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6 months ago
// AppLovinSettings.cs
// AppLovin MAX Unity Plugin
// Created by Santosh Bagadi on 1/27/20.
// Copyright © 2019 AppLovin. All rights reserved.
using AppLovinMax.Scripts.IntegrationManager.Editor;
using System.IO;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Serialization;
namespace AppLovinMax.Scripts.IntegrationManager.Editor
public enum Platform
/// <summary>
/// A <see cref="ScriptableObject"/> representing the AppLovin Settings that can be set in the Integration Manager Window.
/// The scriptable object asset is created with the name <c>AppLovinSettings.asset</c> and is placed under the directory <c>Assets/MaxSdk/Resources</c>.
/// NOTE: Not name spacing this class since it is reflected upon by the Google adapter and will break compatibility.
/// </summary>
public class AppLovinSettings : ScriptableObject
public const string SettingsExportPath = "MaxSdk/Resources/AppLovinSettings.asset";
public const string DefaultUserTrackingDescriptionEnV0 = "Pressing \\\"Allow\\\" uses device info for more relevant ad content";
public const string DefaultUserTrackingDescriptionEnV1 = "This only uses device info for less annoying, more relevant ads";
public const string DefaultUserTrackingDescriptionEnV2 = "This only uses device info for more interesting and relevant ads";
public const string DefaultUserTrackingDescriptionEnV3 = "This uses device info for more personalized ads and content";
public const string DefaultUserTrackingDescriptionDe = "\\\"Erlauben\\\" drücken benutzt Gerätinformationen für relevantere Werbeinhalte";
public const string DefaultUserTrackingDescriptionEs = "Presionando \\\"Permitir\\\", se usa la información del dispositivo para obtener contenido publicitario más relevante";
public const string DefaultUserTrackingDescriptionFr = "\\\"Autoriser\\\" permet d'utiliser les infos du téléphone pour afficher des contenus publicitaires plus pertinents";
public const string DefaultUserTrackingDescriptionJa = "\\\"許可\\\"をクリックすることで、デバイス情報を元により最適な広告を表示することができます";
public const string DefaultUserTrackingDescriptionKo = "\\\"허용\\\"을 누르면 더 관련성 높은 광고 콘텐츠를 제공하기 위해 기기 정보가 사용됩니다";
public const string DefaultUserTrackingDescriptionZhHans = "点击\\\"允许\\\"以使用设备信息获得更加相关的广告内容";
public const string DefaultUserTrackingDescriptionZhHant = "點擊\\\"允許\\\"以使用設備信息獲得更加相關的廣告內容";
/// <summary>
/// A placeholder constant to be replaced with the actual default localization or an empty string based on whether or not localization is enabled when when the getter is called.
/// </summary>
protected const string DefaultLocalization = "default_localization";
private static AppLovinSettings instance;
[SerializeField] private bool qualityServiceEnabled = true;
[SerializeField] private string sdkKey;
[SerializeField] private bool setAttributionReportEndpoint;
[SerializeField] private bool addApsSkAdNetworkIds;
[SerializeField] private string customGradleVersionUrl;
[SerializeField] private string customGradleToolsVersion;
[SerializeField] private bool consentFlowEnabled;
[SerializeField] private Platform consentFlowPlatform;
[SerializeField] private string consentFlowPrivacyPolicyUrl = string.Empty;
[SerializeField] private string consentFlowTermsOfServiceUrl = string.Empty;
[FormerlySerializedAs("userTrackingUsageDescription")] [SerializeField] private string userTrackingUsageDescriptionEn = string.Empty;
[SerializeField] private bool userTrackingUsageLocalizationEnabled;
[SerializeField] private string userTrackingUsageDescriptionDe = string.Empty;
[SerializeField] private string userTrackingUsageDescriptionEs = string.Empty;
[SerializeField] private string userTrackingUsageDescriptionFr = string.Empty;
[SerializeField] private string userTrackingUsageDescriptionJa = string.Empty;
[SerializeField] private string userTrackingUsageDescriptionKo = string.Empty;
[SerializeField] private string userTrackingUsageDescriptionZhHans = string.Empty;
[SerializeField] private string userTrackingUsageDescriptionZhHant = DefaultLocalization;
[SerializeField] private string adMobAndroidAppId = string.Empty;
[SerializeField] private string adMobIosAppId = string.Empty;
[SerializeField] private bool showInternalSettingsInIntegrationManager;
/// <summary>
/// An instance of AppLovin Setting.
/// </summary>
public static AppLovinSettings Instance
if (instance == null)
// Check for an existing AppLovinSettings somewhere in the project
var guids = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("AppLovinSettings t:ScriptableObject");
if (guids.Length > 1)
MaxSdkLogger.UserWarning("Multiple AppLovinSettings found. This may cause unexpected results.");
if (guids.Length != 0)
var path = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guids[0]);
instance = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<AppLovinSettings>(path);
return instance;
// If there is no existing AppLovinSettings asset, create one in the default location
string settingsFilePath;
// The settings file should be under the Assets/ folder so that it can be version controlled and cannot be overriden when updating.
// If the plugin is outside the Assets folder, create the settings asset at the default location.
if (AppLovinIntegrationManager.IsPluginOutsideAssetsDirectory)
// Note: Can't use absolute path when calling `CreateAsset`. Should use relative path to Assets/ directory.
settingsFilePath = Path.Combine("Assets", SettingsExportPath);
var maxSdkDir = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, "MaxSdk");
if (!Directory.Exists(maxSdkDir))
settingsFilePath = Path.Combine(AppLovinIntegrationManager.PluginParentDirectory, SettingsExportPath);
var settingsDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(settingsFilePath);
if (!Directory.Exists(settingsDir))
// On script reload AssetDatabase.FindAssets() can fail and will overwrite AppLovinSettings without this check
if (!File.Exists(settingsFilePath))
instance = CreateInstance<AppLovinSettings>();
AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(instance, settingsFilePath);
MaxSdkLogger.D("Creating new AppLovinSettings asset at path: " + settingsFilePath);
return instance;
/// <summary>
/// Whether or not to install Quality Service plugin.
/// </summary>
public bool QualityServiceEnabled
get { return Instance.qualityServiceEnabled; }
set { Instance.qualityServiceEnabled = value; }
/// <summary>
/// AppLovin SDK Key.
/// </summary>
public string SdkKey
get { return Instance.sdkKey; }
set { Instance.sdkKey = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Whether or not to set `NSAdvertisingAttributionReportEndpoint` in Info.plist.
/// </summary>
public bool SetAttributionReportEndpoint
get { return Instance.setAttributionReportEndpoint; }
set { Instance.setAttributionReportEndpoint = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Whether or not to add Amazon Publisher Services SKAdNetworkID's.
/// </summary>
public bool AddApsSkAdNetworkIds
get { return Instance.addApsSkAdNetworkIds; }
set { Instance.addApsSkAdNetworkIds = value; }
/// <summary>
/// A URL to set the distributionUrl in the file (ex: https\://
/// </summary>
public string CustomGradleVersionUrl
get { return Instance.customGradleVersionUrl; }
set { Instance.customGradleVersionUrl = value; }
/// <summary>
/// A string to set the custom gradle tools version (ex:
/// </summary>
public string CustomGradleToolsVersion
get { return Instance.customGradleToolsVersion; }
set { Instance.customGradleToolsVersion = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Whether or not AppLovin Consent Flow is enabled.
/// </summary>
public bool ConsentFlowEnabled
// Update the default EN description if an old version of the description is still being used.
if (DefaultUserTrackingDescriptionEnV0.Equals(Instance.UserTrackingUsageDescriptionEn)
|| DefaultUserTrackingDescriptionEnV1.Equals(Instance.UserTrackingUsageDescriptionEn)
|| DefaultUserTrackingDescriptionEnV2.Equals(Instance.UserTrackingUsageDescriptionEn))
Instance.UserTrackingUsageDescriptionEn = DefaultUserTrackingDescriptionEnV3;
return Instance.consentFlowEnabled;
var previousValue = Instance.consentFlowEnabled;
Instance.consentFlowEnabled = value;
if (value)
// If the value didn't change, we don't need to update anything.
if (previousValue) return;
Instance.UserTrackingUsageDescriptionEn = DefaultUserTrackingDescriptionEnV3;
Instance.UserTrackingUsageLocalizationEnabled = true;
Instance.ConsentFlowPlatform = Platform.All;
Instance.ConsentFlowPrivacyPolicyUrl = string.Empty;
Instance.ConsentFlowTermsOfServiceUrl = string.Empty;
Instance.UserTrackingUsageDescriptionEn = string.Empty;
Instance.UserTrackingUsageLocalizationEnabled = false;
public Platform ConsentFlowPlatform
get { return Instance.consentFlowEnabled ? Instance.consentFlowPlatform : Platform.All; }
set { Instance.consentFlowPlatform = value; }
/// <summary>
/// A URL pointing to the Privacy Policy for the app to be shown when prompting the user for consent.
/// </summary>
public string ConsentFlowPrivacyPolicyUrl
get { return Instance.consentFlowPrivacyPolicyUrl; }
set { Instance.consentFlowPrivacyPolicyUrl = value; }
/// <summary>
/// An optional URL pointing to the Terms of Service for the app to be shown when prompting the user for consent.
/// </summary>
public string ConsentFlowTermsOfServiceUrl
get { return Instance.consentFlowTermsOfServiceUrl; }
set { Instance.consentFlowTermsOfServiceUrl = value; }
/// <summary>
/// A User Tracking Usage Description in English to be shown to users when requesting permission to use data for tracking.
/// For more information see <see cref="">Apple's documentation</see>.
/// </summary>
public string UserTrackingUsageDescriptionEn
get { return Instance.userTrackingUsageDescriptionEn; }
set { Instance.userTrackingUsageDescriptionEn = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Whether or not to localize User Tracking Usage Description.
/// For more information see <see cref="">Apple's documentation</see>.
/// </summary>
public bool UserTrackingUsageLocalizationEnabled
get { return Instance.userTrackingUsageLocalizationEnabled; }
var previousValue = Instance.userTrackingUsageLocalizationEnabled;
Instance.userTrackingUsageLocalizationEnabled = value;
if (value)
// If the value didn't change or the english localization text is not the default one, we don't need to update anything.
if (previousValue || !DefaultUserTrackingDescriptionEnV3.Equals(Instance.UserTrackingUsageDescriptionEn)) return;
Instance.UserTrackingUsageDescriptionDe = DefaultUserTrackingDescriptionDe;
Instance.UserTrackingUsageDescriptionEs = DefaultUserTrackingDescriptionEs;
Instance.UserTrackingUsageDescriptionFr = DefaultUserTrackingDescriptionFr;
Instance.UserTrackingUsageDescriptionJa = DefaultUserTrackingDescriptionJa;
Instance.UserTrackingUsageDescriptionKo = DefaultUserTrackingDescriptionKo;
Instance.UserTrackingUsageDescriptionZhHans = DefaultUserTrackingDescriptionZhHans;
Instance.UserTrackingUsageDescriptionZhHant = DefaultUserTrackingDescriptionZhHant;
Instance.UserTrackingUsageDescriptionDe = string.Empty;
Instance.UserTrackingUsageDescriptionEs = string.Empty;
Instance.UserTrackingUsageDescriptionFr = string.Empty;
Instance.UserTrackingUsageDescriptionJa = string.Empty;
Instance.UserTrackingUsageDescriptionKo = string.Empty;
Instance.UserTrackingUsageDescriptionZhHans = string.Empty;
Instance.UserTrackingUsageDescriptionZhHant = string.Empty;
/// <summary>
/// A User Tracking Usage Description in German to be shown to users when requesting permission to use data for tracking.
/// For more information see <see cref="">Apple's documentation</see>.
/// </summary>
public string UserTrackingUsageDescriptionDe
get { return Instance.userTrackingUsageDescriptionDe; }
set { Instance.userTrackingUsageDescriptionDe = value; }
/// <summary>
/// A User Tracking Usage Description in Spanish to be shown to users when requesting permission to use data for tracking.
/// For more information see <see cref="">Apple's documentation</see>.
/// </summary>
public string UserTrackingUsageDescriptionEs
get { return Instance.userTrackingUsageDescriptionEs; }
set { Instance.userTrackingUsageDescriptionEs = value; }
/// <summary>
/// A User Tracking Usage Description in French to be shown to users when requesting permission to use data for tracking.
/// For more information see <see cref="">Apple's documentation</see>.
/// </summary>
public string UserTrackingUsageDescriptionFr
get { return Instance.userTrackingUsageDescriptionFr; }
set { Instance.userTrackingUsageDescriptionFr = value; }
/// <summary>
/// A User Tracking Usage Description in Japanese to be shown to users when requesting permission to use data for tracking.
/// For more information see <see cref="">Apple's documentation</see>.
/// </summary>
public string UserTrackingUsageDescriptionJa
get { return Instance.userTrackingUsageDescriptionJa; }
set { Instance.userTrackingUsageDescriptionJa = value; }
/// <summary>
/// A User Tracking Usage Description in Korean to be shown to users when requesting permission to use data for tracking.
/// For more information see <see cref="">Apple's documentation</see>.
/// </summary>
public string UserTrackingUsageDescriptionKo
get { return Instance.userTrackingUsageDescriptionKo; }
set { Instance.userTrackingUsageDescriptionKo = value; }
/// <summary>
/// A User Tracking Usage Description in Chinese (Simplified) to be shown to users when requesting permission to use data for tracking.
/// For more information see <see cref="">Apple's documentation</see>.
/// </summary>
public string UserTrackingUsageDescriptionZhHans
get { return Instance.userTrackingUsageDescriptionZhHans; }
set { Instance.userTrackingUsageDescriptionZhHans = value; }
/// <summary>
/// A User Tracking Usage Description in Chinese (Traditional) to be shown to users when requesting permission to use data for tracking.
/// For more information see <see cref="">Apple's documentation</see>.
/// </summary>
public string UserTrackingUsageDescriptionZhHant
// Since this localization has been added separate from the other localizations,
// we use a placeholder constant to be replaced with the actual value or an empty string based on whether or not the localization was enabled by the publisher.
if (DefaultLocalization.Equals(Instance.userTrackingUsageDescriptionZhHant))
Instance.userTrackingUsageDescriptionZhHant = Instance.UserTrackingUsageLocalizationEnabled ? DefaultUserTrackingDescriptionZhHant : string.Empty;
return Instance.userTrackingUsageDescriptionZhHant;
set { Instance.userTrackingUsageDescriptionZhHant = value; }
/// <summary>
/// AdMob Android App ID.
/// </summary>
public string AdMobAndroidAppId
get { return Instance.adMobAndroidAppId; }
set { Instance.adMobAndroidAppId = value; }
/// <summary>
/// AdMob iOS App ID.
/// </summary>
public string AdMobIosAppId
get { return Instance.adMobIosAppId; }
set { Instance.adMobIosAppId = value; }
public bool ShowInternalSettingsInIntegrationManager
get { return Instance.showInternalSettingsInIntegrationManager; }
set { Instance.showInternalSettingsInIntegrationManager = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Saves the instance of the settings.
/// </summary>
public void SaveAsync()