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6 months ago
// AppLovinAutoUpdater.cs
// AppLovin MAX Unity Plugin
// Created by Santosh Bagadi on 1/27/20.
// Copyright © 2020 AppLovin. All rights reserved.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEditor;
namespace AppLovinMax.Scripts.IntegrationManager.Editor
/// <summary>
/// Handles auto updates for AppLovin MAX plugin.
/// </summary>
public class AppLovinAutoUpdater
public const string KeyAutoUpdateEnabled = "com.applovin.auto_update_enabled";
private const string KeyLastUpdateCheckTime = "com.applovin.last_update_check_time_v2"; // Updated to v2 to force adapter version checks in plugin version 3.1.10.
private static readonly DateTime EpochTime = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
private static readonly int SecondsInADay = (int) TimeSpan.FromDays(1).TotalSeconds;
// TODO: Make this list dynamic.
public static readonly Dictionary<string, string> MinAdapterVersions = new Dictionary<string, string>()
{"ADMOB_NETWORK", "android_19.3.0.3_ios_7.65.0.0"},
{"CHARTBOOST_NETWORK", "android_8.1.0.7_ios_8.2.1.3"},
{"FACEBOOK_MEDIATE", "android_6.0.0.1_ios_6.0.0.3"},
{"FYBER_NETWORK", "android_7.7.0.1_ios_7.6.4.1"},
{"GOOGLE_AD_MANAGER_NETWORK", "android_19.3.0.3_ios_7.65.0.0"},
{"INMOBI_NETWORK", "android_9.0.9.2_ios_9.0.7.9"},
{"IRONSOURCE_NETWORK", "android_7."},
{"MYTARGET_NETWORK", "android_5.9.1.2_ios_5.7.5.1"},
{"SMAATO_NETWORK", "android_21.5.2.5_ios_21.5.2.3"},
{"TIKTOK_NETWORK", "android_3."},
{"UNITY_NETWORK", "android_3.4.8.2_ios_3.4.8.2"},
{"VUNGLE_NETWORK", "android_6.7.1.2_ios_6.7.1.3"},
{"YANDEX_NETWORK", "android_2.170.2_ios_2.18.0.1"}
/// <summary>
/// Checks if a new version of the plugin is available and prompts the user to update if one is available.
/// </summary>
public static void Update()
var now = (int) (DateTime.UtcNow - EpochTime).TotalSeconds;
if (EditorPrefs.HasKey(KeyLastUpdateCheckTime))
var elapsedTime = now - EditorPrefs.GetInt(KeyLastUpdateCheckTime);
// Check if we have checked for a new version in the last 24 hrs and skip update if we have.
if (elapsedTime < SecondsInADay) return;
// Update last checked time.
EditorPrefs.SetInt(KeyLastUpdateCheckTime, now);
// Load the plugin data
AppLovinEditorCoroutine.StartCoroutine(AppLovinIntegrationManager.Instance.LoadPluginData(data =>
if (data == null) return;
private static void ShowPluginUpdateDialogIfNeeded(PluginData data)
// Check if publisher has disabled auto update.
if (!EditorPrefs.GetBool(KeyAutoUpdateEnabled, true)) return;
// Check if the current and latest version are the same or if the publisher is on a newer version (on beta). If so, skip update.
var comparison = data.AppLovinMax.CurrentToLatestVersionComparisonResult;
if (comparison == MaxSdkUtils.VersionComparisonResult.Equal || comparison == MaxSdkUtils.VersionComparisonResult.Greater) return;
// A new version of the plugin is available. Show a dialog to the publisher.
var option = EditorUtility.DisplayDialogComplex(
"AppLovin MAX Plugin Update",
"A new version of AppLovin MAX plugin is available for download. Update now?",
"Not Now",
"Don't Ask Again");
if (option == 0) // Download
MaxSdkLogger.UserDebug("Downloading plugin...");
AppLovinIntegrationManager.downloadPluginProgressCallback = AppLovinIntegrationManagerWindow.OnDownloadPluginProgress;
else if (option == 1) // Not Now
// Do nothing
MaxSdkLogger.UserDebug("Update postponed.");
else if (option == 2) // Don't Ask Again
MaxSdkLogger.UserDebug("Auto Update disabled. You can enable it again from the AppLovin Integration Manager");
EditorPrefs.SetBool(KeyAutoUpdateEnabled, false);
private static void ShowNetworkAdaptersUpdateDialogIfNeeded(Network[] networks)
var networksToUpdate = networks.Where(network => network.RequiresUpdate).ToList();
// If all networks are above the required version, do nothing.
if (networksToUpdate.Count <= 0) return;
// We found a few adapters that are not compatible with the current SDK, show alert.
var message = "The following network adapters are not compatible with the current version of AppLovin MAX Plugin:\n";
foreach (var networkName in networksToUpdate)
message += "\n- ";
message += networkName.DisplayName + " (Requires " + MinAdapterVersions[networkName.Name] + " or newer)";
message += "\n\nPlease update them to the latest versions to avoid any issues.";
private static void ShowGoogleNetworkAdaptersUpdateDialogIfNeeded(Network[] networks)
// AdMob and GAM use the same SDKs so their adapters should use the same underlying SDK version.
var googleNetwork = networks.FirstOrDefault(network => network.Name.Equals("ADMOB_NETWORK"));
var googleAdManagerNetwork = networks.FirstOrDefault(network => network.Name.Equals("GOOGLE_AD_MANAGER_NETWORK"));
// If both AdMob and GAM are not integrated, do nothing.
if (googleNetwork == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(googleNetwork.CurrentVersions.Unity) ||
googleAdManagerNetwork == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(googleAdManagerNetwork.CurrentVersions.Unity)) return;
var isAndroidVersionCompatible = GoogleNetworkAdaptersCompatible(googleNetwork.CurrentVersions.Android, googleAdManagerNetwork.CurrentVersions.Android, "");
var isIosVersionCompatible = GoogleNetworkAdaptersCompatible(googleNetwork.CurrentVersions.Ios, googleAdManagerNetwork.CurrentVersions.Ios, "");
if (isAndroidVersionCompatible && isIosVersionCompatible) return;
var message = "You may see unexpected errors if you use different versions of the AdMob and Google Ad Manager adapter SDKs. " +
"AdMob and Google Ad Manager share the same SDKs.\n\n" +
"You can be sure that you are using the same SDK for both if the first three numbers in each adapter version match.";
private static bool GoogleNetworkAdaptersCompatible(string googleVersion, string googleAdManagerVersion, string breakingVersion)
var googleResult = MaxSdkUtils.CompareVersions(googleVersion, breakingVersion);
var googleAdManagerResult = MaxSdkUtils.CompareVersions(googleAdManagerVersion, breakingVersion);
// If one is less than the breaking version and the other is not, they are not compatible.
if (googleResult == MaxSdkUtils.VersionComparisonResult.Lesser &&
googleAdManagerResult != MaxSdkUtils.VersionComparisonResult.Lesser) return false;
if (googleAdManagerResult == MaxSdkUtils.VersionComparisonResult.Lesser &&
googleResult != MaxSdkUtils.VersionComparisonResult.Lesser) return false;
return true;