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1 month ago
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using MoreMountains.Tools;
namespace MoreMountains.Tools
/// <summary>
/// This class describes a node on an MMPath
/// </summary>
public class MMPathMovementElement
/// the point that make up the path the object will follow
public Vector3 PathElementPosition;
/// a delay (in seconds) associated to each node
public float Delay;
/// <summary>
/// Add this component to an object and you'll be able to define a path, that can then be used by another component
/// </summary>
[AddComponentMenu("More Mountains/Tools/Movement/MMPath")]
public class MMPath : MonoBehaviour
/// the possible cycle options
public enum CycleOptions
/// the possible movement directions
public enum MovementDirection
[MMInformation("Here you can select the '<b>Cycle Option</b>'. Back and Forth will have your object follow the path until its end, and go back to the original point. If you select Loop, the path will be closed and the object will move along it until told otherwise. If you select Only Once, the object will move along the path from the first to the last point, and remain there forever.",MoreMountains.Tools.MMInformationAttribute.InformationType.Info,false)]
public CycleOptions CycleOption;
[MMInformation("Add points to the <b>Path</b> (set the size of the path first), then position the points using either the inspector or by moving the handles directly in scene view. For each path element you can specify a delay (in seconds). The order of the points will be the order the object follows.\nFor looping paths, you can then decide if the object will go through the points in the Path in Ascending (1, 2, 3...) or Descending (Last, Last-1, Last-2...) order.",MoreMountains.Tools.MMInformationAttribute.InformationType.Info,false)]
/// the initial movement direction : ascending > will go from the points 0 to 1, 2, etc ; descending > will go from the last point to last-1, last-2, etc
public MovementDirection LoopInitialMovementDirection = MovementDirection.Ascending;
/// the points that make up the path the object will follow
public List<MMPathMovementElement> PathElements;
/// another MMPath that you can reference. If set, the reference MMPath's data will replace this MMPath's
public MMPath ReferenceMMPath;
/// if this is true, this object will move to the 0 position of the reference path
public bool AbsoluteReferencePath = false;
/// the minimum distance to a point at which we'll arbitrarily decide the point's been reached
public float MinDistanceToGoal = .1f;
public bool LockHandlesOnXAxis = false;
public bool LockHandlesOnYAxis = false;
public bool LockHandlesOnZAxis = false;
/// the original position of the transform, hidden and shouldn't be accessed
protected Vector3 _originalTransformPosition;
/// internal flag, hidden and shouldn't be accessed
protected bool _originalTransformPositionStatus=false;
/// if this is true, the object can move along the path
public virtual bool CanMove { get; set; }
/// if this is true, this path has gone through its Initialization method
public virtual bool Initialized { get; set; }
public virtual int Direction => _direction;
protected bool _active=false;
protected IEnumerator<Vector3> _currentPoint;
protected int _direction = 1;
protected Vector3 _initialPosition;
protected Vector3 _initialPositionThisFrame;
protected Vector3 _finalPosition;
protected Vector3 _previousPoint =;
protected int _currentIndex;
protected float _distanceToNextPoint;
protected bool _endReached = false;
/// <summary>
/// Initialization
/// </summary>
protected virtual void Start ()
if (!Initialized)
Initialization ();
/// <summary>
/// Flag inits, initial movement determination, and object positioning
/// </summary>
public virtual void Initialization()
// on Start, we set our active flag to true
_endReached = false;
CanMove = true;
// we copy our reference if needed
if ((ReferenceMMPath != null) && (ReferenceMMPath.PathElements != null || ReferenceMMPath.PathElements.Count > 0))
if (AbsoluteReferencePath)
this.transform.position = ReferenceMMPath.transform.position;
PathElements = ReferenceMMPath.PathElements;
// if the path is null we exit
if (PathElements == null || PathElements.Count < 1)
// if the first path element isn't at 0, we offset everything
if (PathElements[0].PathElementPosition !=
Vector3 path0Position = PathElements[0].PathElementPosition;
this.transform.position += path0Position;
foreach (MMPathMovementElement element in PathElements)
element.PathElementPosition -= path0Position;
// we set our initial direction based on the settings
if (LoopInitialMovementDirection == MovementDirection.Ascending)
// we initialize our path enumerator
_initialPosition = this.transform.position;
_currentPoint = GetPathEnumerator();
_previousPoint = _currentPoint.Current;
// initial positioning
if (!_originalTransformPositionStatus)
_originalTransformPositionStatus = true;
_originalTransformPosition = transform.position;
transform.position = _originalTransformPosition + _currentPoint.Current;
public int CurrentIndex()
return _currentIndex;
public Vector3 CurrentPoint()
return _initialPosition + _currentPoint.Current;
public Vector3 CurrentPositionRelative()
return _currentPoint.Current;
/// <summary>
/// On update we keep moving along the path
/// </summary>
protected virtual void Update ()
// if the path is null we exit, if we only go once and have reached the end we exit, if we can't move we exit
if(PathElements == null
|| PathElements.Count < 1
|| _endReached
|| !CanMove
ComputePath ();
/// <summary>
/// Moves the object and determines when a point has been reached
/// </summary>
protected virtual void ComputePath()
// we store our initial position to compute the current speed at the end of the udpate
_initialPositionThisFrame = this.transform.position;
// we decide if we've reached our next destination or not, if yes, we move our destination to the next point
_distanceToNextPoint = (this.transform.position - (_originalTransformPosition + _currentPoint.Current)).magnitude;
if(_distanceToNextPoint < MinDistanceToGoal)
_previousPoint = _currentPoint.Current;
// we determine the current speed
_finalPosition = this.transform.position;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the current target point in the path
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The path enumerator.</returns>
public virtual IEnumerator<Vector3> GetPathEnumerator()
// if the path is null we exit
if(PathElements == null || PathElements.Count < 1)
yield break;
int index = 0;
_currentIndex = index;
while (true)
_currentIndex = index;
yield return PathElements[index].PathElementPosition;
if(PathElements.Count <= 1)
// if the path is looping
if (CycleOption == CycleOptions.Loop)
index = index + _direction;
if(index < 0)
index = PathElements.Count-1;
else if(index > PathElements.Count - 1)
index = 0;
if (CycleOption == CycleOptions.BackAndForth)
if(index <= 0)
_direction = 1;
else if(index >= PathElements.Count - 1)
_direction = -1;
index = index + _direction;
if (CycleOption == CycleOptions.OnlyOnce)
if(index <= 0)
_direction = 1;
else if(index >= PathElements.Count - 1)
_direction = 0;
_endReached = true;
index = index + _direction;
/// <summary>
/// Call this method to force a change in direction at any time
/// </summary>
public virtual void ChangeDirection()
_direction = - _direction;
/// <summary>
/// On DrawGizmos, we draw lines to show the path the object will follow
/// </summary>
protected virtual void OnDrawGizmos()
if (PathElements==null)
if (PathElements.Count==0)
// if we haven't stored the object's original position yet, we do it
if (_originalTransformPositionStatus==false)
_originalTransformPosition = this.transform.position;
// if we're not in runtime mode and the transform has changed, we update our position
if (transform.hasChanged && (_active == false))
_originalTransformPosition = this.transform.position;
// for each point in the path
for (int i=0;i<PathElements.Count;i++)
// we draw a green point
// we draw a line towards the next point in the path
if ((i+1)<PathElements.Count)
// we draw a line from the first to the last point if we're looping
if ( (i == PathElements.Count-1) && (CycleOption == CycleOptions.Loop) )
// if the game is playing, we add a blue point to the destination, and a red point to the last visited point
if (Application.isPlaying)
if (_currentPoint != null)
MMDebug.DrawGizmoPoint(_originalTransformPosition + _currentPoint.Current,0.2f,;
MMDebug.DrawGizmoPoint(_originalTransformPosition + _previousPoint,0.2f,;
/// <summary>
/// Updates the original transform position.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="newOriginalTransformPosition">New original transform position.</param>
public virtual void UpdateOriginalTransformPosition(Vector3 newOriginalTransformPosition)
_originalTransformPosition = newOriginalTransformPosition;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the original transform position.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The original transform position.</returns>
public virtual Vector3 GetOriginalTransformPosition()
return _originalTransformPosition;
/// <summary>
/// Sets the original transform position status.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="status">If set to <c>true</c> status.</param>
public virtual void SetOriginalTransformPositionStatus(bool status)
_originalTransformPositionStatus = status;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the original transform position status.
/// </summary>
/// <returns><c>true</c>, if original transform position status was gotten, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
public virtual bool GetOriginalTransformPositionStatus()
return _originalTransformPositionStatus ;
/// <summary>
/// A data structure
/// </summary>
[System.Serializable] public struct Data
public static Data ForwardLoopingPath(Vector3 ctr, Vector3[] vtx, float wait)
=> new Data()
Center = ctr, Offsets = vtx, Delay = wait,
Cycle = CycleOptions.Loop, Direction = MovementDirection.Ascending
public static Data ForwardBackAndForthPath(Vector3 ctr, Vector3[] vtx, float wait)
=> new Data()
Center = ctr, Offsets = vtx, Delay = wait,
Cycle = CycleOptions.BackAndForth, Direction = MovementDirection.Ascending
public static Data ForwardOnlyOncePath(Vector3 ctr, Vector3[] vtx, float wait)
=> new Data()
Center = ctr, Offsets = vtx, Delay = wait,
Cycle = CycleOptions.OnlyOnce, Direction = MovementDirection.Ascending
public Vector3 Center;
public Vector3[] Offsets;
public float Delay;
public CycleOptions Cycle;
public MovementDirection Direction;
/// <summary>
/// Replaces this MMPath's settings with the ones passed in parameters
/// </summary>
/// <param name="configuration"></param>
public void SetPath(in Data configuration)
if (configuration.Offsets == null) return;
// same as on Start, we set our active flag to true
_active = true;
_endReached = false;
CanMove = true;
PathElements = PathElements ?? new List<MMPathMovementElement>(configuration.Offsets.Length);
foreach (var offset in configuration.Offsets)
PathElements.Add(new MMPathMovementElement() {Delay = configuration.Delay, PathElementPosition = offset});
// if the path is null we exit
if (PathElements == null || PathElements.Count < 1)
CycleOption = configuration.Cycle;
// we set our initial direction based on the settings
if (configuration.Direction == MovementDirection.Ascending)
_direction = 1;
_direction = -1;
_initialPosition = configuration.Center;
_originalTransformPosition = configuration.Center;
_currentPoint = GetPathEnumerator();
_previousPoint = _currentPoint.Current;