatialBlendCurve , options . SpatialBlendCurve , options . UseReverbZoneMixCurve , options . ReverbZoneMixCurve
) ;
/// <summary>
/// Plays a sound, signature with all options
/// </summary>
/// <param name="audioClip"></param>
/// <param name="mmSoundManagerTrack"></param>
/// <param name="location"></param>
/// <param name="loop"></param>
/// <param name="volume"></param>
/// <param name="ID"></param>
/// <param name="fade"></param>
/// <param name="fadeInitialVolume"></param>
/// <param name="fadeDuration"></param>
/// <param name="fadeTween"></param>
/// <param name="persistent"></param>
/// <param name="recycleAudioSource"></param>
/// <param name="audioGroup"></param>
/// <param name="pitch"></param>
/// <param name="panStereo"></param>
/// <param name="spatialBlend"></param>
/// <param name="soloSingleTrack"></param>
/// <param name="soloAllTracks"></param>
/// <param name="autoUnSoloOnEnd"></param>
/// <param name="bypassEffects"></param>
/// <param name="bypassListenerEffects"></param>
/// <param name="bypassReverbZones"></param>
/// <param name="priority"></param>
/// <param name="reverbZoneMix"></param>
/// <param name="dopplerLevel"></param>
/// <param name="spread"></param>
/// <param name="rolloffMode"></param>
/// <param name="minDistance"></param>
/// <param name="maxDistance"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public virtual AudioSource PlaySound ( AudioClip audioClip , MMSoundManagerTracks mmSoundManagerTrack , Vector3 location ,
bool loop = false , float volume = 1.0f , int ID = 0 ,
bool fade = false , float fadeInitialVolume = 0f , float fadeDuration = 1f , MMTweenType fadeTween = null ,
bool persistent = false ,
AudioSource recycleAudioSource = null , AudioMixerGroup audioGroup = null ,
float pitch = 1f , float panStereo = 0f , float spatialBlend = 0.0f ,
bool soloSingleTrack = false , bool soloAllTracks = false , bool autoUnSoloOnEnd = false ,
bool bypassEffects = false , bool bypassListenerEffects = false , bool bypassReverbZones = false , int priority = 128 , float reverbZoneMix = 1f ,
float dopplerLevel = 1f , int spread = 0 , AudioRolloffMode rolloffMode = AudioRolloffMode . Logarithmic , float minDistance = 1f , float maxDistance = 500f ,
bool doNotAutoRecycleIfNotDonePlaying = false , float playbackTime = 0f , float playbackDuration = 0f , Transform attachToTransform = null ,
bool useSpreadCurve = false , AnimationCurve spreadCurve = null , bool useCustomRolloffCurve = false , AnimationCurve customRolloffCurve = null ,
bool useSpatialBlendCurve = false , AnimationCurve spatialBlendCurve = null , bool useReverbZoneMixCurve = false , AnimationCurve reverbZoneMixCurve = null
if ( this = = null ) { return null ; }
if ( ! audioClip ) { return null ; }
// audio source setup ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// we reuse an audiosource if one is passed in parameters
AudioSource audioSource = recycleAudioSource ;
if ( audioSource = = null )
// we pick an idle audio source from the pool if possible
audioSource = _pool . GetAvailableAudioSource ( PoolCanExpand , this . transform ) ;
if ( ( audioSource ! = null ) & & ( ! loop ) )
recycleAudioSource = audioSource ;
// we destroy the host after the clip has played (if it not tag for reusability.
StartCoroutine ( _pool . AutoDisableAudioSource ( audioClip . length / Mathf . Abs ( pitch ) , audioSource , audioClip , doNotAutoRecycleIfNotDonePlaying , playbackTime , playbackDuration ) ) ;
// we create an audio source if needed
if ( audioSource = = null )
_tempAudioSourceGameObject = new GameObject ( "MMAudio_" + audioClip . name ) ;
SceneManager . MoveGameObjectToScene ( _tempAudioSourceGameObject , this . gameObject . scene ) ;
audioSource = _tempAudioSourceGameObject . AddComponent < AudioSource > ( ) ;
// audio source settings ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
audioSource . transform . position = location ;
audioSource . clip = audioClip ;
audioSource . pitch = pitch ;
audioSource . spatialBlend = spatialBlend ;
audioSource . panStereo = panStereo ;
audioSource . loop = loop ;
audioSource . bypassEffects = bypassEffects ;
audioSource . bypassListenerEffects = bypassListenerEffects ;
audioSource . bypassReverbZones = bypassReverbZones ;
audioSource . priority = priority ;
audioSource . reverbZoneMix = reverbZoneMix ;
audioSource . dopplerLevel = dopplerLevel ;
audioSource . spread = spread ;
audioSource . rolloffMode = rolloffMode ;
audioSource . minDistance = minDistance ;
audioSource . maxDistance = maxDistance ;
audioSource . time = playbackTime ;
// curves
if ( useSpreadCurve ) { audioSource . SetCustomCurve ( AudioSourceCurveType . Spread , spreadCurve ) ; }
if ( useCustomRolloffCurve ) { audioSource . SetCustomCurve ( AudioSourceCurveType . CustomRolloff , customRolloffCurve ) ; }
if ( useSpatialBlendCurve ) { audioSource . SetCustomCurve ( AudioSourceCurveType . SpatialBlend , spatialBlendCurve ) ; }
if ( useReverbZoneMixCurve ) { audioSource . SetCustomCurve ( AudioSourceCurveType . ReverbZoneMix , reverbZoneMixCurve ) ; }
// attaching to target
if ( attachToTransform ! = null )
MMFollowTarget followTarget = audioSource . gameObject . MMGetComponentNoAlloc < MMFollowTarget > ( ) ;
if ( followTarget = = null )
followTarget = audioSource . gameObject . AddComponent < MMFollowTarget > ( ) ;
followTarget . Target = attachToTransform ;
followTarget . InterpolatePosition = false ;
followTarget . InterpolateRotation = false ;
followTarget . InterpolateScale = false ;
followTarget . FollowRotation = false ;
followTarget . FollowScale = false ;
followTarget . enabled = true ;
// track and volume ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( settingsSo ! = null )
audioSource . outputAudioMixerGroup = settingsSo . MasterAudioMixerGroup ;
switch ( mmSoundManagerTrack )
case MMSoundManagerTracks . Master :
audioSource . outputAudioMixerGroup = settingsSo . MasterAudioMixerGroup ;
break ;
case MMSoundManagerTracks . Music :
audioSource . outputAudioMixerGroup = settingsSo . MusicAudioMixerGroup ;
break ;
case MMSoundManagerTracks . Sfx :
audioSource . outputAudioMixerGroup = settingsSo . SfxAudioMixerGroup ;
break ;
case MMSoundManagerTracks . UI :
audioSource . outputAudioMixerGroup = settingsSo . UIAudioMixerGroup ;
break ;
if ( audioGroup ) { audioSource . outputAudioMixerGroup = audioGroup ; }
audioSource . volume = PlayerPrefs . GetFloat ( "Volume" ) ;
// we start playing the sound
audioSource . Play ( ) ;
// we destroy the host after the clip has played if it was a one time AS.
if ( ! loop & & ! recycleAudioSource )
float destroyDelay = ( playbackDuration > 0 ) ? playbackDuration : audioClip . length - playbackTime ;
Destroy ( _tempAudioSourceGameObject , destroyDelay ) ;
// we fade the sound in if needed
if ( fade )
FadeSound ( audioSource , fadeDuration , fadeInitialVolume , volume , fadeTween ) ;
// we handle soloing
if ( soloSingleTrack )
MuteSoundsOnTrack ( mmSoundManagerTrack , true , 0f ) ;
audioSource . mute = false ;
if ( autoUnSoloOnEnd )
MuteSoundsOnTrack ( mmSoundManagerTrack , false , audioClip . length ) ;
else if ( soloAllTracks )
MuteAllSounds ( ) ;
audioSource . mute = false ;
if ( autoUnSoloOnEnd )
StartCoroutine ( MuteAllSoundsCoroutine ( audioClip . length - playbackTime , false ) ) ;
// we prepare for storage
_sound . ID = ID ;
_sound . Track = mmSoundManagerTrack ;
_sound . Source = audioSource ;
_sound . Persistent = persistent ;
_sound . PlaybackTime = playbackTime ;
_sound . PlaybackDuration = playbackDuration ;
// we check if that audiosource is already being tracked in _sounds
bool alreadyIn = false ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < _sounds . Count ; i + + )
if ( _sounds [ i ] . Source = = audioSource )
_sounds [ i ] = _sound ;
alreadyIn = true ;
if ( ! alreadyIn )
_sounds . Add ( _sound ) ;
// we return the audiosource reference
return audioSource ;
# endregion
#region SoundControls
/// <summary>
/// Pauses the specified audiosource
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source"></param>
public virtual void PauseSound ( AudioSource source )
source . Pause ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// resumes play on the specified audio source
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source"></param>
public virtual void ResumeSound ( AudioSource source )
source . Play ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Stops the specified audio source
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source"></param>
public virtual void StopSound ( AudioSource source )
source . Stop ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Frees a specific sound, stopping it and returning it to the pool
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source"></param>
public virtual void FreeSound ( AudioSource source )
source . Stop ( ) ;
if ( ! _pool . FreeSound ( source ) )
Destroy ( source . gameObject ) ;
# endregion
#region TrackControls
/// <summary>
/// Mutes an entire track
/// </summary>
/// <param name="track"></param>
public virtual void MuteTrack ( MMSoundManagerTracks track )
ControlTrack ( track , ControlTrackModes . Mute , 0f ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Unmutes an entire track
/// </summary>
/// <param name="track"></param>
public virtual void UnmuteTrack ( MMSoundManagerTracks track )
ControlTrack ( track , ControlTrackModes . Unmute , 0f ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Sets the volume of an entire track
/// </summary>
/// <param name="track"></param>
/// <param name="volume"></param>
public virtual void SetTrackVolume ( MMSoundManagerTracks track , float volume )
ControlTrack ( track , ControlTrackModes . SetVolume , volume ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the current volume of a track
/// </summary>
/// <param name="track"></param>
/// <param name="volume"></param>
public virtual float GetTrackVolume ( MMSoundManagerTracks track , bool mutedVolume )
switch ( track )
case MMSoundManagerTracks . Master :
if ( mutedVolume )
return settingsSo . Settings . MutedMasterVolume ;
return settingsSo . Settings . MasterVolume ;
case MMSoundManagerTracks . Music :
if ( mutedVolume )
return settingsSo . Settings . MutedMusicVolume ;
return settingsSo . Settings . MusicVolume ;
case MMSoundManagerTracks . Sfx :
if ( mutedVolume )
return settingsSo . Settings . MutedSfxVolume ;
return settingsSo . Settings . SfxVolume ;
case MMSoundManagerTracks . UI :
if ( mutedVolume )
return settingsSo . Settings . MutedUIVolume ;
return settingsSo . Settings . UIVolume ;
return 1f ;
/// <summary>
/// Pauses all sounds on a track
/// </summary>
/// <param name="track"></param>
public virtual void PauseTrack ( MMSoundManagerTracks track )
foreach ( MMSoundManagerSound sound in _sounds )
if ( sound . Track = = track )
sound . Source . Pause ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Plays or resumes all sounds on a track
/// </summary>
/// <param name="track"></param>
public virtual void PlayTrack ( MMSoundManagerTracks track )
foreach ( MMSoundManagerSound sound in _sounds )
if ( sound . Track = = track )
sound . Source . Play ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Stops all sounds on a track
/// </summary>
/// <param name="track"></param>
public virtual void StopTrack ( MMSoundManagerTracks track )
foreach ( MMSoundManagerSound sound in _sounds )
if ( sound . Track = = track )
sound . Source . Stop ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if sounds are currently playing on that track
/// </summary>
/// <param name="track"></param>
public virtual bool HasSoundsPlaying ( MMSoundManagerTracks track )
foreach ( MMSoundManagerSound sound in _sounds )
if ( ( sound . Track = = track ) & & ( sound . Source . isPlaying ) )
return true ;
return false ;
/// <summary>
/// Returns a list of MMSoundManagerSounds for the specified track
/// </summary>
/// <param name="track">the track on which to grab the playing sounds</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public virtual List < MMSoundManagerSound > GetSoundsPlaying ( MMSoundManagerTracks track )
List < MMSoundManagerSound > soundsPlaying = new List < MMSoundManagerSound > ( ) ;
foreach ( MMSoundManagerSound sound in _sounds )
if ( ( sound . Track = = track ) & & ( sound . Source . isPlaying ) )
soundsPlaying . Add ( sound ) ;
return soundsPlaying ;
/// <summary>
/// Stops all sounds on a track, and returns them to the pool
/// </summary>
/// <param name="track"></param>
public virtual void FreeTrack ( MMSoundManagerTracks track )
foreach ( MMSoundManagerSound sound in _sounds )
if ( sound . Track = = track )
sound . Source . Stop ( ) ;
sound . Source . gameObject . SetActive ( false ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Mutes the music track, QoL method ready to bind to a UnityEvent
/// </summary>
public virtual void MuteMusic ( ) { MuteTrack ( MMSoundManagerTracks . Music ) ; }
/// <summary>
/// Unmutes the music track, QoL method ready to bind to a UnityEvent
/// </summary>
public virtual void UnmuteMusic ( ) { UnmuteTrack ( MMSoundManagerTracks . Music ) ; }
/// <summary>
/// Mutes the sfx track, QoL method ready to bind to a UnityEvent
/// </summary>
public virtual void MuteSfx ( ) { MuteTrack ( MMSoundManagerTracks . Sfx ) ; }
/// <summary>
/// Unmutes the sfx track, QoL method ready to bind to a UnityEvent
/// </summary>
public virtual void UnmuteSfx ( ) { UnmuteTrack ( MMSoundManagerTracks . Sfx ) ; }
/// <summary>
/// Mutes the UI track, QoL method ready to bind to a UnityEvent
/// </summary>
public virtual void MuteUI ( ) { MuteTrack ( MMSoundManagerTracks . UI ) ; }
/// <summary>
/// Unmutes the UI track, QoL method ready to bind to a UnityEvent
/// </summary>
public virtual void UnmuteUI ( ) { UnmuteTrack ( MMSoundManagerTracks . UI ) ; }
/// <summary>
/// Mutes the master track, QoL method ready to bind to a UnityEvent
/// </summary>
public virtual void MuteMaster ( ) { MuteTrack ( MMSoundManagerTracks . Master ) ; }
/// <summary>
/// Unmutes the master track, QoL method ready to bind to a UnityEvent
/// </summary>
public virtual void UnmuteMaster ( ) { UnmuteTrack ( MMSoundManagerTracks . Master ) ; }
/// <summary>
/// Sets the volume of the Music track to the specified value, QoL method, ready to bind to a UnityEvent
/// </summary>
public virtual void SetVolumeMusic ( float newVolume ) { SetTrackVolume ( MMSoundManagerTracks . Music , newVolume ) ; }
/// <summary>
/// Sets the volume of the SFX track to the specified value, QoL method, ready to bind to a UnityEvent
/// </summary>
public virtual void SetVolumeSfx ( float newVolume ) { SetTrackVolume ( MMSoundManagerTracks . Sfx , newVolume ) ; }
/// <summary>
/// Sets the volume of the UI track to the specified value, QoL method, ready to bind to a UnityEvent
/// </summary>
public virtual void SetVolumeUI ( float newVolume ) { SetTrackVolume ( MMSoundManagerTracks . UI , newVolume ) ; }
/// <summary>
/// Sets the volume of the Master track to the specified value, QoL method, ready to bind to a UnityEvent
/// </summary>
public virtual void SetVolumeMaster ( float newVolume ) { SetTrackVolume ( MMSoundManagerTracks . Master , newVolume ) ; }
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if the specified track is muted, false otherwise
/// </summary>
/// <param name="track"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public virtual bool IsMuted ( MMSoundManagerTracks track )
switch ( track )
case MMSoundManagerTracks . Master :
return ! settingsSo . Settings . MasterOn ;
case MMSoundManagerTracks . Music :
return ! settingsSo . Settings . MusicOn ;
case MMSoundManagerTracks . Sfx :
return ! settingsSo . Settings . SfxOn ;
case MMSoundManagerTracks . UI :
return ! settingsSo . Settings . UIOn ;
return false ;
/// <summary>
/// A method that will let you mute/unmute a track, or set it to a specified volume
/// </summary>
public enum ControlTrackModes { Mute , Unmute , SetVolume }
protected virtual void ControlTrack ( MMSoundManagerTracks track , ControlTrackModes trackMode , float volume = 0.5f )
string target = "" ;
float savedVolume = 0f ;
switch ( track )
case MMSoundManagerTracks . Master :
target = settingsSo . Settings . MasterVolumeParameter ;
if ( trackMode = = ControlTrackModes . Mute ) { settingsSo . TargetAudioMixer . GetFloat ( target , out settingsSo . Settings . MutedMasterVolume ) ; settingsSo . Settings . MasterOn = false ; }
else if ( trackMode = = ControlTrackModes . Unmute ) { savedVolume = settingsSo . Settings . MutedMasterVolume ; settingsSo . Settings . MasterOn = true ; }
break ;
case MMSoundManagerTracks . Music :
target = settingsSo . Settings . MusicVolumeParameter ;
if ( trackMode = = ControlTrackModes . Mute ) { settingsSo . TargetAudioMixer . GetFloat ( target , out settingsSo . Settings . MutedMusicVolume ) ; settingsSo . Settings . MusicOn = false ; }
else if ( trackMode = = ControlTrackModes . Unmute ) { savedVolume = settingsSo . Settings . MutedMusicVolume ; settingsSo . Settings . MusicOn = true ; }
break ;
case MMSoundManagerTracks . Sfx :
target = settingsSo . Settings . SfxVolumeParameter ;
if ( trackMode = = ControlTrackModes . Mute ) { settingsSo . TargetAudioMixer . GetFloat ( target , out settingsSo . Settings . MutedSfxVolume ) ; settingsSo . Settings . SfxOn = false ; }
else if ( trackMode = = ControlTrackModes . Unmute ) { savedVolume = settingsSo . Settings . MutedSfxVolume ; settingsSo . Settings . SfxOn = true ; }
break ;
case MMSoundManagerTracks . UI :
target = settingsSo . Settings . UIVolumeParameter ;
if ( trackMode = = ControlTrackModes . Mute ) { settingsSo . TargetAudioMixer . GetFloat ( target , out settingsSo . Settings . MutedUIVolume ) ; settingsSo . Settings . UIOn = false ; }
else if ( trackMode = = ControlTrackModes . Unmute ) { savedVolume = settingsSo . Settings . MutedUIVolume ; settingsSo . Settings . UIOn = true ; }
break ;
switch ( trackMode )
case ControlTrackModes . Mute :
settingsSo . SetTrackVolume ( track , 0f ) ;
break ;
case ControlTrackModes . Unmute :
settingsSo . SetTrackVolume ( track , settingsSo . MixerVolumeToNormalized ( savedVolume ) ) ;
break ;
case ControlTrackModes . SetVolume :
settingsSo . SetTrackVolume ( track , volume ) ;
break ;
settingsSo . GetTrackVolumes ( ) ;
if ( settingsSo . Settings . AutoSave )
settingsSo . SaveSoundSettings ( ) ;
# endregion
#region Fades
/// <summary>
/// Fades an entire track over the specified duration towards the desired finalVolume
/// </summary>
/// <param name="track"></param>
/// <param name="duration"></param>
/// <param name="initialVolume"></param>
/// <param name="finalVolume"></param>
/// <param name="tweenType"></param>
public virtual void FadeTrack ( MMSoundManagerTracks track , float duration , float initialVolume = 0f , float finalVolume = 1f , MMTweenType tweenType = null )
Coroutine coroutine = StartCoroutine ( FadeTrackCoroutine ( track , duration , initialVolume , finalVolume , tweenType ) ) ;
_fadeTrackCoroutines [ track ] = coroutine ;
/// <summary>
/// Fades a target sound towards a final volume over time
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source"></param>
/// <param name="duration"></param>
/// <param name="initialVolume"></param>
/// <param name="finalVolume"></param>
/// <param name="tweenType"></param>
public virtual void FadeSound ( AudioSource source , float duration , float initialVolume , float finalVolume , MMTweenType tweenType )
Coroutine coroutine = StartCoroutine ( FadeCoroutine ( source , duration , initialVolume , finalVolume , tweenType ) ) ;
_fadeSoundCoroutines [ source ] = coroutine ;
/// <summary>
/// Stops any fade currently happening on the specified track
/// </summary>
/// <param name="track"></param>
public virtual void StopFadeTrack ( MMSoundManagerTracks track )
Coroutine outCoroutine ;
if ( _fadeTrackCoroutines . TryGetValue ( track , out outCoroutine ) )
StopCoroutine ( outCoroutine ) ;
_fadeTrackCoroutines . Remove ( track ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Stops any fade currently happening on the specified sound
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source"></param>
public virtual void StopFadeSound ( AudioSource source )
Coroutine outCoroutine ;
if ( _fadeSoundCoroutines . TryGetValue ( source , out outCoroutine ) )
StopCoroutine ( outCoroutine ) ;
_fadeSoundCoroutines . Remove ( source ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Fades an entire track over time
/// </summary>
/// <param name="track"></param>
/// <param name="duration"></param>
/// <param name="initialVolume"></param>
/// <param name="finalVolume"></param>
/// <param name="tweenType"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
protected virtual IEnumerator FadeTrackCoroutine ( MMSoundManagerTracks track , float duration , float initialVolume , float finalVolume , MMTweenType tweenType )
float startedAt = Time . unscaledTime ;
if ( tweenType = = null )
tweenType = new MMTweenType ( MMTween . MMTweenCurve . EaseInOutQuartic ) ;
while ( Time . unscaledTime - startedAt < = duration )
float elapsedTime = Time . unscaledTime - startedAt ;
float newVolume = MMTween . Tween ( elapsedTime , 0f , duration , initialVolume , finalVolume , tweenType ) ;
settingsSo . SetTrackVolume ( track , newVolume ) ;
yield return null ;
settingsSo . SetTrackVolume ( track , finalVolume ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Fades an audiosource's volume over time
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source"></param>
/// <param name="duration"></param>
/// <param name="initialVolume"></param>
/// <param name="finalVolume"></param>
/// <param name="tweenType"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
protected virtual IEnumerator FadeCoroutine ( AudioSource source , float duration , float initialVolume , float finalVolume , MMTweenType tweenType )
float startedAt = Time . unscaledTime ;
if ( tweenType = = null )
tweenType = new MMTweenType ( MMTween . MMTweenCurve . EaseInOutQuartic ) ;
while ( Time . unscaledTime - startedAt < = duration )
float elapsedTime = Time . unscaledTime - startedAt ;
float newVolume = MMTween . Tween ( elapsedTime , 0f , duration , initialVolume , finalVolume , tweenType ) ;
source . volume = PlayerPrefs . GetFloat ( "Volume" ) ;
yield return null ;
source . volume = finalVolume ;
# endregion
#region Solo
/// <summary>
/// Mutes all sounds playing on a specific track
/// </summary>
/// <param name="track"></param>
/// <param name="mute"></param>
/// <param name="delay"></param>
public virtual void MuteSoundsOnTrack ( MMSoundManagerTracks track , bool mute , float delay = 0f )
StartCoroutine ( MuteSoundsOnTrackCoroutine ( track , mute , delay ) ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Mutes all sounds playing on the MMSoundManager
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mute"></param>
public virtual void MuteAllSounds ( bool mute = true )
StartCoroutine ( MuteAllSoundsCoroutine ( 0f , mute ) ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Mutes all sounds on the specified track after an optional delay
/// </summary>
/// <param name="track"></param>
/// <param name="mute"></param>
/// <param name="delay"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
protected virtual IEnumerator MuteSoundsOnTrackCoroutine ( MMSoundManagerTracks track , bool mute , float delay )
if ( delay > 0 )
yield return MMCoroutine . WaitForUnscaled ( delay ) ;
foreach ( MMSoundManagerSound sound in _sounds )
if ( sound . Track = = track )
sound . Source . mute = mute ;
/// <summary>
/// Mutes all sounds after an optional delay
/// </summary>
/// <param name="delay"></param>
/// <param name="mute"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
protected virtual IEnumerator MuteAllSoundsCoroutine ( float delay , bool mute = true )
if ( delay > 0 )
yield return MMCoroutine . WaitForUnscaled ( delay ) ;
foreach ( MMSoundManagerSound sound in _sounds )
sound . Source . mute = mute ;
# endregion
#region Find
/// <summary>
/// Returns an audio source played with the specified ID, if one is found
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ID"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public virtual AudioSource FindByID ( int ID )
foreach ( MMSoundManagerSound sound in _sounds )
if ( sound . ID = = ID )
return sound . Source ;
return null ;
/// <summary>
/// Returns an audio source played with the specified ID, if one is found
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ID"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public virtual AudioSource FindByClip ( AudioClip clip )
foreach ( MMSoundManagerSound sound in _sounds )
if ( sound . Source . clip = = clip )
return sound . Source ;
return null ;
# endregion
#region AllSoundsControls
/// <summary>
/// Pauses all sounds playing on the MMSoundManager
/// </summary>
public virtual void PauseAllSounds ( )
foreach ( MMSoundManagerSound sound in _sounds )
sound . Source . Pause ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Plays all sounds playing on the MMSoundManager
/// </summary>
public virtual void PlayAllSounds ( )
foreach ( MMSoundManagerSound sound in _sounds )
sound . Source . Play ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Stops all sounds playing on the MMSoundManager
/// </summary>
public virtual void StopAllSounds ( )
foreach ( MMSoundManagerSound sound in _sounds )
sound . Source . Stop ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Stops all sounds and returns them to the pool
/// </summary>
public virtual void FreeAllSounds ( )
foreach ( MMSoundManagerSound sound in _sounds )
if ( sound . Source ! = null )
FreeSound ( sound . Source ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Stops all sounds except the persistent ones, and returns them to the pool
/// </summary>
public virtual void FreeAllSoundsButPersistent ( )
foreach ( MMSoundManagerSound sound in _sounds )
if ( ( ! sound . Persistent ) & & ( sound . Source ! = null ) )
FreeSound ( sound . Source ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Stops all looping sounds and returns them to the pool
/// </summary>
public virtual void FreeAllLoopingSounds ( )
foreach ( MMSoundManagerSound sound in _sounds )
if ( ( sound . Source . loop ) & & ( sound . Source ! = null ) )
FreeSound ( sound . Source ) ;
# endregion
#region Events
/// <summary>
/// Registered on enable, triggers every time a new scene is loaded
/// At which point we free all sounds except the persistent ones
/// </summary>
protected virtual void OnSceneLoaded ( Scene arg0 , LoadSceneMode loadSceneMode )
FreeAllSoundsButPersistent ( ) ;
public virtual void OnMMEvent ( MMSoundManagerTrackEvent soundManagerTrackEvent )
switch ( soundManagerTrackEvent . TrackEventType )
case MMSoundManagerTrackEventTypes . MuteTrack :
MuteTrack ( soundManagerTrackEvent . Track ) ;
break ;
case MMSoundManagerTrackEventTypes . UnmuteTrack :
UnmuteTrack ( soundManagerTrackEvent . Track ) ;
break ;
case MMSoundManagerTrackEventTypes . SetVolumeTrack :
SetTrackVolume ( soundManagerTrackEvent . Track , soundManagerTrackEvent . Volume ) ;
break ;
case MMSoundManagerTrackEventTypes . PlayTrack :
PlayTrack ( soundManagerTrackEvent . Track ) ;
break ;
case MMSoundManagerTrackEventTypes . PauseTrack :
PauseTrack ( soundManagerTrackEvent . Track ) ;
break ;
case MMSoundManagerTrackEventTypes . StopTrack :
StopTrack ( soundManagerTrackEvent . Track ) ;
break ;
case MMSoundManagerTrackEventTypes . FreeTrack :
FreeTrack ( soundManagerTrackEvent . Track ) ;
break ;
public virtual void OnMMEvent ( MMSoundManagerEvent soundManagerEvent )
switch ( soundManagerEvent . EventType )
case MMSoundManagerEventTypes . SaveSettings :
SaveSettings ( ) ;
break ;
case MMSoundManagerEventTypes . LoadSettings :
settingsSo . LoadSoundSettings ( ) ;
break ;
case MMSoundManagerEventTypes . ResetSettings :
settingsSo . ResetSoundSettings ( ) ;
break ;
/// <summary>
/// Save sound settings to file
/// </summary>
public virtual void SaveSettings ( )
settingsSo . SaveSoundSettings ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Loads sound settings from file
/// </summary>
public virtual void LoadSettings ( )
settingsSo . LoadSoundSettings ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Deletes any saved sound settings
/// </summary>
public virtual void ResetSettings ( )
settingsSo . ResetSoundSettings ( ) ;
public virtual void OnMMEvent ( MMSoundManagerSoundControlEvent soundControlEvent )
if ( soundControlEvent . TargetSource = = null )
_tempAudioSource = FindByID ( soundControlEvent . SoundID ) ;
_tempAudioSource = soundControlEvent . TargetSource ;
if ( _tempAudioSource ! = null )
switch ( soundControlEvent . MMSoundManagerSoundControlEventType )
case MMSoundManagerSoundControlEventTypes . Pause :
PauseSound ( _tempAudioSource ) ;
break ;
case MMSoundManagerSoundControlEventTypes . Resume :
ResumeSound ( _tempAudioSource ) ;
break ;
case MMSoundManagerSoundControlEventTypes . Stop :
StopSound ( _tempAudioSource ) ;
break ;
case MMSoundManagerSoundControlEventTypes . Free :
FreeSound ( _tempAudioSource ) ;
break ;
public virtual void OnMMEvent ( MMSoundManagerTrackFadeEvent trackFadeEvent )
switch ( trackFadeEvent . Mode )
case MMSoundManagerTrackFadeEvent . Modes . PlayFade :
FadeTrack ( trackFadeEvent . Track , trackFadeEvent . FadeDuration , settingsSo . GetTrackVolume ( trackFadeEvent . Track ) , trackFadeEvent . FinalVolume , trackFadeEvent . FadeTween ) ;
break ;
case MMSoundManagerTrackFadeEvent . Modes . StopFade :
StopFadeTrack ( trackFadeEvent . Track ) ;
break ;
public virtual void OnMMEvent ( MMSoundManagerSoundFadeEvent soundFadeEvent )
_tempAudioSource = FindByID ( soundFadeEvent . SoundID ) ;
switch ( soundFadeEvent . Mode )
case MMSoundManagerSoundFadeEvent . Modes . PlayFade :
if ( _tempAudioSource ! = null )
FadeSound ( _tempAudioSource , soundFadeEvent . FadeDuration , _tempAudioSource . volume , soundFadeEvent . FinalVolume ,
soundFadeEvent . FadeTween ) ;
break ;
case MMSoundManagerSoundFadeEvent . Modes . StopFade :
StopFadeSound ( _tempAudioSource ) ;
break ;
public virtual void OnMMEvent ( MMSoundManagerAllSoundsControlEvent allSoundsControlEvent )
switch ( allSoundsControlEvent . EventType )
case MMSoundManagerAllSoundsControlEventTypes . Pause :
PauseAllSounds ( ) ;
break ;
case MMSoundManagerAllSoundsControlEventTypes . Play :
PlayAllSounds ( ) ;
break ;
case MMSoundManagerAllSoundsControlEventTypes . Stop :
StopAllSounds ( ) ;
break ;
case MMSoundManagerAllSoundsControlEventTypes . Free :
FreeAllSounds ( ) ;
break ;
case MMSoundManagerAllSoundsControlEventTypes . FreeAllButPersistent :
FreeAllSoundsButPersistent ( ) ;
break ;
case MMSoundManagerAllSoundsControlEventTypes . FreeAllLooping :
FreeAllLoopingSounds ( ) ;
break ;
public virtual void OnMMSfxEvent ( AudioClip clipToPlay , AudioMixerGroup audioGroup = null , float volume = 1f , float pitch = 1f , int priority = 128 )
MMSoundManagerPlayOptions options = MMSoundManagerPlayOptions . Default ;
options . Location = this . transform . position ;
options . AudioGroup = audioGroup ;
options . Volume = volume ;
options . Pitch = pitch ;
if ( priority > = 0 )
options . Priority = Mathf . Min ( priority , 256 ) ;
options . MmSoundManagerTrack = MMSoundManagerTracks . Sfx ;
options . Loop = false ;
PlaySound ( clipToPlay , options ) ;
public virtual AudioSource OnMMSoundManagerSoundPlayEvent ( AudioClip clip , MMSoundManagerPlayOptions options )
return PlaySound ( clip , options ) ;
/// <summary>
/// On enable we start listening for events
/// </summary>
protected virtual void OnEnable ( )
MMSfxEvent . Register ( OnMMSfxEvent ) ;
MMSoundManagerSoundPlayEvent . Register ( OnMMSoundManagerSoundPlayEvent ) ;
this . MMEventStartListening < MMSoundManagerEvent > ( ) ;
this . MMEventStartListening < MMSoundManagerTrackEvent > ( ) ;
this . MMEventStartListening < MMSoundManagerSoundControlEvent > ( ) ;
this . MMEventStartListening < MMSoundManagerTrackFadeEvent > ( ) ;
this . MMEventStartListening < MMSoundManagerSoundFadeEvent > ( ) ;
this . MMEventStartListening < MMSoundManagerAllSoundsControlEvent > ( ) ;
SceneManager . sceneLoaded + = OnSceneLoaded ;
/// <summary>
/// On disable we stop listening for events
/// </summary>
protected virtual void OnDisable ( )
if ( _enabled )
MMSfxEvent . Unregister ( OnMMSfxEvent ) ;
MMSoundManagerSoundPlayEvent . Unregister ( OnMMSoundManagerSoundPlayEvent ) ;
this . MMEventStopListening < MMSoundManagerEvent > ( ) ;
this . MMEventStopListening < MMSoundManagerTrackEvent > ( ) ;
this . MMEventStopListening < MMSoundManagerSoundControlEvent > ( ) ;
this . MMEventStopListening < MMSoundManagerTrackFadeEvent > ( ) ;
this . MMEventStopListening < MMSoundManagerSoundFadeEvent > ( ) ;
this . MMEventStopListening < MMSoundManagerAllSoundsControlEvent > ( ) ;
SceneManager . sceneLoaded - = OnSceneLoaded ;
# endregion