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CrowdControl/Assets/3rd/Plugins/Easy Save 3/Scripts/ES3Spreadsheet.cs

298 lines
7.2 KiB

1 month ago
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System.IO;
using ES3Internal;
public class ES3Spreadsheet
private int cols = 0;
private int rows = 0;
private Dictionary<Index, string> cells = new Dictionary<Index, string>();
private const string QUOTE = "\"";
private const char QUOTE_CHAR = '"';
private const char COMMA_CHAR = ',';
private const char NEWLINE_CHAR = '\n';
private const string ESCAPED_QUOTE = "\"\"";
private static char[] CHARS_TO_ESCAPE = { ',', '"', '\n', ' ' };
public ES3Spreadsheet()
ES3Debug.Log("ES3Spreadsheet created");
public int ColumnCount
get{ return cols; }
public int RowCount
get{ return rows; }
public void SetCell<T>(int col, int row, T value)
ES3Debug.Log("Setting cell (" + col + "," + row + ") to value " + value);
// If we're writing a string, add it without formatting.
if (value.GetType() == typeof(string))
SetCellString(col, row, (string)(object)value);
var settings = new ES3Settings ();
using(var ms = new MemoryStream())
using (var jsonWriter = new ES3JSONWriter (ms, settings, false, false))
jsonWriter.Write(value, ES3.ReferenceMode.ByValue);
SetCellString(col, row, settings.encoding.GetString(ms.ToArray()));
// Expand the spreadsheet if necessary.
if(col >= cols)
cols = (col+1);
if(row >= rows)
rows = (row+1);
private void SetCellString(int col, int row, string value)
cells [new Index (col, row)] = value;
// Expand the spreadsheet if necessary.
if(col >= cols)
cols = (col+1);
if (row >= rows)
rows = (row + 1);
// Don't create non-generic version of this. Generic parameter is necessary as no type data is stored in the CSV file.
public T GetCell<T>(int col, int row)
var val = GetCell(typeof(T), col, row);
if (val == null)
return default(T);
return (T)val;
internal object GetCell(System.Type type, int col, int row)
string value;
if (col >= cols || row >= rows)
throw new System.IndexOutOfRangeException("Cell (" + col + ", " + row + ") is out of bounds of spreadsheet (" + cols + ", " + rows + ").");
if (!cells.TryGetValue(new Index(col, row), out value) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
ES3Debug.Log("Getting cell (" + col + "," + row + ") is empty, so default value is being returned");
return null;
// If we're loading a string, simply return the string value.
if (type == typeof(string))
var str = (object)value;
ES3Debug.Log("Getting cell (" + col + "," + row + ") with value " + str);
return str;
var settings = new ES3Settings();
using (var ms = new MemoryStream(settings.encoding.GetBytes(value)))
using (var jsonReader = new ES3JSONReader(ms, settings, false))
var obj = ES3TypeMgr.GetOrCreateES3Type(type, true).Read<object>(jsonReader);
ES3Debug.Log("Getting cell (" + col + "," + row + ") with value " + obj);
return obj;
public void Load(string filePath)
Load(new ES3Settings (filePath));
public void Load(string filePath, ES3Settings settings)
Load(new ES3Settings (filePath, settings));
public void Load(ES3Settings settings)
Load(ES3Stream.CreateStream(settings, ES3FileMode.Read), settings);
public void LoadRaw(string str)
Load(new MemoryStream (((new ES3Settings ()).encoding).GetBytes(str)), new ES3Settings());
public void LoadRaw(string str, ES3Settings settings)
Load(new MemoryStream ((settings.encoding).GetBytes(str)), settings);
private void Load(Stream stream, ES3Settings settings)
using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream))
int c_int;
char c;
string value = "";
int col = 0;
int row = 0;
ES3Debug.Log("Reading spreadsheet "+settings.path+" from "+settings.location);
// Read until the end of the stream.
c_int = reader.Read();
c = (char)c_int;
if(c == QUOTE_CHAR)
while (true)
c = (char)reader.Read();
if(c == QUOTE_CHAR)
// If this quote isn't escaped by another, it is the last quote, so we should stop parsing this value.
if(((char)reader.Peek()) != QUOTE_CHAR)
c = (char)reader.Read();
value += c;
// If this is the end of a column, row, or the stream, add the value to the spreadsheet.
else if(c == COMMA_CHAR || c == NEWLINE_CHAR || c_int == -1)
SetCell(col, row, value);
value = "";
if(c == COMMA_CHAR)
else if(c == NEWLINE_CHAR)
col = 0;
value += c;
ES3Debug.Log("Finished reading spreadsheet " + settings.path + " from " + settings.location);
public void Save(string filePath)
Save(new ES3Settings (filePath), false);
public void Save(string filePath, ES3Settings settings)
Save(new ES3Settings (filePath, settings), false);
public void Save(ES3Settings settings)
Save(settings, false);
public void Save(string filePath, bool append)
Save(new ES3Settings (filePath), append);
public void Save(string filePath, ES3Settings settings, bool append)
Save(new ES3Settings (filePath, settings), append);
public void Save(ES3Settings settings, bool append)
using (var writer = new StreamWriter(ES3Stream.CreateStream(settings, append ? ES3FileMode.Append : ES3FileMode.Write)))
// If data already exists and we're appending, we need to prepend a newline.
if(append && ES3.FileExists(settings))
var array = ToArray();
for(int row = 0; row < rows; row++)
if(row != 0)
for(int col = 0; col < cols; col++)
if(col != 0)
ES3Debug.Log("Writing cell (" + col + "," + row + ") to file with value "+ array[col, row]);
writer.Write( Escape(array [col, row]) );
private static string Escape(string str, bool isAlreadyWrappedInQuotes=false)
return null;
// Now escape any other quotes.
str = str.Replace(QUOTE, ESCAPED_QUOTE);
// If there's chars to escape, wrap the value in quotes.
if(str.IndexOfAny(CHARS_TO_ESCAPE) > -1)
str = QUOTE + str + QUOTE;
return str;
private static string Unescape(string str)
if(str.StartsWith(QUOTE) && str.EndsWith(QUOTE))
str = str.Substring(1, str.Length-2);
str = str.Replace(ESCAPED_QUOTE, QUOTE);
return str;
private string[,] ToArray()
var array = new string[cols, rows];
foreach (var cell in cells)
array [cell.Key.col, cell.Key.row] = cell.Value;
return array;
protected struct Index
public int col;
public int row;
public Index(int col, int row)
this.col = col;
this.row = row;