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6 months ago
// AppLovinInternalSettigns.cs
// AppLovin User Engagement Unity Plugin
// Created by Santosh Bagadi on 9/15/22.
// Copyright © 2022 AppLovin. All rights reserved.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using UnityEngine;
namespace AppLovinMax.Scripts.IntegrationManager.Editor
/// <summary>
/// A <see cref="ScriptableObject"/> representing the AppLovin internal settings that can be set in the Integration Manager Window.
/// The scriptable object asset is saved under ProjectSettings as <c>AppLovinInternalSettings.json</c>.
/// </summary>
public class AppLovinInternalSettings : ScriptableObject
private static AppLovinInternalSettings instance;
public const string DefaultUserTrackingDescriptionEn = "This uses device info for more personalized ads and content";
public const string DefaultUserTrackingDescriptionDe = "Dies benutzt Gerätinformationen für relevantere Werbeinhalte";
public const string DefaultUserTrackingDescriptionEs = "Esto utiliza la información del dispositivo para anuncios y contenido más personalizados";
public const string DefaultUserTrackingDescriptionFr = "Cela permet d'utiliser les informations du téléphone pour afficher des contenus publicitaires plus pertinents.";
public const string DefaultUserTrackingDescriptionJa = "これはユーザーデータをもとに、より関連性の高い広告コンテンツをお客様に提供します";
public const string DefaultUserTrackingDescriptionKo = "보다 개인화된 광고 및 콘텐츠를 위해 기기 정보를 사용합니다.";
public const string DefaultUserTrackingDescriptionZhHans = "我们使用设备信息来提供个性化的广告和内容。";
public const string DefaultUserTrackingDescriptionZhHant = "我們使用設備信息來提供個性化的廣告和內容。";
[SerializeField] private bool consentFlowEnabled;
[SerializeField] private string consentFlowPrivacyPolicyUrl = string.Empty;
[SerializeField] private string consentFlowTermsOfServiceUrl = string.Empty;
[SerializeField] private bool overrideDefaultUserTrackingUsageDescriptions;
[SerializeField] private MaxSdkBase.ConsentFlowUserGeography debugUserGeography;
[SerializeField] private string userTrackingUsageDescriptionEn = string.Empty;
[SerializeField] private bool userTrackingUsageLocalizationEnabled;
[SerializeField] private string userTrackingUsageDescriptionDe = string.Empty;
[SerializeField] private string userTrackingUsageDescriptionEs = string.Empty;
[SerializeField] private string userTrackingUsageDescriptionFr = string.Empty;
[SerializeField] private string userTrackingUsageDescriptionJa = string.Empty;
[SerializeField] private string userTrackingUsageDescriptionKo = string.Empty;
[SerializeField] private string userTrackingUsageDescriptionZhHans = string.Empty;
[SerializeField] private string userTrackingUsageDescriptionZhHant = string.Empty;
private const string SettingsFilePath = "ProjectSettings/AppLovinInternalSettings.json";
public static AppLovinInternalSettings Instance
if (instance != null) return instance;
instance = CreateInstance<AppLovinInternalSettings>();
var projectRootPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.dataPath);
var settingsFilePath = Path.Combine(projectRootPath, SettingsFilePath);
if (!File.Exists(settingsFilePath))
return instance;
var settingsJson = File.ReadAllText(settingsFilePath);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(settingsJson))
return instance;
JsonUtility.FromJsonOverwrite(settingsJson, instance);
return instance;
public void Save()
var settingsJson = JsonUtility.ToJson(instance);
var projectRootPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.dataPath);
var settingsFilePath = Path.Combine(projectRootPath, SettingsFilePath);
File.WriteAllText(settingsFilePath, settingsJson);
catch (Exception exception)
MaxSdkLogger.UserError("Failed to save internal settings.");
/// <summary>
/// Whether or not AppLovin Consent Flow is enabled.
/// </summary>
public bool ConsentFlowEnabled
get { return consentFlowEnabled; }
var previousValue = consentFlowEnabled;
consentFlowEnabled = value;
if (value)
// If the value didn't change, we don't need to update anything.
if (previousValue) return;
UserTrackingUsageDescriptionEn = DefaultUserTrackingDescriptionEn;
UserTrackingUsageLocalizationEnabled = true;
ConsentFlowPrivacyPolicyUrl = string.Empty;
ConsentFlowTermsOfServiceUrl = string.Empty;
UserTrackingUsageDescriptionEn = string.Empty;
UserTrackingUsageLocalizationEnabled = false;
OverrideDefaultUserTrackingUsageDescriptions = false;
/// <summary>
/// A URL pointing to the Privacy Policy for the app to be shown when prompting the user for consent.
/// </summary>
public string ConsentFlowPrivacyPolicyUrl
get { return consentFlowPrivacyPolicyUrl; }
set { consentFlowPrivacyPolicyUrl = value; }
/// <summary>
/// An optional URL pointing to the Terms of Service for the app to be shown when prompting the user for consent.
/// </summary>
public string ConsentFlowTermsOfServiceUrl
get { return consentFlowTermsOfServiceUrl; }
set { consentFlowTermsOfServiceUrl = value; }
/// <summary>
/// A User Tracking Usage Description in English to be shown to users when requesting permission to use data for tracking.
/// For more information see <see cref="">Apple's documentation</see>.
/// </summary>
public string UserTrackingUsageDescriptionEn
get { return userTrackingUsageDescriptionEn; }
set { userTrackingUsageDescriptionEn = value; }
/// <summary>
/// An optional string to set debug user geography
/// </summary>
public MaxSdkBase.ConsentFlowUserGeography DebugUserGeography
get { return debugUserGeography; }
set { debugUserGeography = value; }
public bool OverrideDefaultUserTrackingUsageDescriptions
get { return overrideDefaultUserTrackingUsageDescriptions; }
var previousValue = overrideDefaultUserTrackingUsageDescriptions;
overrideDefaultUserTrackingUsageDescriptions = value;
if (!value)
if (!previousValue) return;
UserTrackingUsageDescriptionEn = DefaultUserTrackingDescriptionEn;
UserTrackingUsageDescriptionDe = DefaultUserTrackingDescriptionDe;
UserTrackingUsageDescriptionEs = DefaultUserTrackingDescriptionEs;
UserTrackingUsageDescriptionFr = DefaultUserTrackingDescriptionFr;
UserTrackingUsageDescriptionJa = DefaultUserTrackingDescriptionJa;
UserTrackingUsageDescriptionKo = DefaultUserTrackingDescriptionKo;
UserTrackingUsageDescriptionZhHans = DefaultUserTrackingDescriptionZhHans;
UserTrackingUsageDescriptionZhHant = DefaultUserTrackingDescriptionZhHant;
/// <summary>
/// Whether or not to localize User Tracking Usage Description.
/// For more information see <see cref="">Apple's documentation</see>.
/// </summary>
public bool UserTrackingUsageLocalizationEnabled
get { return userTrackingUsageLocalizationEnabled; }
var previousValue = userTrackingUsageLocalizationEnabled;
userTrackingUsageLocalizationEnabled = value;
if (value)
// If the value didn't change, don't do anything
if (previousValue) return;
// Don't set the default values if they are being overriden.
if (OverrideDefaultUserTrackingUsageDescriptions) return;
UserTrackingUsageDescriptionDe = DefaultUserTrackingDescriptionDe;
UserTrackingUsageDescriptionEs = DefaultUserTrackingDescriptionEs;
UserTrackingUsageDescriptionFr = DefaultUserTrackingDescriptionFr;
UserTrackingUsageDescriptionJa = DefaultUserTrackingDescriptionJa;
UserTrackingUsageDescriptionKo = DefaultUserTrackingDescriptionKo;
UserTrackingUsageDescriptionZhHans = DefaultUserTrackingDescriptionZhHans;
UserTrackingUsageDescriptionZhHant = DefaultUserTrackingDescriptionZhHant;
UserTrackingUsageDescriptionDe = string.Empty;
UserTrackingUsageDescriptionEs = string.Empty;
UserTrackingUsageDescriptionFr = string.Empty;
UserTrackingUsageDescriptionJa = string.Empty;
UserTrackingUsageDescriptionKo = string.Empty;
UserTrackingUsageDescriptionZhHans = string.Empty;
UserTrackingUsageDescriptionZhHant = string.Empty;
/// <summary>
/// A User Tracking Usage Description in German to be shown to users when requesting permission to use data for tracking.
/// For more information see <see cref="">Apple's documentation</see>.
/// </summary>
public string UserTrackingUsageDescriptionDe
get { return userTrackingUsageDescriptionDe; }
set { userTrackingUsageDescriptionDe = value; }
/// <summary>
/// A User Tracking Usage Description in Spanish to be shown to users when requesting permission to use data for tracking.
/// For more information see <see cref="">Apple's documentation</see>.
/// </summary>
public string UserTrackingUsageDescriptionEs
get { return userTrackingUsageDescriptionEs; }
set { userTrackingUsageDescriptionEs = value; }
/// <summary>
/// A User Tracking Usage Description in French to be shown to users when requesting permission to use data for tracking.
/// For more information see <see cref="">Apple's documentation</see>.
/// </summary>
public string UserTrackingUsageDescriptionFr
get { return userTrackingUsageDescriptionFr; }
set { userTrackingUsageDescriptionFr = value; }
/// <summary>
/// A User Tracking Usage Description in Japanese to be shown to users when requesting permission to use data for tracking.
/// For more information see <see cref="">Apple's documentation</see>.
/// </summary>
public string UserTrackingUsageDescriptionJa
get { return userTrackingUsageDescriptionJa; }
set { userTrackingUsageDescriptionJa = value; }
/// <summary>
/// A User Tracking Usage Description in Korean to be shown to users when requesting permission to use data for tracking.
/// For more information see <see cref="">Apple's documentation</see>.
/// </summary>
public string UserTrackingUsageDescriptionKo
get { return userTrackingUsageDescriptionKo; }
set { userTrackingUsageDescriptionKo = value; }
/// <summary>
/// A User Tracking Usage Description in Chinese (Simplified) to be shown to users when requesting permission to use data for tracking.
/// For more information see <see cref="">Apple's documentation</see>.
/// </summary>
public string UserTrackingUsageDescriptionZhHans
get { return userTrackingUsageDescriptionZhHans; }
set { userTrackingUsageDescriptionZhHans = value; }
/// <summary>
/// A User Tracking Usage Description in Chinese (Traditional) to be shown to users when requesting permission to use data for tracking.
/// For more information see <see cref="">Apple's documentation</see>.
/// </summary>
public string UserTrackingUsageDescriptionZhHant
get { return userTrackingUsageDescriptionZhHant; }
set { userTrackingUsageDescriptionZhHant = value; }